Just let Me Hold You part 1

Love Won't Let Me Down

The next day I went to school as usual.Nothing much,Prom is the topic that everyone is talking

about and it's this saturday. The prom committee were busy handing out flyers and discount

tickets for early birds and everyone was rushing to get it.Me?The only thing on my mind was

Lizzy right now.Nothing maters the most but Lizzy.I'm not surprise to find her absent today after

last night's emotional drama.I really need to talk to her so badly.I rubbed my eyes as I did not get

any sleep last night and my eyes were still sore after crying.I seriously did not have the mood to

go to school.At all.Suddenly,a familiar voice approached me."Hey Dude!" Changsun said while

slapping me on the back."oh,hey" I replied weakly."Woah,woah,woah.you okay there?are you

sick or something?!" Changsun asked me worriedly."No,just,tired." I replied,faking a smile."Okay

then.soooo,who's your date for prom??!!" Changsun shouted just to catch everyone's

attention."Like I said before,maybe Prom's not my thing after all so,i'm not going." I told him

while sighing."What?!! I though we had this talk before??!! No way in hell are YOU not going to

prom! Are you crazy?!" Changsun scolded me."Complain how much you want but I am still not

going." I shot him a serious look."Fine,suit yourself.I'm done forcing you" Changsun said while

walking away.The day dragged.It felt like school hours were never gonna end.The same stuff

everyday and I was getting sick of it.After the final bell rang,I rushed to the principal's office and

ask for Lizzy's house address."Oh,how nice of you to go and check up on Lizzy!She has been

absent for quiet many days now and the teachers are getting very worried" Mrs Ji Hyun

explained in a worried voice."Don't worry Mrs Ji Hyun,I will do my best" I told Mrs Ji Hyun before

leaving the office.I took a bus to reach there and too my surprise,This is not what I was

expecting. Lizzy's house was huge.It is obvious that she comes from a well-off family

but..Anyways,I didn't hesitate to knock the door and a maid greeted me."Good afternoon sir,who

are you looking for?" She asked politely."Is Lizzy around?" I asked with a smile."Lizzy?" the

maid asked back with a puzzeled look."I mean,soo young" I corrected."ahhh,Soo young-shii!"

she exclaimed while nodding her head nad I nodded back to indicate that soo young was the one

that I'm looking for."Soo young-shii is not at home at the moment.She went to the hospital with

master and ma'am." the maid explained."May I know which hospital is that?" I asked

politely."Seoul University Hospital" the maid told me."Ok,thank you.i will be going now." I bowed

before leaving."Seoul University Hospital?somehow that place rings a bell" I told myself before

catching a bus there.Suddenly everything was clear once I saw the huge building standing

before me.This was the place that my grandfather passed away when I was 5.The hospital didn't

change a bit except for the new coat of paint.Other than that,it was still the same.Then the bus

dropped me off at the entrance.I walked slowly to the registration counter."Excuse me,is there a

patient that goes by the name Park Soo Young in here?" I asked as politely as possible."Park

Soo Young?excuse me while I go through the records" she replied politely bfore searching for

some documents.I looked around.The smell of hospital.The smell i dreaded the most.Somehow I

just don't like the atmosphere in hospitals.But I just can't crack my head on why doctors and

nurses maybe enjoy their job?.But I guess different people have different perspectives towards

stuff."yes,miss Park Soo Young is a patient here.she was admitted earlier this afternoon" the

nurse wake me up from my daydream."Ok,may I know which room is she assigned too?" I asked

politely."I'm sorry,sir.I am not allowed to give out personal information without the patient's

consent.i will only allow you to visit her if she tells me directly" the nurse told me."this is not

good" I told myself.If Lizzy knows that I am here to see her,she would probably reject me and

never want to meet me.After yesterday's encounter,I am not surprise if this happens."Ohh,it's

ok.thank you" i vaguely said before leaving.What am I suppose to do now?.Or maybe,i could

sneak in to her room?!.No way.But...i'm already here and I guess it is the only way....


The story is pretty sad huh? ): I'll make sure to add more sweet moments

between this two in the next chapter.Sorry for the long wait as I am very

busy this year.I hope you all anticipate what's gonna happen next!

Kiyoon97 appreciates subscriptions and comments so please do so!



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Chapter 15: curious curious curious
Chapter 12: Can't wait for their dates! I love how Mir and Lizzy couple up together x) updaaaaate!!!
mirae5 #3
Chapter 12: Yaaay can't wait for their date<3
mirae5 #4
Chapter 11: Hi, I'm your new subcriber.. I love this story, this is my first time read a fanfic of Mir and Lizzy couple, and I think they both will be a cute couple.. Please update soon!!
I cried reading this! I'm sooooo love this fanfic!!! please continueee!!!!
Nami13 #6
thank you for the update..i love this pairing.. they like crazy couple in real life, but here their personality feel so different..but its really a good story.. update soon please^^
To all fans of this fanfic,i changed the title so yeaim writing a few more chapters.pls look forward to it thx (;
LonelyDay #8
" In life , we are tested by major changes , delayed promises , impossible problems , undeserved criticisim and even senseless tragedies "<br />
<br />
love this line! it's so true <3
kay I'll update and thx (;
yea i know that performance. like wht u said they both look cute together. :))<br />
<br />
woww.. mir r u already falling in love with her?? <br />
<br />
update soon! :)