Chapter 2

It's War

Just a heads up, the next couple chapters will be focusing on B.A.P on Mato planet. We will get to EXO planet soon! ^^
But then again, the next chapter would be 2-3 weeks from now~ xD Only wrote this chapter because I didn't feel like doing homework on Saturday.. 

"Your Majesty, you summoned us?" Himchan bowed before the king, with his troop of 4 others, a robot, and a dog.

King TaeSoon was sitting on his throne with servant and guard on either side, "Why yes, Kim Himchan. As you probably already know, Queen SaeMi had sent her Exotic ships to destroy our training bases, restricting our ability to further expand the army. So I've decided that it's time that we bring out our secret weapon - your troop." the king informed.

Himchan looked up at the king, "So your Majesty is telling me..."

The king's servant opened the metal box with a special key, and handed the king the object in the box. The king stepped towards Himchan with the badge, "This is your Commander Badge. From now on, you will be known as Commander Kim Himchan."

Himchan's eyes sparkled at the dazzling accolade. He happily pinned it on his training uniform and bowed once again to the king.

"Hyung, does this mean that we can't bully Himchan anymore?" Zelo-bot asked Yongguk.

"No, Zelo. Now he's going to be a lot more bossier," Youngjae made a face.

"Aww, poo," Zelo pouted.

"Brownie seems to be happy about it," Jongup petted the excited dog.

"Brownie loves anything Himchan does," Yongguk scoffed.

Is it done yet? I'm hungry... Daehyun spoke through telepathy with the members to not sound disrespectful in front of the king. They all shrugged in response.

"Our trustworthy Matoki of War will tell you our battle plan against the Exotics," King TaeSoon motioned for the old matoki to come out to the room.

The boys' jaws dropped to see a little matoki alien waddle into the room. "This is our Matoki of War? Shouldn't he be a little more... intimidating?" Himchan asked. The others giggled.

The little "old" Matoki chuckled and spoke, "Silly kids. You and the His Majesty aren't the only ones who can appear in human form," and pressed a button on his belt. The Matoki suddenly glowed brighter and brighter until a human form of the Matoki of War stood before the boys and the King.

"Woah! That was so cool! Are you going to teach us that?" Zelo jumped giddily.

"Zelo, you're a robot. You can't turn into a Matoki if you're not one," Yongguk patted his shoulder.

"Aww," Zelo pouted and crossed his arms, "Being a robot is no fun."

"Let me introduce myself," the Matoki of War cleared his throat, "I'm Daomato. I have led our armies of matoki through many wars in the past, claiming constant victory."

Himchan bowed, and motioned for the others to do the same, "It is an honor to work with you, Daomato sir."

Everyone was escorted to the War Room by the King so Daomato can share his battle plans.

"Shouldn't we attack from the side instead of directly?" Youngjae raised his hand but didn't wait to get called on.

"Why would you think that?" Daomato asked.

Youngjae explained, "Well, if we attack directly, the exotics have a full range attack on us. However, if we give them a surprise attack from the side, they wouldn't know what hit them! And from my knowledge of their ships, their lasers don't have much accuracy when shooting towards the sides."

Daomato's jaw dropped at Youngjae's wide range of knowledge and strategic ideas, while the others nodded in approval of another one of Youngjae's brilliant plans.

"Well, you seem like a bright young matoki," Daomato complemented.

"Thank you," Youngjae smiled, "I do my own research in my spare time."

"Youngjae, you are now my favorite matoki," Daomato smiled, "My, what great knowledge you have for a young matoki! I know we'll have many successful war meetings in the near future."

Himchan observed the approaching exotic ships towards the first training base, "So following Youngjae's plan, we can sneak out to this big rock," he pointed to a rock on the side, "and when we get the cue, we jump out and attack the nearest ship!" he punched his fist into his other hand, "then Jongup here would take control of that ship and blast the other ships with the laser."

Everyone looked at Himchan with his near-impossible-to-carry-out plan, only Jongup and Brownie showed optimistic reactions: clapping and howling.
"What?" Himchan looked at the others.

"I want to do some damage!" Yongguk cheered loudly.
"I want to telepathically scream into their brains!" Daehyun high fived Yongguk.
"I want to help Yongguk do damage!" Zelo jumped around.

"I think that's a good plan actually," Youngjae nodded.

Everyone, even Himchan, looked at him in surprise, "Really?!"
"Yes, well, he was on the right track. Instead of sneaking out to this rock, which might expose us to the ships before we could even get there, we can use one of our planet's secret tunnels and crawl up to this post near that rock," he pointed to the location in the hologram, "After that, instead of jumping out and attacking the ship, Daehyun can use his telepathic powers to momentarily control the ship's pilot's mind to land the ship safely. That why, the other ships wouldn't suspect anything. After we tie up the pilot, Jongup can take over and use the ship's lasers to blast the other ships. Zelo can attach Yongguk's laser gun that he was working on last week. That would boost the power greatly."

They all agreed readily. Daomato gave them battle armors to protect themselves, and sent them to crawl through the underground tunnel.

"Good luck!" Daomato waved to them while holding Brownie's leash.


Himchan carefully opened up the lid at the other end of the secret tunnel.

"Hyung! Get out! It's suffocating in here!" Zelo kicked him out of the tunnel.

"Yah!" Himchan scolded after getting up from landing on his face, "And be quiet! There are ships around."

Zelo got out and helped Yongguk crawl out. Then Jongup, Daehyun, and Youngjae crawled up afterwards.

Himchan closed the lid and covered dirt over it to keep it hidden, "Daehyun, go get us a ship," he ordered.

They were all hiding behind a watchpost. Daehyun carefully looked out and saw the exotics ships heading towards the nearby training base. He waited until one of the ships came close enough and made a hand sign to control the pilot. The ship with EXO planet’s insignia lowered towards the ground. However, when it was merely feet away from landing, the ship flew off.

Everyone looked at it with wide eyes, even Daehyun. “What? Were we too far away?” Jongup asked.

Daehyun shook his head, “I don’t know. Let me try again,” he turned to the next ship that flew by and tried to control the pilot again.

Same as before, the ship lowered a bit before it flew off again, as if the pilot was never controlled by Daehyun.

“What is the meaning of this?!” Daehyun shouted in frustration, while the ships shot their lasers at the training base, setting it on fire. Youngjae studied the ships as they pass by while the others watched the growing fire in horror. Finally, Youngjae had an idea, “Yongguk! Give Zelo your sword!”

“W-what?! My sword? MY BABY?!” Yongguk defensively held tightly onto his sword sheath. Youngjae took the sword out of its sheath despite Yongguk's complaints and handed it to Zelo, “Zelo, since you have perfect aim, I want you to throw this towards the ship,” Youngjae pointed to the passing ships, “See the silver blinking light?” Zelo nods.

“My hypothesis is that the silver light is the power source of the ship, kind of like a battery. So if you can break that with this sword, the ship will come crashing down and Jongup can take over. We can use one of Himchan’s energy stones for the power,” Youngjae explained.

Before Yongguk could protest about using his precious sword, Zelo quickly aimed the sword at a ship and threw it like a boomerang with great accuracy. Yongguk’s sword sliced through the silver light, which was in the form of an orb, and returned back to Zelo. To Youngjae’s delight, the ship went crashing down.

Yongguk instantly ran towards the ship to pin down the pilot. Zelo quickly repaired any damages while Himchan inserted one of his energy stones into the power slot, where the silver orb was sliced off. Jongup jumped into the pilot’s seat and tested the controls. He quickly found his way to get the ship off the ground and flying again.

“Be careful not to get hit by the lasers!” Youngjae warned. Jongup gave them a thumbs up before taking off.

“LOOK OUT!” Daehyun pushed Youngjae and Zelo onto the dirt and dodged the laser that was shot straight at them.

“They’ve spotted us!” Yongguk shouted and they all ran to hide; several ships swarmed after them, shooting lasers from time to time.

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julee22 #1
Chapter 2: haha I totally expected this to be a serious story but it turned out so comical.

BTW, MAMA, just means your highness so it has no relevance to the word mother. And those who watched Tadah it's BAP will know about the Governess. Lee Soo Man is also pretty famous. Just saying, I thought the king and queen roles would be reversed.
Chapter 8: HAHAHA, the ending was the best even though I'm sad this ended. I love having two of my favourite groups in one fanfic.
Chapter 7: Omg, I hope Daehyun will be okay! I also hope that B.A.P is fine as well.
Chapter 6: O: who's that!
Chapter 5: andhwae~~ Daehyun, you cannot betray them!
oh and please update soon! :D
Chapter 5: NO DAEHYUN! Don't!
Chapter 4: Another update? Jeez, you're amazing! I wonder what Daomato IS going to do. I also wonder who this healer might be...
Chapter 3: Oh my god, Young Jae, you genius. I hope everyone in B.A.P gets better and comes out 10x stronger later. As for EXO, you guys are getting tricked! ;)

Please update soon! ❤❤❤
Chapter 1: Good chappie.

update soon :D