All Or Nothing.

Sad, Beautiful, Tragic.

Sunday morning it was back to reality for Jungah: work. She walked into the office with a smile plastered on her face. Her night with Himchan was absolute perfection and she'd give anything to relive it.

Youngjae raised a brow, "Why are you so happy?" He asked. She turned and looked at him and gave a small chuckle, "Oh, just." She said and went into her office.

Soon, their boss rushed in, "There's been another murder!" He yelled. 

That smile that Jungah wore so proudly soon disappeared and her game face was on. Another murder? She really wasn't going to rest. With the last two still getting no where close to being solved, she was more determined. 

Jungah and Youngjae arrived to a park in downtown Seoul. A park, out of all places? "The body's in the bushes." The police officer said and they went to go examine it.

The smell of blood soon permeated through the air as they got closer and closer. Youngjae with his weak stomach, started feeling sick. As Jungah got closer, she couldn't help but feel her stomach churning as well.

She sighed and quickly looked away to catch her breath once she saw the body. The girl's throat was slit, simple as that. 

As Jungah looked up, she saw a guy in a black hoodie with a black face mask standing far away from them, looking on at the scene. Suddenly, her eyes widened. "He was really thin and he had was wearing a black hoodie and sweat pants. He had on this, this mask." 

It was him. It was the man one of the witnesses had described. This was the killer and he was standing so far yet so close. Jungah didn't want to do anything to startle him and make him run away. He hadn't made eye contact with her yet as he was too absorbed into looking on at the body. 

Slowly, she walked away from the scene making sure his eyes never met hers. Once she was only a couple feet away from him, this was her chance. "What are you doing?" She asked.

The man's pupils dilated as they came in contact with her eyes that displayed pure anger and determination. "Don't even think about running." She said through gritted teeth. Yeah, like that would stop a man who's committed over 50 murders.

After she took a step closer to him, he took off at full speed the opposite direction. "Yah!!" She yelled and began chasing after him. Youngjae heard her yell and when he looked up, he saw the man and he decided to go after him as well.

"Stop running!" Jungah said as she ran, trying to catch up to him. Boy, was he fast. "Stop!!" She yelled. She mustered up all her strength, "This is your chance Jungah. This is all that you've worked for, it's all come down to this." 

She was able to catch him, her arm grabbed onto his hoodie and he fell. They both rolled onto the ground and she saw him twist his wrist in the process. He let out a yell of pain but she had absolutely no pity for him. 

She wasn't the only one using her strength as she got on top of him and pinned him to the ground. He managed to roll her over and head her almost knocking her out. He got up and ran away. Jungah yelled in frustration. She was so close. She felt him, he was right in the palm of her hands and he got away.

"Jungah! Are you okay?!" Youngjae bent down and picked her up. She had tears in her eyes from the anger, "He got away." She said and Youngjae sighed. 

"You almost had him, that's a big deal. I'm proud of you Jungah!" Almost just wasn't going to cut it.

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Chapter 9: So goodddddddd...update please :3
mavikimpark #2
Chapter 8: when are you gonna update it? :)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 8: Too out!
elleirbag_15 #4
Chapter 6: ohh! jungah's falling for him~
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating!! Tssk Himchan and his flirty-ness xD.
Just out of curiousity, how many chapters are you planning to write? ouo
k3m_IKAL #6
Chapter 4: Nice story!! I love stories like these... kudos to you author-nim
and please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Nice chapter~ ^^
ThebabyELF #8
Chapter 1: I like it, keep writing, neh?
Chapter 1: Nice chapter ;D