Go Out With Me.

Sad, Beautiful, Tragic.

Jungah had been focused on the case so much that her boss had to force her to go home and take a break for at least a day. Jungah had to get some grocery shopping done so what better than to do it on her day off?

She got a cart and headed inside the store. She went through all the aisles picking up everything she needed. Just as she was about to enter the cleaning supply aisle, she hit her cart against someone else's. "Ah, I'm so sorry!" She said. 

The guy turned around, "It's okay." He looked up and laughed when he saw who it was. "Jungah, hello." He said. Jungah's eyes widened, "Oh Himchan." She bowed and felt her cheeks burning up.

"We always bump into each other." He said with a raised brow. "Are you following me perhaps?" He asked in a playful manner making Jungah laugh. She shook her head, "I can promise you that I am not following you."

She looked into his cart and saw nothing but 3 bottles of bleach. "Why do you need so much?" She asked. Himchan cleared his throat, "You can never have too much bleach. I use it to clean around the apartment, to sanitize things, and for my white clothes. I just hate constantly having to buy it so I just buy several at a time."

Jungah nodded her head, "Ah, that's smart!" She said. Himchan smiled, "I am very smart just so you know." He winked and Jungah could've sworn her heart stopped. Why was this man so fine?

"Are you done buying what you need?" He asked and she nodded her head. "Come on, I'll pay for you." Her eyes widened and she brought her hands up and shook them, "Oh no I have a lot of stuff, you don't need to!" 

Himchan laughed, "It's fine, I don't mind. Just think of it as me being a good civilian." He added his bleach to her cart and began pushing it leaving her flustered. She whined the whole way to the register but Himchan didn't budge and actually ended up spending almost $150.

"How am I going to repay you?" Jungah asked as he helped her load her groceries into her car. He smirked, "Go on a date with me." She dropped the bag she was about to put into the car from being shocked. 

Himchan laughed and picked up the bag and put it into the car. "A date?" She asked. He nodded his head, "Unless you don't want to, it's fine, I understand."

"No! I- I'll go on a date with you." She said. Himchan eyed her, "Now you sound to eager." They both laughed. "Saturday night?" He asked. Jungah bit down on her lip. She always worked late every night but she couldn't pass up a date with Himchan. She nodded her head. He pulled her in for a hug startling her.

"Good night Jungah, it was nice running into you." He grabbed his bag filled with bleach and walked off to his car.

Hmmm now why would Himchan need so much bleach?

Okay guys so I'm almost at 1,000 Total Subscribers holy cow. I wrote a blog post and all that so I'd appreciate it if you guys go check that out. I have something for you to comment about. I'm letting you guys pick who you want the main character to be in my next fic so please go read that post and comment there! :) http://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/487430

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Chapter 9: So goodddddddd...update please :3
mavikimpark #2
Chapter 8: when are you gonna update it? :)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 8: Too perfect...watch out!
elleirbag_15 #4
Chapter 6: ohh! jungah's falling for him~
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating!! Tssk Himchan and his flirty-ness xD.
Just out of curiousity, how many chapters are you planning to write? ouo
k3m_IKAL #6
Chapter 4: Nice story!! I love stories like these... kudos to you author-nim
and please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Nice chapter~ ^^
ThebabyELF #8
Chapter 1: I like it, keep writing, neh?
Chapter 1: Nice chapter ;D