A Family Member.

Sad, Beautiful, Tragic.

As Jungah explained what the older lady had described the man as, Youngjae had hope for once. "We're one step closer." He said with a smile.

"One small step, but it's something." Said Jungah. 

They laid out the pictures of the crime scene and perused them carefully. "It seems like the killer didn't break in since there were no signs of forced entry." Jungah nodded her head at Youngjae. 

"She knew him." Jungah added in. "She knew who her attacker was." 

"Leah what if your aunt's home?" Leah laughed and gave a small smirk, "No one's home trust me." She leaned in and kissed him as they went inside the home. 

"You think they were dating or something?" Jungah asked. 

Youngjae looked up at the ceiling, thinking face and all. He pouted his lips out and shook his head, "Could be but I'm thinking it was more like a hookup? Did the ahjumma you talked with say anything about a boyfriend?" 

Jungah shook her head, "Looks like we need some more questions answered."

The two drove to the elders home for further questioning. They rang the doorbell and waited about two minutes until the door was opened. 

"Oh Prosecutor, come in." Jungah and Youngjae took off their shoes and did so. 

"Hello, I'm Prosecutor Yoo Youngjae. We're here to ask you some questions." The lady nodded her head as she took a seat. "Did Leah have a boyfriend?" 

The elder looked up to her left, "Mmm, I'm not sure. I wouldn't doubt it since she's beautiful. But I haven't seen her with a boy." 

"Where is her aunt?" Jungah asked. 

"She hasn't been home. I don't know where she is." Youngjae and Jungah looked at each other. The victim's aunt, missing? That couldn't be good. 

"Does she work?" Youngjae questioned. 

The lady nodded her head, "At a bar downtown. It's called Lavish I believe." 

"And her name?" 

"Baek Sunah." Youngjae and Jungah left with the answers they needed to go further. They drove to the bar in search for Baek Sunah. 

They walked in and surprisingly there was quite a bit of people. "Excuse me," Youngjae walked up the bartender, "Does a Baek Sunah work here?" 

The bartender didn't say a word but pointed directly at her. "Baek Sunah?" The lady turned around and looked at Youngjae. 

"Yes?" Youngjae took out his badge. "I'm Prosecutor Yoo Youngjae. I need to ask you some questions." 

The lady's eyes widened, "On?" 

"Your niece, Leah. She's been murdered." 

Sunah suddenly fell to the floor in the tears. "No no no please no, you're joking!" She yelled between sobs. Everyone was looking at her like she was crazy so Youngjae helped her up and guided her to the back.

Jungah was walking around when she spotted him, Kim Himchan. Her eyes widened and she felt go dry. She couldn't believe that she was seeing him and then here.

He had his arm around a girl and she was drinking. He was looking around when his eyes met Jungah's. Her eyes widened and she turned around. "Yah!" She heard Himchan yell.

She turned around to face him and he signaled for her to come over. Slowly, Jungah walked over to him and he smirked. "Hello." He said.

The girl he was with up and downed Jungah and rolled her eyes. She extended her hand out, "Jang Minjung." She said with a sarcastic smile. 

Jungah awkwardly laughed and shook her hand. "What are you doing here?" Himchan asked. 

Jungah cleared , "I'm working." That's all she said. It's not like she went around saying just what she did even though many people knew who she was. But obviously Himchan didn't.

He nodded his head. Youngjae came to her side, "We need to leave, I've got the aunt in the car." He eyed Himchan and gave him a small bow then him and Jungah left.

Wooo, I updated! :D Btw, the text that in italics and shifted to the right is like a flashback.

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Chapter 9: So goodddddddd...update please :3
mavikimpark #2
Chapter 8: when are you gonna update it? :)
Thekatsmeow #3
Chapter 8: Too perfect...watch out!
elleirbag_15 #4
Chapter 6: ohh! jungah's falling for him~
Chapter 6: Thank you for updating!! Tssk Himchan and his flirty-ness xD.
Just out of curiousity, how many chapters are you planning to write? ouo
k3m_IKAL #6
Chapter 4: Nice story!! I love stories like these... kudos to you author-nim
and please update soon!!!
Chapter 2: Nice chapter~ ^^
ThebabyELF #8
Chapter 1: I like it, keep writing, neh?
Chapter 1: Nice chapter ;D