Find Your Love


4minute Dorm

"HyunA, I feel bad for maknae," I said. After hearing about Minzy and Jiyoung, Sohyun hasn't bee the same lately. What was once a bubbly and outgoing maknae, she's now depressed and not so mood lifting.

"What can we do, Jiyoon, there's nothing we can do unless Minzy breaks up with her," HyunA said.

"I want maknae to be happy...not like this," I said.

"What are you two talking about?" Jihyun asked.

"Nothing of your concern, wifey," I said.

"Yah, you tell me, I'm the woman in the relationship, I should know!" Jihyun said. Why did I agree to take the father spot?

"Again, nothing of your concern," I said.

"Does this have anything to do with Sohyun?" Gayoon asked.

"What makes you think that?" I asked.

"Maknae's been acting weird lately," Jihyun said.

"And whenever Minzy asked Sohyun to go out with them, she sounds like she's not gonna have fun," Gayoon said.

"Again...nothing of your concern," I said.

"You're gonna sleep out here again," Jihyun said.

"EHHHH!?!?" I said.

"HyunA, go get the blankets again," Jihyun said. Why must you be like this leader?!?!

"Fine fine fine fine! I'll tell, I hate sleeping outside!" I said. Both Gayoon and Jihyun gathered around me.

"I'm not gonna be involved," HyunA said, since she knew about it from the beginning.

"Maknae's in love with Minzy, that's all you need to know," I said.

"Awwwww! Maknae's in love! Wait with Minzy?!?!" Jihyun asked.

"Don't even ask why, it just happened," I said.

"So that's why maknae's been a downer," Gayoon said.

"I think I should have a talk with my daughter," Jihyun said.

"No, I'll do the talking since I understand it more than you two. HyunA knows this too," I said.

"HYUNA!" Jihyun and Gayoon said.

"Unni, I don't wanna get involved and now is not the time," HyunA said. Then maknae came in.

"Unni, I'm just gonna go to sleep now," she said, heading for the bedroom.

"Wait, come here, let's talk," Jihyun said.

"What's there to talk about, I'm perfectly fine," Sohyun said.

"Jiyoon told us and we know why you're down," Gayoon said.

"Jiyoon unni!" Sohyun said.

"They made me tell, I am not sleeping out here again!" I said.

"Wait why did I sleep with you out here then?" HyunA asked.

"Because you were also loud, HyunA," Jihyun said.

"You two are dorks, you know?" Gayoon asked.

"We do our best to impress," I said.

"Now back to maknae, we know how much you like...scratch that, love Minzy, but then she's dating Jiyoung. We feel bad for you," Jihyun said.

"No need to feel bad for me, I'll be okay," Sohyun said.

"If it makes you any better, we'll go shopping tomorrow," Gayoon said.

"I already made plans with Minzy and Jiyoung, we're gonna go watch a movie then head to the mall for dinner," Sohyun said.

"Will you feel better if one of us goes with you?" I asked. Going with her meant that I had to skip out on the meeting with Junhyung oppa me and HyunA are gonna have tomorrow.

"No, apparently they got SNSD's Jessica's younger sister to come with us, thanks to Nicole's connections with SM," Sohyun said.

"You sure?" Gayoon asked. Maknae nodded and headed for bed.

"Jiyoon, HyunA, after your meeting with Junhyung oppa go spy on them or something!" Jihyun asked.

"What if we don't?" I asked.

"You're gonna sleep out here for the rest of your life," Jihyun said.

"Ok, I'll do it, don't wanna sleep out here again," I said. Once Jihyun and Gayoon went inside, HyunA and I started goofing off again.

"Unni, check this out, Abracadabra by BEG. Some funky music!" HyunA said, getting up and dancing to it.

"Fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-fu-funky music," HyunA said.

"Wait, that gives me an idea for our next song! Gimme some paper!" I said. HyunA handed me a pad of paper and pen.

"Write in a rap for me, would ya?" HyunA asked.

"Ok, but you're gonna help me write it, this is the first time I'm writing a song," I said. All night, HyunA and I were writing this song and we didn't realize that we were working on it since 2AM. That's when maknae woke us.
The Next Day

"HyunA unni? Jiyoon unni?" Sohyun asked. We looked dead. Jiyoon unni was on the kitchen counter with a pen behind her ear, her sunglasses still on, and as a pillow a pad of paper. I was next to her on the ground with a cereal box in my hand. She poked me with her foot and I started to move and murmur.

"Junji...somebody stole me lucky charms," I murmured.

"Unni, no one stole your lucky charms and two, those aren't lucky charms you're holding, those are Froot Loops," Sohyun said. Then I woke up, realizing that we slept outside.

"Huh? What? OMO Junji unni, wake up, we fell asleep outside!" I said, slapping Jiyoon unni's leg.

"What? Oh no, I wasn't planning on sleeping out here!" Jiyoon unni said.

"What were you two doing last night?" Sohyun asked.

"Jiyoon unni was writing a song! See?" I said, pointing to the pad of paper that had the word MUZIK written on the top.

"Muzik?" Sohyun asked.

"We're getting there," I said.

"Say, what time are you supposed to go to the mall with Minzy?" Jiyoon unni asked.

"Ummm now?" Sohyun said. We looked at the clock, 12 PM.

", we were asleep for that long?" I asked. Sohyun nodded. Damn, no one bothered to really wake us up then.

"Where's Gayoon and Jihyun?" Jiyoon unni asked.

"They went to practice. Don't you two have something today with Junhyung oppa?" Sohyun asked.

", we forgot!" We said.

"What time was the meeting at?" Jiyoon unni asked.

"It's in 30 minutes, let's go!" I said.

"In our pajamas?" Jiyoon unni asked.

"No change, grab a bite, let's go!" I said, pushing Jiyoon unni into the bedroom. Then the door knocked. Sohyun answered it and it was Minzy.

"You ready to go?" Minzy asked. Sohyun nodded.

"Well, it's just you and me today, Jiyoung's manager won't let her go and Jessica's sister has things to do, so let's go," Minzy said. Oh! and maknae said that Jiyoung and Jessica's sister was joining them. It's just gonna be them!

"Have fun!!!" I said.

"HyunA! Get back here!" Jiyoon unni yelled.

"Ok!" I said, going back inside the bedroom.

"Dorky unnis," Sohyun said, closing the door behind her.

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