Chapter 6

You arent so normal but it's a good thing!

You and Soohyun started to walk back to the studio when it started to get cold. "______________ gwenchana?" asked Soohyun as he puulled you closer, You were shivering and you said "Ne oppa gwenchana" He shook his head and chuckled. He took off his jacket and put it over your shoulders. You both got into the buliding and went straight to the dance room. "Anneyong everyone we're back" you said happily. Kevin and Dongho tackled you to the ground. "Noona! GWENCHANA?! DID THAT PUNK TOUCH YOU?!" yelled Kevin and Dongho. You chuckled and groaned "Aigo dongsengs. Let me get up first. Gwenchana and no the ounk didn't touch me. Soohyun oppa saved me just in time." you said as you looked at Soohyun. Hoon and AJ came up to you. "What happened? __________ tell us details" said Hoon. AJ tilted your head slightly so you were face to face with him. You looked into his eyes while he mumbled "He kissed you didn't he? Your first kiss?" You nodded. Everyone just stared at you two and Soohyun was sweating bullets. "They are gonna kill me if they find out. We all like ______________________ so i should start walking out now" though Soohyun. Soohyun started to walk slowly towards the door when suddenly Eli looked up from his phone. "Hyung! Bwoheyo?!" he yelled as he started shoving the phone into Soohyun's face. It was an article "Leader of UKISS Has a Girlfriend?" It was a picture of Soohyun kissing you! "Aniyo Eli its not like that! That guy that was following me wouldn't leave so Soohyun oppa kissed me so he could!" you yelled frantically.



~ Hi everyone i hope you like my story so far. Please comment and subscribe! gamsaminda *bows*

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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 9: This is so cute
Chapter 3: This is cute ^^
Chapter 2: Cute! I love dongho!