Rescue Mission Part One

The Day the World Ended

You pulled up to a large camp that was similar to a small town. It was a lot bigger than your camp, and it seemed pretty well off. Hyunnie was still sniffling. Kris parked in front of two large wooden doors in the middle of a large metal gate. "Come on. We're here." He said. Two guys quickly shoved you out. "Watch it!" You said and glared. He rolled his eyes and pushed you toward the camp. "I said watch it!" You said and turned around. You immediately felt a sting in your cheek. "HeeYeon!" Hyunnie shouted, "How dare you lay a finger on her!" Before she could attack him, some guy with big ears grabbed her arms and held her back. "Watch it Tao! I need both of them for information. Show them to their room and make sure they're in my office in two hours. Chanyeol, show them around the camp." Kris ordered. Tao and the tall guy with big ears nodded. "Come on." Tao muttered and headed towards the camp after Kris. You and Hyunnie followed behind him. 


You arrived at a decent- sized room with framed paintings on the walls. There were two twin beds on each side of the room, with a small bedside table in between them. "Here's your room. Get comfortable, you're gonna be here a while. Chanyeol should be here any minute to show you around the camp." He said and left the room. You heard Hyunnie sniffling. "HeeYeon...I'm scared." She whispered. "I-I know. Me too...but trust me..our group will find us. They have to." You said and gave her a hug. "Zelo..." She whispered and sighed. You chuckled. "You really like Zelo, don't you?" You asked. "What!? NO! I do NOT like that weirdo creep! He's...annoying and ugly!" She quickly said and blushed. "Really? That's sad because he really likes you." You turned around and sat on one of the beds  and smiled. If there was any way of comforting this girl, it was by talking about Zelo.

"REALLY?! HE LIKES ME?" She shouted, then cleared . "I-I mean...why would I care?" You laughed. Then, someone opened the door and walked in. "Hello. I'm Chanyeol." He said with a cheeky smile. "Look, I don't care who you are. I just want to know what you want from us and why we're here." You said. "Yeah! You just came to our camp and kidnapped us! Do you know how worried our group must be!?" Hyunnie shouted. "I know, I know. I don't like what Kris is doing either. That's why I'm going to help you escape." Chanyeol said. 

"You what?" You and Hyunnie both said in unison. "Look, I've seen what Kris does when he kidnaps girls like you...and I don't like it. So, I'm going to help you get out of here and be reunited with your group." You suddenly felt chills go down your spine. "Um...what exactly does Kris do to girls like us?" Hyunnie said, basically reading your mind. "You don't want to know." Chanyeol said grimly. "Now come on, we don't have much time." He finished and led both of you out of the room.


"HE WHAT?!" Daehyun shouted furiously. "I know, it's all my fault. I couldn't protect them. But they're gone." Zelo said, looking down. "." Himchan shouted. "Look, let's not get so angry, okay? Our top priority is getting them back." Jongup said. "Jongup is right. We need to find them." Yongguk said. "Zelo, what did the car look like?" He continued. "It was a white hummer." He said, still holding onto his side, "I managed to catch a glimpse of it before they POUNDED ME TO THE GROUND." He shouted.  "Okay, well then let's load up and go look for them. They couldn't have gotten too far, right?" Yongguk said.


"This is your escape route. If you can find a way to get through here, then you're free, and you can go back to your group. Just know that we need to get you out of here by tonight. If not, Kris will keep you here for God knows how long."  Chanyeol said as he showed you and Hyunnie a small vent inside of an old building. Hyunnie gasped. "I-I don't want to stay here." She whispered.  You put an arm around her and sighed. "It's okay, we're going to get out of here." 

The sun was starting to go down. "We better hurry. I would let you guys go right now, but I don't want to leave you empty handed. You're going to have to go to Kris's office and take some of his weapons." Chanyeol said. You nodded. "Why can't you go?" Hyunnie asked him. "If he found out I was helping you guys, he would kill all three of us." He responded. Hyunnie let out a small squeak.

"Let's go." Chanyeol said as he lead the two of you to Kris's office.


B.A.P approached the large camp with their guns loaded, ready to fire. Yongguk and Daehyun were in the front seat while Jongup, Zelo, Himchan, and Youngjae were squished in the back. "Okay, we all know the plan right?" Yongguk asked. "Yes." The rest of the boys replied in unison. 

They were going to sneak into the camp from a weak spot in the back. Then, they would find Hyunnie and HeeYeon and take them home without anybody knowing. The guns were for protection, just incase they needed to use them...

"Alright, we're here." Yongguk said as they drove up to the back of them camp. "Come on, let's get my girlfriend back." Daehyun said as he got out of the car. "And mine!" Zelo said, slapping his hand over his mouth right after he said it. "Why are you covering your mouth? We all knew that you liked Hyunnie." Himchan said and laughed. Zelo let out a humph and got out of the car, followed by the rest of the boys. 

Quietly, they snuck into the camp through a small metal gate. "This place is huge." Jongup whispered. "How are we going to find them?" Daehyun asked aloud. There was a brief moment of silence until a couple of guards spotted them. "HEY! WHO ARE YOU!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" They shouted. The boys quickly ran to the main part of them camp. "GET THEM!" The guards said in unison. Suddenly, a loud horn was heard throughout the camp. "!" Yongguk yelled. 

The guards started chasing after them and shooting at them. Himchan was the first to turn around and start shooting back. One by one, the guards got shot. "WE NEED BACK UP!" The few remaining guards yelled. Now, there were dozens of them chasing after the six boys. 


"What does that mean?" Hyunnie asked, referring to the sirens. The people of the camp were panicking and creating chaos. "CHANYEOL. CHANYEOL." A boy who looked HeeYeon's age called out and ran up to them. "What is it, Sehun?" Chanyeol asked. "Zombies. They're trying to get in. They heard the noise and now they're crowding at the gates. We can't hold them off for much longer. We need backup." He said, out for breath. 

"Crap. Look, you two know what to do. Get the weapons and get out of here, okay?" He said and ran off. "But what about you?!" You called out. He turned around, while still running. "I'll be fine!" He called back, "Get to safety!"

You and Hyunnie looked at eachother and nodded. "Come on." You said as you both ran to Kris's office. 


I am SO SO SO sorry for not updating in forever! I know you all probably hate me but I want to thank you for being so patient. I'm sorry for such a boring chapter too, but the next one will be better! I promise! haha. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed, and feedback is appreciated! ^-^

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Woah. 61 Subscribers? Really? Thank you all so much for subbing and staying subbed even if I take forever to update. ^-^ I love you guys, my awesome subbies!


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Chapter 15: Awww Jongup no.... Whyyyyyyy??????? Ugh I'm sick of people dying. ㅠㅡㅠ
surfergirl101 #2
Chapter 15: Oh no jonguppie why!!!!! I hope that theyll be ok
stephani_bap #3
They have to survive!
Chapter 15: Oh no, poor Jong uppie~
Well, memento mori (someday you'll die)
Please update soon ^_^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 14: i'll wait for you ^^
Littlestarexo #7
Chapter 13: OMG!! An update!! Finally :D I missed it ;D thanks..
VocaThaDesu #8
Chapter 13: Omg *fangirls*
Finally !
Thank you so much autor *^*
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 12: you should update soon ^^
Hyo447 #10
Chapter 12: OMG!!! I love you so much right now for updating thank you so much.