At Peace...Almost

The Day the World Ended

Chapter 11: At Peace...Almost



Once you and Youngjae had arrived at the room, everyone was up and organizing the sleeping bags. You guys quietly walked in. "Woah, Youngjae...bro you look horrible. Who died?" Zelo asked and Hyunnie hit him over the head. "My brother did..." He whispered and everyone got quiet. "Oh no." Himchan whispered. "Youngjae, I'm so sorry." Jongup said. A tear rolled down Youngjae's cheek, followed by others. Everyone quickly formed a group hug around him that lasted for a while. 

"I told him that we could have a ceremony for him. We could bury him and Youngjae could say a few words." You said. "That's a good idea. It would probably help a little." Hyunnie said and nodded. Zelo nodded and put an arm around Hyunnie. "We should probably go outside and start digging a hole. I'll start working on a tombstone or something with Jongup and Youngjae." He said. "Youngguk and I will go look for some flowers or nice rocks to put on his grave." Himchan said and smiled. "I'll help you and Hyunnie dig the hole." Daehyun chimed in.

"Thanks guys...I really appreciate it." Youngjae said. "No problem Youngjae. We're family. This is what families do for eachother. Families protect each other. They don't give up on each other." Himchan said and smiled. 

~ ~ ~

You, Hyunnie, and Daehyun were out digging the hole, while Zelo and Jongup were carving a tombstone out of a big rock using a bunch of smaller rocks as hammers. "Okay, how deep does this thing need to be?" Daehyun asked. "The average size is about six feet." Hyunnie said. "Well then we better get started." You said. You roughly stabbed your shovel into the ground and jumped on it, creating a small dent in the ground. Hyunnie and Daehyun did the same. 

Daehyun began digging beside you. You looked at him and smiled and he blushed. "So...about last night." He said. You immediately felt yourself blush too. "Y-Yeah?" You asked."Well, I just thought...since, k-kissed...d-do you want to be my...girlfriend?" He asked. You stopped digging and your eyes went wide. "What?" You asked and looked at him. "I-I know it's kinda innapropriate, considering we're in the middle of a zombie appocalypse...but I really, really like you. I just want to make sure that you're safe and you always make me happy when you're around. So...what do you say?" He asked. 

You stood there for a while. Daehyun's eyes were full of anticipation. Then, you slowly nodded. "Yes?" He asked. "Yes." You said and smiled. He dropped his shovel and picked you up in a hug and spun you around. "Yes!" He shouted and gave you a kiss. You blushed  once he set you down and began digging again. "Best day ever." He said and smiled to himself.

~ ~ ~

It had already been 3 hours and the sun was blazing. You were sweating buckets and it looked like Hyunnie was about to pass out. "H-How much did we dig?" Hyunnie asked. "Only three and a half feet." Daehyun said. She groaned and dramatically fell to the ground. "Where are Yongguk and Himchan? Does it really take that long to find flowers and 'pretty rocks'?" She asked. Daehyun chuckled. "There way out there." Daehyun said, pointing to the school's field of grass. There were two small figures bent over, walking around while looking at the ground. You smiled to yourself. Somehow, you found it funny how dedicated they were to finding rocks and flowers.

"Well, it looks like you guys are pretty tired. So am I. I'll go in and see if I can get some water." Daehyun said. "There's a half-full pack in the cafeteria." Hyunnie said, her forearm covering her arm from the sunlight. "Do you want me to come with?" You asked. He shook his head. "No, I'll be right back. You should rest with Hyunnie." He said and smiled, "I'll just take Jongup." You nodded and smiled.

Daehyun walked over to Jongup and  soon, they were both inside the building. You and Hyunnie kept digging and decided to start talking about your lives before everything went to hell. "Yeah, I was an only child. I wasn't spoiled though. My parents didn't roll that way." She said and you both giggled. Suddenly, you both heard a car. You quickly looked up and saw a black and white Hummer driving towards you. Hyunnie looked towards you and you shrugged. 

The Hummer parked in front of you and the door opened. You saw two combat boots step out first, followed by camoflauge pants, a black wifebeater, and a very handsome face. He had blonde hair and a defined jawline. He had a belt strapped across his body that held ammo and a couple of weapons. Hyunnie leaned on her shovel. 

"Who are you?" You questioned. He closed the door to the car and slyly walked over to you and Hyunnie. Zelo looked up from the tombstone curiously. "My name is Kris." The stranger said. "Okay, Kris, what do you want?" Hyunnie asked coldly. "Well, I saw that you two were here and it looked like you were working really hard out here in the blazing sun," he said, "I would like to invite you to my camp. I have other people in my group and we have plenty of water and food that we aren't afraid to share." He smirked. 

"No thanks." Hyunnie immediately said and started digging again. "Oh, come on. Why decline it so fast? It seems like a pretty good deal, right?" He asked again. "We said no. Now go take your stupid Hummer and go find some other stupid girls that might fall into your little trap." You said sternly. "I'll give you two one last chance." He said in a more serious tone. You and Hyunnie looked at eachother, worried. "We said leave." Hyunnie said. "Alright, you leave me no choice." He said and turned around. He whistled and waved one hand in the air to the car. 

All of the doors opened, and four more guys -who were rather good looking also- emerged. "Get them boys." Kris said and walked back to the car. The four boys quickly walked to you and Hyunnie and grabbed you by your arms. "Hey! Let go of me!" You shouted. "Let me go! HeeYeon! Help!" Hyunnie shouted. "Daehyun! Zelo! Help!" You shouted but one of the guys covered your mouth. Zelo came running over. "Hey! LET THEM GO!" He shouted and attacked the four boys with rocks. His strength was no match for all of them, sadly. He was doubled over from being completely beaten up. "H-Hyunnie!" He shouted in pain. "Zelo!" She shouted in tears as she was shoved into the back of the car. "Zelo! Go get help!" You struggled to shout as you were shoved in the car too. 

Zelo quickly stood up, holding onto his rib cage. "Don't worry! We'll find you! I promise!" He screamed. "I won't let you go that easily Hyunnie! I promise!" He continued. You saw him run towards the school followed by Himchan and Yongguk who had finally arrived. The car doors closed and Kris quickly started the car. You were sitting next to Hyunnie and trying to comfort her as she cried. 

"Don't cry. You'll like our camp better than these pieces of crap." A guy with rather thin lips and small eyes said. "HeeYeon...what if we don't get saved? What if they don't find us?" Hyunnie whispered to you. You quickly put an arm around her and hugged her. "Don't worry. Family never gives up on each other. They'll find us...they have to..." You whispered back.


Author's Note:

Sorry for not updating in forever! I've been really busy but I hope you liked it! Thanks! ^^

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Woah. 61 Subscribers? Really? Thank you all so much for subbing and staying subbed even if I take forever to update. ^-^ I love you guys, my awesome subbies!


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Chapter 15: Awww Jongup no.... Whyyyyyyy??????? Ugh I'm sick of people dying. ㅠㅡㅠ
surfergirl101 #2
Chapter 15: Oh no jonguppie why!!!!! I hope that theyll be ok
stephani_bap #3
They have to survive!
Chapter 15: Oh no, poor Jong uppie~
Well, memento mori (someday you'll die)
Please update soon ^_^
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 14: i'll wait for you ^^
Littlestarexo #7
Chapter 13: OMG!! An update!! Finally :D I missed it ;D thanks..
VocaThaDesu #8
Chapter 13: Omg *fangirls*
Finally !
Thank you so much autor *^*
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 12: you should update soon ^^
Hyo447 #10
Chapter 12: OMG!!! I love you so much right now for updating thank you so much.