
My Friend's Girlfriend


Minhee woke up the next morning in her bed and started to think that maybe all the drama last night was some big nightmare. She looked at her arm and groaned in disappointment. There was no doubt that what happened, happened. She could see the bruising still there and then trailed down to her hand. Her ring finger had a faint mark where her ring used to be. Minhee could still see Jinsuk's face, how distraught and betrayed he had felt. He had never yelled at her like that, even if they argued it would never get to the point that they would yell at each other. She got up and walked out of her room, expecting to see Hyunchul asleep on the couch. Instead she found a note on the coffee table. 
I had to give J.Dee his car back. Call me if you need anything though.
She cleaned her apartment, finding used tissues from the night before. Minhee checked her phone, hoping that maybe Jinsuk might've tried to call or text her. At this point even if he was mad, all she wanted was to hear from him. She understood though, she knew why he did what he did and why he said what he said. Jinsuk would never do anything like this to her and she had never been cheated on in the past. She had made up with Hyunchul but it still didn't take the guilt away and she still felt like she should've done something about it sooner. If she had just broken up with Jinsuk earlier then he wouldn't have had to go through all this but even then he would've wanted an explanation.
Minhee worked so hard to hide her wrongs that Jinsuk thought everything was perfect. In fact, everyone thought it was. Whenever they saw them out it seemed too good to be true, no relationship was perfect. Even their fights, no one ever yelled or stormed out, they made up almost instantly. Why neither one of them didn't see it was surprising. Jinsuk didn't have any suspicions, he truly and honestly believed he had found an amazing girl that he could be with. Minhee only prayed that maybe in time he would forgive her and forgive Hyunchul, his best friend and practically his brother. 
Inside a box Minhee put all of Jinsuk's things like he had done with hers. She folded his clothes neatly, wrapped anything made of glass in newspaper, and on top of everything she put an envelope with his name on it. She knew there was the likeliness of him never reading it but, since he wasn't speaking to her she knew she had to try it out. It was mid afternoon when she thought it be best to leave his things. She figured that if he wasn't completely torn up then he'd be in one of the recording studios and it would be safe to go to his apartment without having to face him. She changed clothes, grabbed her purse and keys. 
When she opened the door she froze. They met eyes before his landed on the box in her hands. Minhee swallowed the lump in and looked away, feeling unworthy of his gaze. "I was going to leave it at your door so you wouldn't have to see me...", she mumbled. Jinsuk looked up at her and bit his lip. "Why are you here?", Minhee asked. He couldn't answer. He actually didn't know how he ended up at her doorstep but, when he woke up and left his place he got on the bus and took his normal route as if nothing had happened. It was just routine for him to do it that he didn't even think about it.
"Did I do that?", he pointed at her arm. The bruise was now yellowish, better than the night before. Minhee looked it as well and blinked a few times before nodding slightly, "Kind of..." Jinsuk felt his eyes watering again and he felt terrible. Never in his entire life did he want to hurt someone like that, especially not someone he loved. "I'm...I'm sorry." The tears left his eyes and Minhee looked up at him with confusion. "W...Why are you sorry?", she frowned, "Did you forget what I-"
"I shouldn't have done that, even after...", his eyebrows knitted together, "I've never wanted to hurt you Minhee. It's just...I never thought you would be able to hurt me either..."
That one was a blow to her heart, and she started crying from the guilt. "I...I never meant to Jinsuk, I was so confused and...I wasn't thinking." He stared at the ground, his tears already streaming down his face. "I'm so sorry Jinsuk, I've never wanted to hurt you and I never ever wanted you and Hyunchul to fight. You two are like brothers and...I'm so sorry." She dropped the box and covered and fell to her knees crying. Jinsuk squatted next to her, hesitant to comfort her. Minhee sniffed and moved the box from the doorway. He stepped in and shut the door, waiting for her to calm down.
"You are hands down the greatest guy I've ever been with.", she bit her lip, "And you deserve so much more than me, Jinsuk." He sat back on the floor and listened to her.
"I was so set on living this out. I was never going to tell you, and...You can't stay mad at Hyunchul forever though...Me, I'm a different story, but...he's been there for you for so long. I know that it'll take a long time for you to forgive me...if you ever do. Just know that I really did love you...and I'm not gonna try to justify what I did but I really am sorry." Minhee looked at him twiddling his thumbs, not knowing what to say.
"I'm moving back in with my parents.", he said softly, "I just need some time to clear my head and get away from everything."  Minhee wiped her eyes and pushed the box towards him. "I don't know if you want to keep anything but...it's all yours anyway."
He dug through all the things, stopping when he saw a framed picture of them both.
A smile appeared on his face and he pulled it out. "This was on our first date." Minhee chuckled and leaned her head back against the door. "Everything went wrong that night.", he said with a laugh, "I went down to the movie theater because I thought that's where we agreed to meet up and you went to the restaurant because that's where you thought we were going to meet up."
"We ended up missing the movie and the restaurant closed before we could get back.", she continued, "We kept calling each other at the same time so we would only get the other's voicemail and then we couldn't get any texts cause our batteries died." 
"And then your heel broke!", he clapped, "My jacket sleeve got caught on that little piece of metal and ripped. We ended up meeting-"
"On the bridge.", they chorused. Their laughter died down and he put the picture back into the box. "I should probably get going, I got stuff to move..." He stood up and picked up the box.
Minhee wiped her eyes and nose and stood up after him. She opened the door but he lingered there for a bit, looking down at his things. "I know you're sorry but, you're right, this is going to take a while to get over, if I ever do get over it." Her head lowered and Jinsuk stepped out into the hallway. "I'll see you when I see you I guess."
She watched him walked down the hall and stop when he got to the stairs. His shoulders rose and fell but he didn't look back at her, he took the first step down, pausing for another second before he continued. 
She shut the door and sighed, trying not to cry again. Her phone rang and she grabbed it, seeing that it was Hyunchul calling her. She cleared before answering. "H...Hello?" 
"Good, you're up." Minhee rolled her eyes and fought a smile when she heard Hyunchul's voice. "Uh, yeah, yeah...What's up?"
"Are you busy tonight?", he blurted out. Minhee felt her face heat up and she shook her head. "Uhm, no I'm not...I'm not doing anything. Why?"
"I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat or go watch a movie..."
"I know that we said we'd see how things play out but...that doesn't mean we still can't hang out, right?" The hope is his voice was evident and she could tell that he was probably crossing his fingers and had his eyes shut really tight, just hoping she'd say yes. Minhee swallowed back a laugh and nodded. "That...that'd be nice."
Hyunchul jumped up and put his hands in the air, "YES!" He cheered loudly and made all the other people walking next to him jump from surprise, he smiled brightly and put the phone back to his ear. "So uhm...eight? I'll stop...stop by and yeah..."
"Sounds good.", Minhee had on an excited smile.
"Alright...it's a date then." Her face flushed and she nodded, "Yeah...it's a date."
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Chapter 5: jinsukkkkkkkkkk ahhh i feeel sooo awful....
but great story cant belive its completed already
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 5: Aww I feel so bad for Jinsuk!
Chapter 5: is this fic completed already?
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 4: Poor Jinsuk... He really loves her!
Chapter 4: ohhh minhee...T.T
i honestly think she be selfish and have an open-realationship then she can have both ^.^ LOL
Chapter 3: oh my
jinseok you r scary wen u mad boy where thth soft smile at ...
Chapter 3: Damn so complicated
She should have said it to jinsuk
Chapter 2: Oh dear she is confused how can she choose bottom line is one of the guys will be heartbroken