
My Friend's Girlfriend


It had been months since that one night between Minhee and Hyunchul. And he stuck to his word, Jinsuk knew nothing of the happenings. Since then she had only seen Hyunchul a handful of times. Jinsuk would whine about her not going to see him at shows and she would always make up an excuse about work or school. But tonight, he was not having it.
"Baby, come on! I need you to be there!", Jinsuk pleaded and followed her around her apartment. 
"I told you, I can't!", Minhee quickly replied, "I'm just tired oppa."
He scoffed and grabbed her arm, spinning her around so she could face him.
"You didn't do anything today!", he frowned, "I was here the whole time!"
Minhee sighed and stuttered with another excuse.
"Yah, I don't want to hear it!", Jinsuk walked into her room and went to her closet. "Hey! What are you doing?", she followed.
"You're coming out with me!", he said, "Now, what should you wear..."
Minhee gawked at her boyfriend, "Jinsuk, really?"
He ran his hand along the clothes and pulled out a few items. 
"Uh, yes really!", he put the clothes in front of her and shook his head. 
"Maybe something...blue..."
Minhee chuckled, "Come on baby!", he handed her the clothes, "For me?"
She sighed, "Okay, fine."
Jinsuk smiled brightly and clapped, "Yes! I win.", he smirked. 
Minhee rolled her eyes and took the clothes, "Yeah, whatever."
He leaned in and pecked her lips, "Now go!", he pushed her towards the door.
She took her time getting ready, hoping that she could wait him out and he would just go on without her. While she put on some make-up he impatienly knocked on the door. "Babe! Hurry up, we're gonna be late!"
Minhee sighed, "Maybe you should just go, I...I don't like the way this is turning out."
He hit his forehead on the door, "Minhee.", his voice was muffled.
"Open the door.", he interrupted.
After a few seconds of silence she slowly unlocked it. Jinsuk opened it and she stood in front of him, hands in her pockets and pursing her lips. 
"Minhee, what are you talking about? You look beautiful in everything and anything.", he walked up to her, put his hands on her hips and kissed her cheek. 
She smacked her lips, "You're just saying that so we can leave sooner."
"I'm not.", he lifted her up chin, "I mean it, with all my heart."
Minhee couldn't bear to deny him any longer. She decided that she would just have to deal with it if she saw Hyunchul and go on as if nothing happened. Because nothing did happen, she reminded herself.
"Okaaay.", she pouted, "I'll go."
"Yesss!", he cupped her face and kissed her, "Now can we go?"
She nodded, "Yes, just let me get my bag." 
He happily followed her while she stuffed everything she needed and slipped on a pair of sneakers at the door.
Once inside the venue Jinsuk and her greeted everyone in the line up, but she saw no sign of Hyunchul. Good, maybe he won't show up. 
"Girl! Where have you been?!", Minhee laughed it off. "Have you been hiding~"
"No, unnie, I haven't.", she pressed her lips together, "Just a little busy."
"Mhm.", Kimm narrowed her eyes playfully at her, "If you say so."
"Unnie, unnie Minhee unnie!", another girl hugged her tightly.
"Hey Minyoung.", she chuckled, hugging her back.
"You weren't here to see my first show!", she frowned.
"I know.", she gave her a sad smile, "I'm really sorry I know that you wanted me here. I just had a lot of stuff going on and...I'm sure you did great though."
Minyoung smiled, "I was awesome!"
"Well, I'll finally get to see for myself now huh?", she chuckled.
Minhee moved over and found Jinsuk. She tapped his shoulder and pointed to the bathroom. "I'll be up front okay?", she beamed.
"You'll love this! I promise!", he yelled over the music.
Minhee gave him an 'ok' sign and winked before heading down to take her spot.
She weaved in and out of the crowd and straighted up as she made it to the bottom of the stairs. Even if there were plenty of people she knew that her spot would be saved for the show so she made her way to the bathroom. The bartender waved at her. Being distracted from waving in return, Minhee gasped when she bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm so sor-" She looked up at him and shut . They both stayed still and silent. 
Minhee stared at the design on his shirt, afraid to look up and meet his eyes. He waved his hand in front of her face and she finally made eye contact with him. 
"Can we talk?", she could barely hear his voice over the music. Minhee gulped and looked around hesitantly before nodding. "Okay." He glanced up where he should've been waiting and grabbed her wrist, leading her away.
They ended up outside in the alley behind the club. Bits of shattered glass gleamed under the street light and the smell of rain on the pavement filled Minhee's nostrils. He let go and scratched the back of his neck. "Are you avoiding me?", he asked.
She swallowed the saliva in , "Kind of...", she looked down at the ground.
"Look, Minhee...", he took a step towards her, only to have her take a step back. 
"I have to let this out because it's been eating at me for months and..."
"Hyunchul-", Minhee could see where this was going and she couldn't handle it. 
"No!", he bit his lip, "Just listen, please."
He put his hands on her shoulders to keep her from moving.
"That night might've not meant anything to you, but for me...it just confirmed everything."
"Confirmed what?", she narrowed her eyes at him.
"I saw you first.", he confessed. Minhee blinked, not able to comphrehend.
"What?" He ran his hand down her arm, before taking her hand in his.
"I saw you first.", he repeated, "You were walking down the street to the bookstore."
Minhee stayed silent while he continued, "You were wearing that black Hello Kitty shirt, you know the one that hangs off your shoulder a little...and those shorts that have the stripe print on the pockets..."
"I saw you first Minhee, not Jinsuk. I didn't go after you because I was going to meet up with him and then the next day I went back there to see if you would pass by again.", he paused and put his other hand on the small of her back.
Minhee shivered and shook her head. "And you did.", he breathed out, smiling a little.
"And I tried to catch up to you, but you turned a corner and that was the last time I saw you.", he lowered his head sadly.
"Let me go Hyunchul.", she whispered. Minhee didn't want to feel everything that she was. It was the very reason she had been avoiding him this whole time. 
"Until that night Jinsuk introduced you to me.", he continued as if she hadn't said anything, "I wanted to get to know you, but from the way that you looked at each other I could tell that I was too late." Minhee didn't look at him but she felt his breath on her face.
"You have no idea what it's been like for me.", he chuckled bitterly. "I was so jealous of Jinsuk, and...You can't say you haven't thought about the idea of us two."
Minhee grimaced and tried to get out of his hold, "That night was amazing.", he leaned his forehead on hers, "And you feel it too don't you? That's why you don't want to see me." She shook her head furiously, "NO I DON'T!"
"THEN WHY CAN'T YOU LOOK ME IN THE EYE!?", she flinched at his volume of his voice.
"Because!", she pulled away from him, nearly stumbling over her own feet.
"Everytime I see your face all I feel is guilt and-and I think about Jinsuk and how hurt he would be if he found out. This wasn't how I wanted this to happen-You promised you wouldn't say anything-"
"Is that all you see?", his strained his voice. "Guilt? You don't feel-"
He stared blankly at her, "I've been with Jinsuk this whole time and I was so sure about him, that maybe we could go the distance but THAT NIGHT! THAT ONE NIGHT!"
"I was so sure about everything, I thought I had it all figured out but then you said that you needed me and I cracked okay!" He didn't say anything and pulled her towards him and pressed his lips against hers. Minhee resisted and tried to get away but in that kiss she felt the fire that she didn't feel with Jinsuk. Hyunchul smiled when she wrapped her arms around him and kissed back. 
They stayed in that alley with their tongues flickering against the other's, hands feeling the other's body as if their first encounter never happened, and it wasn't until they heard the cheering from the crowd inside that Minhee pushed away from him. 
"No, no, no.", she scolded herself, "This was a mistake-"
"You said that the first time.", Hyunchul cupped her face, "Minhee just give me a chance." Her cheeks were wet with tears and she pulled away from him again. 
"I'm with Jinsuk, Hyunchul. This can't happen...ever."
Before he could say anything else she walked up to the back door and opened it. The music became louder and she looked at him, "You have to be up there." Minhee made her way into the bathroom and locked herself in a stall. She sat there for a few minutes and sobbed. She hated the way Hyunchul made her feel, it confused her so much about her feelings for Jinsuk. After a few knocks on the stall she realized she had to pull herself together and forget about everything. She stepped out and washed up by the sink, cleaning up her make up and made her way out into the club.
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Chapter 5: jinsukkkkkkkkkk ahhh i feeel sooo awful....
but great story cant belive its completed already
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 5: Aww I feel so bad for Jinsuk!
Chapter 5: is this fic completed already?
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 4: Poor Jinsuk... He really loves her!
Chapter 4: ohhh minhee...T.T
i honestly think she be selfish and have an open-realationship then she can have both ^.^ LOL
Chapter 3: oh my
jinseok you r scary wen u mad boy where thth soft smile at ...
Chapter 3: Damn so complicated
She should have said it to jinsuk
Chapter 2: Oh dear she is confused how can she choose bottom line is one of the guys will be heartbroken