
My Friend's Girlfriend


Minhee scanned her subway card and walked slowly towards the platform. A few people stared at her, she didn't blame them she figured she must've looked like a zombie at this point. Her mascara and eyeliner was smeared from all the crying, she struggled to get her wallet out to put her card up, and she buckled every few steps. She leaned against a pillar and stared at the train tracks, waiting for the one that would take her home.
She took out her phone and clicked to her recent calls list. Jinsuk was the last person to have called and her thumb hovered over the number. After staring at it for so long the screen went black and she stuffed the phone back into her purse. Like he would really want to talk to me right now... Minhee hiccuped every now and then from all the crying and prayed that she wouldn't burst into tears again. 
The conductors voice came through the speakers and she walked forward until she was standing along the yellow line. Minhee sat down and stared at the person's feet across from her. She hadn't even realized she had started crying again. Her phone vibrated and she took it out so fast it almost slipped out of her hands.
Minhee, I know I'm the last person you want to see or speak to but please, please let me know when you get home. So that I know you're safe.
She scoffed and put the phone back in her purse. On the way home she replayed everything that had happened in her head. She couldn't help but feel even worse. Even Hyunchul had more of a conscience than she did. Minhee was willing to live out the rest of their relationship as if it was perfect. She hated herself, she felt as dirty as she did that night. The faces of their friends made it even worse. What everyone saw didn't need much explaination.
Minhee got off at her stop and slowly walked towards her apartment. It might have been two in the morning but certain parts of the city never sleep. She walked up a busy street before turning in and heading up a small hill. There were more houses, so it was reletivly quiet for this time. She could hear the engine of a car coming up the road but paid no mind. It wasn't until she heard her name being called.
"Go away.", she spoke with no emotion and didn't glance in his direction.
"Minhee please.", Hyunchul drove alongside the sidewalk with the window down.
She let out a bitter laugh, "Please? I'm almost home, you can go now."
He cursed and parked the car in the middle of the road and ran out, grabbing her hand. "I swear to God if you don't let me go-"
"Just get in the car Minhee!", he pleaded.
"I will scream.", she threatened, "I'll wake up the whole neighborhood if I have to. Now leave me alone!"
She yanked her hand away from him and stumbled back a few steps. Hyunchul felt terrible, he broke their promise and he couldn't even imagine what she was going through. "Why did you take J.Dee's car?", she asked.
Hyunchul rolled his eyes, "So that I could make sure you got home safe!"
"Oh stop it!", she snapped, "I think you've done enough Hyunchul, leave me alone!"
He grabbed her arm and she cried out, "It hurts!. He let go and she rubbed her arm.
Minhee took a few steps back, fresh tears falling down her cheeks.
Hyunchul felt his heart shatter and got closer to her. "Let me see."
She looked down and put her arm out towards him. He gently held on to her wrist and moved her closer to the street light. He could see the faint brusing of where Jinsuk's fingers had been. Hyunchul let go and took off his jacket, he put it over her shoulders and timidly put his arm around her. 
"Just let me take you home, Minhee. At least so that I won't worry as much..."
She sniffed and nodded, "O-okay." He lead her into the car and drove towards her apartment.
He parked the car and walked Minhee to the entrance of her building. They stood their for a few minutes in silence. "Do you want to come inside?", she asked with some hesitance in her voice. It didn't seem right to have him inside her apartment after all that had happened that night but, she wanted to apologize to him. She could see that he also though it wasn't a good idea but gave him the reason.
"I just...I need to say a few things and..."
He nodded, "Yeah, sure."
Once they got to her floor she noticed a box in front of her door. She walked faster and Hyunchul ran behind to catch up to her. Minhee kneeled down and let out a little sob when she saw what was inside. Everything that she had kept at Jinsuk's place was there her clothes, make-up, and his ring. Minhee looked at her own hand with the shiny silver band on her ring finger. "I guess he isn't going to speak to me anymore..."
Hyunchul squatted down beside her and put a hand on her shoulder. 
She felt herself wanting to cry again and took off the ring, putting it in the box and stood up with the box in her hands. Hyunchul punched her code into the apartment and opened the door for her. Minhee dumped all the things into the trashcan and ran into the bathroom. She washed her face, getting rid of all the tear streaks and smeared make-up. When she finally calmed herself down she walked out and saw Hyunchul sitting on one of the stools by the kitchen. She had almost forgetten that he was there.
"Oh God, Oppa I'm so sorry.", she sniffed.
"It's okay.", he walked towards her, "I understand Minhee you're going through a lot."
She shook her head and walked to the living room, curling up on the couch. He followed and sat down next to her, holding onto her hand. "I'm really sorry."
Minhee looked at him, "It's not your fault, if anything you did him a favor. He wouldn't have even known the kind of person I am..."
"Minhee.", he scooted closer, "It is my fault, I promised you and I broke it-"
"You told him because you have a ing conscience!", she cried, "You couldn't keep this from your best friend. Y-your a better person than me..."
"No Minhee, don't say that.", he hugged her, "In case you forgot I'm the one that caused all of this. I came here that night, I took advantage of you. You only wanted to help me...and I couldn't help myself."
Minhee felt his arms loosening around her, "Don't...", she spoke up.
A smile crept up on his face and he stayed where he was.
"I can't blame him.", she said, "I would've done the same if it was the other way around." 
They both stayed silent for a while, with Minhee hearing the sound of his heart beat. 
"I'm sorry.", she whispered.
Hyunchul sighed, "I've told you again and again Minhee, you didn't-"
"If I was so confused about my feelings I should've just broken it off with Jinsuk. I would've spared you your friendship, both of your feelings, your face and stomach.", she let out a weak laugh. Minhee sat up and looked at him.
"What's wrong?", he tilted his head.
"I...I do have feelings for you Hyunchul but...I can't just forget about Jinsuk..."
He pressed his lips together, "I know and I'm not going to ask you to."
"I think that right now, it's better if we all just...do different things, and if there are still lingering...thoughts then...maybe..."
"You don't have to decide everything right now Minhee. But, you're right for now, we'll just see how everything plays out."
She nodded and leaned her head on his shoulder and shut her eyes, as if that was all she needed to hear to know that it was somehow going to be okay.
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Chapter 5: jinsukkkkkkkkkk ahhh i feeel sooo awful....
but great story cant belive its completed already
Infinitely4k #2
Chapter 5: Aww I feel so bad for Jinsuk!
Chapter 5: is this fic completed already?
Infinitely4k #4
Chapter 4: Poor Jinsuk... He really loves her!
Chapter 4: ohhh minhee...T.T
i honestly think she be selfish and have an open-realationship then she can have both ^.^ LOL
Chapter 3: oh my
jinseok you r scary wen u mad boy where thth soft smile at ...
Chapter 3: Damn so complicated
She should have said it to jinsuk
Chapter 2: Oh dear she is confused how can she choose bottom line is one of the guys will be heartbroken