4-Christmas Part 1

I Remember Everything


               It wasn’t even a week since Tao had gone to school. Before he could absorb the fact that he no longer lives in China, it was winter break. The snow kept piling in front of their house, making it harder for his father, or step-father whose name is John and keeps insisting ZiTao it’s alright to call him dad (in Chinese), to drive to work every morning. But today was Christmas and he was supposed to spend it with his family until he remembered the text message he received from Luhan not too long ago.


                    Why don’t you come to my Christmas party on the 25th if you’re not doing anything? It’d be a great chance to get to know everyone better. Let me know, okay?


                He grunted, nostrils flaring open as he stepped out of bed. Tao wrapped his blanket around his shoulders and dragged himself to the kitchen.

                “Tao, my baby,” his mother spoke in perfect mandarin as she pecked his forehead. He smiled in a sheepish manner before sitting down on the stool. She shuffled back and forth from the stove to the sink as she prepared tonight’s festive dinner. It was the first Christmas in America as a newly united family. He offered to help, but his mother rejected him instead. Tao pouted slightly, kicking his feet on the cold floor. His toes curled in a desperate act for warmth, but it didn’t work.

                “Mom, is it alright if I go out for a few hours?”

                “Go ahead. It’ll get crowded with relatives here anyway. I wouldn’t want my precious baby to get uncomfortable. Go have some fun before it gets all stuffy and awkward,” his mother laughed, throwing her head back in the air. She should know how it gets with family reunions-she’d been to so many that she’s forgotten count. It’s expected for her to considering her family history filled with fame, rich, and more fame. At first, it’s fun. It’s filled with compliments and happiness. Then, it’s a competition of who has better silverware, who has a better college degree, etc…something she doesn’t want Tao to be caught in.

                “Thanks mom,” he kisses her on the cheek.


                “This is your house?” Tao’s jaw felt like it would need an adjustment after how long it hanged out. The house was big, bigger than his (which he thought was impossible). The gates to the house looked lacy and antique with a big O in the middle of the twists and turns the metal made. The house itself had a nasty, faded yellow color to it. Luhan hates the color, but everyone else seems to like it so he didn’t make a big deal out of it. At least he has a place to stay.

                “Yup, the only thing big about my family,” Luhan scoffed, “I hate the color.”

                “I sort of don’t like it either,” Tao quickly said. Luhan stared at him with big doe-like eyes and Tao soon realized what he had just said.

                “I’m so sorry!” Tao covered his mouth, his whole face, even his ear, turned red. Luhan only laughed, feeling sorry that he was the one who brought it up.

                “Just don’t tell anyone about what we just said. My parents adore this house so it’d be a bother to explain why I hate it. I did that once and the next thing I knew, we were moving into a different house with an equally hideous color, if not worse.”

                Luhan led Tao into the grand maison. A butler who called Luhan “Sir,” welcomed the pair. Tao felt like he was in another world, a wonderland. It wasn’t different like his house, but the atmosphere seemed so much happier, warmer, more like a real family’s house would. He hadn’t met Luhan’s parents yet; Luhan mentioned something about his parents being away on a business trip, which was the reason why he’s having this get-together.

                “The only thing big about my family, my ,” Tao poked Luhan’s side, “Your house is big, but your tree seems bigger. Look at it! It looks like it’s about to crash into the-is that a chandelier?”

                “Yeah, sorry if my house seems out of this world. I told my parents we could move into a normal house, but no-they’d rather live in a house that flaunts their richness,” Luhan rolled his eyes. He was tired at how his parents acted. Of course, he knows how blessed he is to be in this family. Not a lot of children his age get to live in a marvelous house bejeweled from roof to floor, but sometimes he wants to live the simple life.

                “Tao, do you want to go get some wa-“

                “Watch out!” Luhan turned his head to the side to lock eyes with his brother until he saw a color of pitch black.


                “Look at what you did!” JongIn hissed at Sehun who was clutching a nerf gun to his chest.

                “I didn’t know it’d make him black out like this!” Sehun crouched down to his brother, flicking his forehead. His hellos echoed in Sehun’s mind.

                “How can you think that? Remember that one time he fainted because he saw a worm? Can’t you tell that he’s sensitive because of what happened then?”

                “Kids, calm down,” the trio turned their heads to the voice. Suho walked over with Kris and Chen trailing behind, “Let me handle this. In the meantime, make this new guest feel at home.” Suho lifted Luhan over his shoulder and walked with caution to his friend’s bedroom.

                “New guest?” The quartet chimed in. Their piercing eyes scanned ZiTao from head to toe, making him squirm in place. The robot-like faces melted into smiles. Soon enough, ZiTao felt himself being tugged and drowned in a million questions.

                “Where are you from?”

                “I’ve seen you at school!”

                “I can’t believe you’re here. Oh great, now you know, don’t you?”

                “Oh shut up, Sehun. Let ZiTao be.”


                “ZiTao? Oh, you’re the wushu kid I’ve heard about! My ears perked up when some students were talking about an incident during gym class. I can’t believe you did that.”

                “Did what?”

                “Nothing!” ZiTao squeaked, “Ow!” He snarled at Sehun who kept poking his stomach.

                “Wow, no fat at all. Tell me, what’s  your secret?”

                “Maybe he’s having ?”

                “No one is like you, JongIn,” Chen rolled his eyes.

                “It was a good guess.”

                “Oh shut it, guys. Didn’t you hear Chen earlier? He does wushu. Right, ZiTao?” Kris placed his arm around the younger’s shoulder, giving it a hard squeeze.

                “Yeah, gege,” Tao unconsciously snuggled into Kris’ arm, earning silent awws in everyone’s minds.

                “Hey, I’m going to the kitchen. Anyone else want to join?” Chen hit his boyfriend and the choding’s arms, hard, before stepping out of the room. Chen didn’t forget to wink at Kris.

A/N: I know, it's not long and there's a lot of dialogue and believe me, I get tired of writing dialoge from time to time. I haven't been into writing a lot of description today, but maybe that'll change later. In the meantime, enjoy part 1 of the Christmas special:) It's Christmas day here in Japan, but I'm guessing it's still Christmas eve over in the states. This is my Merry Christmas gift to all my lovely subbies:) More to come soon! xx

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PetShawal #1
Chapter 22: Wow... You're really doing your best, keeping this PG xD
PetShawal #2
Chapter 19: When did Sehun cut himself...?
PetShawal #3
Chapter 16: I am so confused... When did Tao and Kris kiss? Suho and Lay had ?! More importantly... KRIS AND LAY HAD ????!!!! wot wot wot
PetShawal #4
Chapter 1: Hee hee i read this before xD
Chapter 23: Umm, how to describe this chapter? I don't even know. Its just its just...so many SuLu feelings that I can't even describe how I'm feeling...lol. I feel like saying I simply loved it won't be putting it into the correct words, but I do love it and so much more.

I just melt over SuLu's messy relationship. Its dangerously poetic...lol. Ugh~ why are they like my favorite couple now in the story?! They're just so dirt and wrong and heart wreakingly beautiful that I can't help but love them, even though they're doing the wrong but so right thing.

And the kiss....that damn kiss. Yes they have done so much more and of course kissed. But this felt so much more different. Have no words to explain it...lol. But it warmed my chest painfully. Haha!

Suho, Luhan what will you tell sehun when the time has come???

Marvelous update Author-nim ^.^
Chapter 22: Suho how could you?!
I want sehun to cheat on him now >:(
Chapter 22: Oh no is Kai talking about Kris, does this mean this really is a KrisTao and not a KaiTao????? Sighs....... My baby Tao is floating on the lonely sea by himself. And I thought Kris was having a thing with Lay. Kai you need to go talk to Tao. Ugh why does no one talk...I need them to talk...lol

But anywho this is some heavy stuff..lol

LuSu, SuHun , LuHyun....what can you say about messy square???? LuSu, I love them though...lol. But their doing the wrong right now.

Great update hope to see you soon ^.^
Chapter 22: what is the song called..and jongin mentioned him..who is him that Tao's look differently than jongin? i feel bad for sehun :(
Chapter 21: owo drama going on....is something gonna happen between tao and kai? are they gonna be good? i hope they are~ can't wait till your next update..i'm really enjoying your story ;)
Chapter 19: Ohh no. Luhan what are you doing ><;