15-Sweet Mornings and Dreading Nights

I Remember Everything


            Yixing smiled at the sight in front of him after he opened the door. Last night wasn’t the best Friday night (never again will he ever go to a bar with the entire female staff as a designated driver) and once he came home, he needed a hug and his pillow wasn’t enough. He threw his arms around the young blonde’s neck, nuzzling his nose into the space between the neck and shoulder, and smiled widely. It took a while for Kris to bring his arms around his gege’s waist; he wasn’t expecting a reaction like this.

            “Good morning to you too, Yixing,” Kris chuckled out a hearty laugh, tightening his hold on the waist to bring Yixing closer so there wasn’t any space between them.

            “I have so many things to tell you, things to show you, I-oh, hurry and come inside!” Yixing gushed his words in a bundle, not caring to slow down. He took Kris’ hand and led him inside his small apartment room.

            “First, let’s eat some breakfast. I’ll cook it; I promised I won’t burn the eggs this time.”


            The eggs were alright; it wasn’t overcooked with last time and it wasn’t undercooked like the time before that. The toast was burnt and Yixing couldn’t help but wonder how Kris didn’t know how to make toast when he lived all around North America. He defends himself by saying his mother always cooks for him, but Yixing retaliates, “You’re almost graduating, almost an adult! You should know how to take care of yourself.” The male nurse sips his cup of milk, wiping the corners of his mouth to get the remaining bits and pieces of food.

            “But I have you to take care of me,” Kris leans over the table, pecking his lips on his lover’s lips. Yixing cracks a smile and Kris can’t help but smile back, although he tries to hide it, he’s not doing a very good job of it.

            “What? Why are you laughing?” Kris grins, his gums showing, as he picks his fork to stab tiny bacon pieces on the plate.

            “Nothing,” Yixing brings his hand on Kris’ philtrum, brushing his thumb on it to wipe the milk mustache away and then brushed his lover’s soft cheek. Kris takes Yixing’s hand with his and kisses it gently.

            “Yixing, I hope you realized it by now, but you have a milk mustache too.”


            “Dad, why didn’t you ever tell me about yesterday?” His dad flicks his eyes from the paper work briefly, taking a millisecond glance of Luhan and back again to his papers.

            “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The pen scribbles his name on the empty lines. He mutters ‘I should have gotten a stamp with my name on it so it’s much easier.” How Luhan wished to snatch the pen and crush it into a million pieces.

            “Yesterday, dad, mom died eleven years ago,” Luhan stated bluntly, his arms slung along his body and his posture straightened up more when he saw his father stop signing papers.

            “How do you know about this?”

            “I saw it marked on your calendar.”

            The two men faced each other; both enraged how the other was acting. His own son he raised from birth was lashing out to him, demanding answers to questions which should be unspoken.

            “You have no right to barge into my office during work hours. I expect you to go home and study for your final,” Seungho, the father, sternly commanded.

            “I have every right to know, I’m your son.”

            “If you are my son, you should know your place. I raised you to know where your place is.”

            “The maids raised me.”

            “I paid them to!” Seungho sighed at the sight of his son. Luhan’s body radiated with anger that seeps into his blood. His fingers curled, bunching the fabric of his pants in the insides of his hand.

            “Now, go home. You’re disrupting my work,” Seungho dragged his palms down his white shirt to straighten it and sat down shortly afterward. Half of his mind told him to concentrate on work while the other half told him to apologize to the boy. The silence wrapped to two together and it felt like a whole hour passed before Luhan spoke up, “Dad, let me ask you a question.”


            “Did you love her?”


            “Why didn’t you tell me?” Seungho hesitated before answering the question:

            “I was protecting you, protecting you from what I felt.” Luhan wasn’t pleased, nor was he upset with the answer. He agreed and left with the feelings of betrayal, hurt, and confusion lace together.


            The siblings lounged around the couch staring lazily at the news broadcast on the television screen. Sehun’s eyes were lulling to sleep, his head laid softly on the pale floral cushion. Their house, which was once an American country-side styled home (Sehun’s mother, Seungho’s second wife, loved the homeliness of the style) made a 180 degree change and turned into baby pastels, throwing out the old checkered cushions, courteous of their father’s third wife. So their hour always smelled like pansies and roses and vanilla.

            “I went to father’s office today,” Luhan stared at the screen, but he knew Sehun’s eyes were still closed and uninterested about the subject. But, he heard his brother hum for Luhan to continue.

            “He…he told me about her and-but,, not everything like why she died or where or-“

            “She died because she was in a car crash. Not instantly, it took her days and I knew, I just knew she wanted to be put out of her misery and one day, she died. Just like that. Scary, isn’t it?” It was surprising how he was able to say it smoothly and not break a tear, Luhan thought.

            “Mom told me to take care of you because we need each other in a place like this. She told me we might lose our identities if we get in the black hole of wealth.” Luhan turned to Sehun, only to see his eyes still closed and his chest moving up and down as he heaved in the heavy, artificial scent of candles. His mouth went dry and no matter how many times he swallowed his own spit, his mouth still felt dry.

            “I-did she…how was she?”

            “Out of all the questions, you ask that?” Sehun tsked, “She was your mom too; ask what you want.”

            “How did I not know?”

            “About what?”

            “The car crash, mom hospitalized, the funeral.”

            “I knew about the car crash because I was in the car. We were both rushed into the hospital. I was okay, just a sprain, but she-she hit her heat and the glass from the windows cut through her skin. I guess I was lucky sitting in the back seat.”

            “How did dad know and I didn’t? What about my mom…”

            “Dad and your mom knew. They didn’t want to pull you out of school because you were the star pupil. None of us told anyone about it because dad wanted to keep the ‘perfect family’ image so he didn’t talk about her death. That’s why the funeral was small and private. Only dad and I were there.”

            “You know, I always loved your mom more than mine. She treated us like kids, not adults.”

            “Yeah, I know. Don’t you think it’s funny?”


            “It’s funny how even though mom told us to look out for each other-,” Sehun gulped, not being able to finish the sentence.

            “We don’t look out for each other?”

            “We do, but not as much as we used to. Not since Suho.”

            “It’ll change, I promise. I’m with Jonghyun now.”

            “You’re what!”

            “It’s so I can forget about Suho. Don’t worry Sehun, nothing bad’s going to happen. I promise.”

A/N: I didn't reread this post so if there are any mistakes, please comment below so I can change them!

I have finally updated this story and I have to say, I'm so glad I put in a little bit of Kris+Yixing because they're so full of fluffy-lovey-dovey unlike the rest of the story x) So props to them!

So now that Luhan knows about Sehun and Sehun knows about Jonghyun...what's going to happen? And why is Kris and Yixing together when Kris is a high school student? And what exactly happened to Xuimin and Chen and Kai and Tao (esp. Kai and Tao because they slept together)? Stay tunedddd~:)


Thanks lovely subbies for reading this and waiting patiently:)

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PetShawal #1
Chapter 22: Wow... You're really doing your best, keeping this PG xD
PetShawal #2
Chapter 19: When did Sehun cut himself...?
PetShawal #3
Chapter 16: I am so confused... When did Tao and Kris kiss? Suho and Lay had ?! More importantly... KRIS AND LAY HAD ????!!!! wot wot wot
PetShawal #4
Chapter 1: Hee hee i read this before xD
Chapter 23: Umm, how to describe this chapter? I don't even know. Its just its just...so many SuLu feelings that I can't even describe how I'm feeling...lol. I feel like saying I simply loved it won't be putting it into the correct words, but I do love it and so much more.

I just melt over SuLu's messy relationship. Its dangerously poetic...lol. Ugh~ why are they like my favorite couple now in the story?! They're just so dirt and wrong and heart wreakingly beautiful that I can't help but love them, even though they're doing the wrong but so right thing.

And the kiss....that damn kiss. Yes they have done so much more and of course kissed. But this felt so much more different. Have no words to explain it...lol. But it warmed my chest painfully. Haha!

Suho, Luhan what will you tell sehun when the time has come???

Marvelous update Author-nim ^.^
Chapter 22: Suho how could you?!
I want sehun to cheat on him now >:(
Chapter 22: Oh no is Kai talking about Kris, does this mean this really is a KrisTao and not a KaiTao????? Sighs....... My baby Tao is floating on the lonely sea by himself. And I thought Kris was having a thing with Lay. Kai you need to go talk to Tao. Ugh why does no one talk...I need them to talk...lol

But anywho this is some heavy stuff..lol

LuSu, SuHun , LuHyun....what can you say about messy square???? LuSu, I love them though...lol. But their doing the wrong right now.

Great update hope to see you soon ^.^
Chapter 22: what is the song called..and jongin mentioned him..who is him that Tao's look differently than jongin? i feel bad for sehun :(
Chapter 21: owo drama going on....is something gonna happen between tao and kai? are they gonna be good? i hope they are~ can't wait till your next update..i'm really enjoying your story ;)
Chapter 19: Ohh no. Luhan what are you doing ><;