8-You Don't Know Much, Do You?

I Remember Everything


                “Someone’s been pretty naughty this year, was it you?” Tao spit his water into the grass and felt himself slip off from the hill he was grazing around in. He looks up from where he landed, cocking his neck to the side to stretch it out. His eyes narrow into slits on his face before he indicates who exactly made him roll over the hill.

                “I take it you were the naughty one,” Kai sneered with a smirk. Geez, even his sneer is pretty hot. Tao felt himself flush in embarrassment.

                “I haven’t introduced myself properly. I’m Kai,” Kai walks down the hill, his hand extended out for Tao.

                “I’m Tao,” Tao’s soft voice makes Kai’s heart skip a beat. It’s unlike his charismatic gaze he had earlier, well not charismatic, but it was pretty intense for Kai. His feline features soften up and it melts Kai’s heart even more. Tao, on the other hand, is running wild in his head. He has no clue as to what to do. He doesn’t even realize the hand Kai has out until Kai puts it back to his side.

                “We haven’t talked much, huh? I always see you with Kris. Are you guys going out or something?”
                “No!” Kai’s eyebrow lifts up in curiosity by how quick and high-pitched Tao’s voice is.

                “Woah, it’s not like I’m accusing you or anything,” Kai laughs. Kai’s laughter makes Tao flush more. And to think his face couldn’t get any redder.

                “I heard you’ve been naughty, though,” Kai’s fingers lace together as he looks at Tao with his dark, bedroom eyes of a sixteen year old. His tousled hair and his smirk makes Tao go numb and feel as if time has frozen for a second or two.

                “You’re not denying it?” Tao shakes his head in shame as a response.

                “You know I was only joking, right?” Tao’s face turns stark white. Embarrassed, humiliated, and shamed, Tao turns to the other side to gaze at the scenery.              

                “You don’t talk much, do you?” Kai laughs, again, “I guess I don’t mind, though; I talk a lot.”

                “Jongin, what are you doing here?” The said teenager turns to be faced with a surprised Kris. His arms are full of different drinks and bags of candy. Kai’s eyebrow arches in suspicion, but he lets the questions slip away; he’ll ask Kris the next time they’re alone.

                “I was introducing myself to Tao, but I guess I stepped into unwanted boundaries,” Tao’s mouth goes slack when he hears those words utter out of Kai’s mouth. Unwanted boundaries? Tao would rather be with Kai this way instead of making a fool out of himself by saying something completely stupid. Kai isn’t unwanted. He’s wanted. He’s needed.

                Kris’ tight jaw relaxes. His eyes crinkle in relief as his lips form a smile. Yet, how long will it take for this chance to slip out of his fingers?


                Luhan pops out of nowhere and scares the living soul out of Kai who was taking a walk back home. After bumping into Tao and having his plans crushed made him feel like a fool. Of course, he figured that there was a chance Tao would just stay with Kris, but he didn’t know it would be so easy.

                “Jongin,” Luhan’s tongue clicks in annoyance.

                “Don’t call me that.”

                “Jongin,” Kai quickens his pace, begging God to make Luhan run into a tree.

                “Jongin,” this time, Luhan pokes Kai in the shoulder. His eyes are foggy and reflect Kai’s droopy ones. A sign of no sleep.

                “Chen keeps bugging me,” Luhan eyes the younger for any signs, but Kai is the same. Long legs, model poise, tight jaw-line and bedroom eyes. No sign of sadness here.

                “Did something happen between you two or-“

                “I don’t want to talk about it,” Kai slips his hands into his pockets and takes longer strides as he muttered the simple sentence out of his lips.

                “I heard you broke up with him-“

                “What’s it to you, Luhan? It’s not like everyone can have it good as you do. God, you’re ing lucky, Luhan. You’re so ing lucky. You know why you’re so damn lucky?” Luhan blinks his eyes. He’s never seen Kai this angry.

                “Because you’re loved and every guy cherishes you and isn’t ashamed of it, that’s why.”

                And with that said, Luhan stands at the spot Kai left him. He doesn’t know what to feel after being told this type of reason. If every guy cherished him, then why is Suho so afraid to speak his mind about Luhan’s affairs with the student body? Maybe Suho isn’t every guy. Heck, maybe Suho doesn’t even care. Luhan brushes the thoughts away from his mind. He knows why Suho won’t speak about his feelings and he’ll let Suho take care of it. After all, it’s not his battle to fight. Though, Kai’s words echo throughout Luhan’s mind and they keep ringing in his ears till the next morning.

                “You okay?” Suho’s hands clasp Luhan’s book. A small gasp escapes his thin lips, but he seals them up quickly.

                “Yeah, I’m fine,” Luhan’s gaze is set on the floor. He walks with Suho, but he feels as if he’s following him, and listens to him blab about why Girls’ Generation should stop winning the awards on music shows and how Nell should make a comeback, again, and how his day is alright and how-

                “Hey, are you sure you’re okay? Luhan, you’ve been spacing out this whole time,” Suho’s hand brushes Luhan’s bangs to the side. He swats his hands away and pouts. Usually people would frown in annoyance, however, Suho grins a lazy smile and steps into his classroom.

                “Annoying bastard,” Luhan curses under his breath. He doesn’t understand how Suho cares about him so much. Certainly it’s just another “wellness project” where kids who want to look good to those around them befriend the unfortunate ones, whether it’s wealth or people skills or whatever. They do it to look good to the community. Maybe Suho’s etching this low-life’s name on his essay for college so when he gets interviewed he can say “Ah, yes I remember Luhan; he was a very troubled soul.”

                “Hey, you can’t go off saying stuff like that about Suho hyung. You know he cares about you,” Luhan rubs the backside of his head and turns around to see his lanky brother stretching his arms up to the ceiling. It almost touches the lamps.

                “You showoff.”

                “You’re just jealous,” the dongsaeng sticks his tongue out, earning a deep scowl to form on the older’s face.

                “Why are you bugging me during school hours? You do that at home too much; I can’t be bothered here.”

                “I’m saving you so you don’t get slapped around Jonghyun and his gang. Hyung, I heard what they did to you and-“

                “You don’t know anything,” Luhan snapped. He turned around and started to drag his feet to wherever. He didn’t care where he went. He needed to get out of this suffocating place.

                “No one knows anything at all.”

               A/N: Hey guys, I finally updated:) Yes, finally this girl right here has put in KaiTao (sort of proud at the moment) BUUUUT the real questions are: 1) what is Luhan talking about? and 2) What's happened between Taoris?

Well all of that will be revealed in the next chapter. Until then,

your author xx

I apologize for any grammar/spelling errors and leave comments below! I love hearing for you guys:)

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PetShawal #1
Chapter 22: Wow... You're really doing your best, keeping this PG xD
PetShawal #2
Chapter 19: When did Sehun cut himself...?
PetShawal #3
Chapter 16: I am so confused... When did Tao and Kris kiss? Suho and Lay had ?! More importantly... KRIS AND LAY HAD ????!!!! wot wot wot
PetShawal #4
Chapter 1: Hee hee i read this before xD
Chapter 23: Umm, how to describe this chapter? I don't even know. Its just its just...so many SuLu feelings that I can't even describe how I'm feeling...lol. I feel like saying I simply loved it won't be putting it into the correct words, but I do love it and so much more.

I just melt over SuLu's messy relationship. Its dangerously poetic...lol. Ugh~ why are they like my favorite couple now in the story?! They're just so dirt and wrong and heart wreakingly beautiful that I can't help but love them, even though they're doing the wrong but so right thing.

And the kiss....that damn kiss. Yes they have done so much more and of course kissed. But this felt so much more different. Have no words to explain it...lol. But it warmed my chest painfully. Haha!

Suho, Luhan what will you tell sehun when the time has come???

Marvelous update Author-nim ^.^
Chapter 22: Suho how could you?!
I want sehun to cheat on him now >:(
Chapter 22: Oh no is Kai talking about Kris, does this mean this really is a KrisTao and not a KaiTao????? Sighs....... My baby Tao is floating on the lonely sea by himself. And I thought Kris was having a thing with Lay. Kai you need to go talk to Tao. Ugh why does no one talk...I need them to talk...lol

But anywho this is some heavy stuff..lol

LuSu, SuHun , LuHyun....what can you say about messy square???? LuSu, I love them though...lol. But their doing the wrong right now.

Great update hope to see you soon ^.^
Chapter 22: what is the song called..and jongin mentioned him..who is him that Tao's look differently than jongin? i feel bad for sehun :(
Chapter 21: owo drama going on....is something gonna happen between tao and kai? are they gonna be good? i hope they are~ can't wait till your next update..i'm really enjoying your story ;)
Chapter 19: Ohh no. Luhan what are you doing ><;