Chapter 8~

Beauty and The Beast


-Sooyoung was cleaning the coffee brewer while the others are painting the walls and doodling it.

Suddenly he heard  the door open, When sooyoung turn around, He saw Taeyeon and Tiffany entered the Coffee shop.

Sooyoung walk towards them as he wipe his hand with a towel

“ Where’s the coffee beans? “ Sooyoung asked

“ It’s in the car. Who’ll do the tester? “ Taeyeon asked

Sooyoung get the notebook to look at it

“ You and Tiffany. Since You two are in charge with the coffee beans” Sooyoung said

“ Eh?” Tiffany was found dumbfounded

“ So the apron place in the cabinet. You better wear it. And oh! before I forgot Try to cook some waffle too” Sooyoung said

“ I think Tiffany knows to cook waffle “ Taeyeon pointed Tiffany

“ Why me? “ Tiffany pointed herself

“ Because you’re the one who knows to cook it “ Sooyoung said

“ Come on. We better do the tester. Before this coffee shop opens “ Taeyeon said as he go to the Brewing area~ Tiffany followed him while her head was looking at Sooyoung

“ Have fun!” Sooyoung mouthed and smiled

“ I’ll never treat you a pizza again!” Tiffany mouthed and stick her tongue

“ “ AWWWW MAN!! “ Sooyoung mouthed


-Brewing area was exposed to all customers so they can watch them how to make Brewed coffee.

Actually This is one of Sooyoung’s plan so most of the customers will attract to Taeyeon’s appeal while Brewing, Since his one of the Good brewers and Good looking in the class

Taeyeon handed the apron to Tiffany so they can start quickly.

He can manage how to tie the ribbon of the aprom without help of others,

But Tiffany cant reach the ribbon since her arm was too short.

She didn’t look at Taeyeon when she was about to call him for help,

But when she was about to call him,

Someone pull him and Her body landed on Taeyeon’s Body.

Taeyeon push her a little so he can tie her ribbon to make her comfortable while working,

Tiffany turn around to face him and smiled

“ Thank you “ Tiffany said

Taeyeon shake Tiffany’s hair like a puppy and didn’t say anything

“ That’s okay “ Taeyeon said

Tiffany boiled a water so they can use it for brewing,

While Taeyeon is putting the coffee beans on the strainer.

“ You want to try this? “Taeyeon asked while Pouring the hot water on the strainer

“ Sure” Tiffany walk over to him so she can watch him

“ Here” Taeyeon handed the metal pitcher with a hot water so she can pour it in the strainer

“ Like this? “Tiffany showed to him how did she pour the hot water on the strainer

Suddenly Taeyeon hold Tiffany’s hand to guide him to pour the hot water.

“ You must pour it in Circular motion so the other coffee beans will  poured by the hot water too” Taeyeon said.

If you look at them from far it’s like Taeyeon is Back hugging Tiffany

“ Got it?” Taeyeon asked

“ Yep. Thanks” Tiffany smiled awkwardly

“ I’ll just cook the waffle. What would you prefer? Strawberry or Blueberry? “ Taeyeon asked

“ Strawberry please” Tiffany smiled

“ Okay” Taeyeon said


Suddenly a group of girls was noticed Taeyeon  inside the Coffee Shop.

They began to scream his name and They try their best to enter the shop.

But Sooyoung, Yonghwa , Amber, and Ryeowook was pushing the door so they won’t enter the shop and make a lot of mess.

The shop was covered with a clear glass that’s why they saw Taeyeon

Suddenly they noticed that Taeyeon was smiling at the girl beside him and It is Tiffany.

Since they were studying In all girl’s school They don’t know who is she.

“ Who is that girl ? “The girl asked

“ She’s flirting our Taeyeon~” The other girl said

“ She’s so annoying “ The other girl said

When Taeyeon look at the door, His classmates was pushing the door while outside, there was a bunch of girls screaming and looking for him.

“ What’s happening?!” Tayeon shouted

“ Your suitors are looking for you” Sooyoung laugh

“ There’s no time for joking.~ You better talk to them” Yonghwa said

Taeyeon removed his apron and Go upstairs

Suddenle all the girls saw him upstairs and Began to scream more

“ Everybody. Please calm down and Listen. Were not yet ready to open the shop But we will guarantee that Tomorrow we will open the coffee shop to serve you guys. So can you please give us more time? “Taeyeon asked

“ As long as your there Oppa!” The other girl screamed and the crowd agree

“ Of course. I’ll be here to welcome and serve you guys” Taeyeon smiled

“ YEAH! “ The crowd screamed and began to walk away from the coffee shop

Taeyeon let out a sigh and Began to go downstairs

“ Phewww! That was close “ Sooyoung wipe his sweat on his forehead

“ What if let’s buy more tables and Chairs for Upstairs? You can see that many girls showed uo here when They saw Taeyeon “ Tiffany clear

“ Yeah. There’s a lot of space upstairs “ Sooyoung said

“ Then let me but some Tables and Chairs “ Taeyeon said

“ Here’s the money. Now go “ Sooyoung handed the money and Taeyeon began to leave the Coffee shop to buy more Tables and Chairs that they need Upstairs.

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Chapter 21: I almost cry author-shii
thanks for a great story!!
Chapter 21: Nice story, thanks for the story it make my day ^^
spongie #3
Chapter 21: wow!!! its touching my heart hardly :) <3 love it so much
Chapter 21: Ahh the ending <3 So sweet and romantic
Thank you for making such a adorable story
Chapter 21: Ahhh... Kims family and their friend happy ending (♥▿♥ʃƪ)
That was great ending!! This is one of my favorite taeny's story, and thanks for making this awesome story author-ssi!!

Hope you will make another fantasy taeny story again, cause I really like fantasy genre with TaeNy in the main character!

Keep writing and fighting!
Chapter 21: Awww~ the story is soooo awesome, romantic and sweet! I really love it!

Such a beautiful ending KIM family <333

Thanks for make this awesome story... TaeNy love is more than real :DDD

Love my TaeNy <333
Chapter 21: Such a sweet ending :D
daebak :)authorssi