
Beauty and The Beast


** FLASHBACKS **        

Taeyeon and Krystal enter the Bus and the Driver inform them that there’s only 1 seat left. He go first but Taeyeon just stand in the Left side of the Seat were Krystal is. Then He feel a warm skin covered his hand and Fingers fits in His fingers, Then She saw Krystal holding her hand.

“ Wae?~ “ Taeyeon asked

“ You might lost your balance and Fall to Someone “ Krystal was shy when she said the Last 3 word.

Taeyeon just smiled and Pinch her cheeks.

“ Then I’ll just Hold your hand Even I lost my Balance, You will try your Best to Pull me and At the end I will Fall in you “ Taeyeon said and smiled



Krystal was holding Taeyeon’s hand as they reach their Destination. When the Bus stop, Sooyoung Stand first and Clear his throat as he Passed by in Taeyeon and Krystal same as Jessica and Amber. Tiffany just stay silent when she passed by. When they already reach the Bus stop, Taeyeon looks like a innocent kid when he’s with Krystal.

Tiffany was still chatting with Amber as they Walk and Look for McDonalds, She can’t control herself Looking at Taeyeon and Krystal as they Keep exchanging smiles.

“ I think there’s something bothering you Tiffany “ Amber said

“ Huh? “ Tiffany was dumbfounded

“ You’re not Comfortable with us right? “ Amber asked

“ Kinda. I feel new in your Group. “ Tiffany said

“ It’s like I want to go home when I see Taeyeon and Krystal Together. It makes me Jealous. “ Amber said

“ Jealous? What do you mean Jealous ? “ Tiffany was curious and Look at him Teasingly .

“ I mean I’m Jealous of them, Because I have no Girlfriend “ Amber quickly responded and Didn’t Look at Tiffany

“ Or You’re Jealous Of Taeyeon since He’s Dating Krystal? “ Tiffany asked

“ Aniyo! Aniyo! “ Amber shook his head

“ Defensive Much? “ Tiffany asked and smilied teasingly

“ Aniyo~ “ Amber said in a calm voice

“ CONFIRM “ Tiffany smirk and Laugh

“ Amber Loves Krystal~ Amber loves Krystal~ “ Tiffany sings

“ Shut up “ Amber covered

“ Arasso~ “ Tiffany give in

“ Were here “ Taeyeon said


-          When they already ordered their food, Jessica and Sooyoung was so Loud, Teasing each other is their all time habit when they will go outside. Amber was busy Playing in his iPad while Tiffany was texting. Taeyeon and Krystal was just talking about their studies and plans when they Graduated.



While waiting for our order, I didn’t notice my Phone received a Message.



To: Tiffany

Hey there Buddy! Remember me? Guess who. J


From: Tiffany


Donghae? Oh please. xD Where are you?



From: Donghae

To: Tiffany

Yep. How are you? It’s been a year since I didn’t saw my Bestfriend! ^_^ I’m on my way to Seoul.


From: Tiffany

To: Donghae


SEOUL?! I thought your in Europe? :O


From: Donghae

To: Tiffany


It’s our Vacation already. ^_^ That’s why I’m going home to See you Buddy. Are you free Tomorrow?


From: Tiffany

To: Donghae


Yep. J How about 9:00 am in Lotte world?


From: Donghae

To: Tiffany

Sure, I’ll see you tomorrow at 9. ^^


I’m excited to see my Best friend again. Well, Yeah, It’s already a year since they Migrated in Europe and I really really miss him. I was smiling while Texting Donghae the Amber snap me out and Look at me curiously.

“ Who’s that Eh? “ Amber asked

“ Uhhhh. “ I was texting and didn’t answer him.

Amber sneak out on my phone and saw Donghae’s name on the Recipient.

“ Donghae Huh? “ Amber asked

It caught their attention when they Hear Donghae’s name.

“ Donghae? Lee Donghae? “ Sooyoung asked

“ Yep. Wae? “ I asked

“ Oh! That Cutie? Lucky Kid “ Jessica said

“ No. It’s not like that “ Tiffany shook her head

“ Then why are you Smiling? “ Amber asked evily

“ Because- Cause.. “ I was stuttering

“ Because? “ Jessica raised her right eyebrow

“ He’s going home. Here “ I said

“ And you’ll gonna meet him? “ Jessica smiled evily

“ None of your business “ I stick my tongue


When I look at Taeyeon he just Look at me Calmly and smiled teasingly as he Look at his Cellphone and I think he Texted someone.


-          When we Finished eating, Sooyoung, Jessica, Krystal and Amber Go home early. Now, I’m all alone with Taeyeon.

“ Where do you want to go? “ Taeyeon asked me

“ Anywhere “ I answered and smiled


He was so calm and Innocent as he walked and React, It feels like I’ll never be bored with him if I will hang out more with him.


“ Can we go to the Han river? “ Taeyeon asked

“ Sure. Why there? It’s already dark “ I asked

“ I just feel comfortable in there and The view was so nice “ Taeyeon smiled


While I was walking with him, My heart feels like…















































































“ Are you alright Tiff? “ Taeyeon asked

“ Yeah. “ I answered

“ Were here “ He said and Pointed at the Grass where many people are Sitting and Enjoying the View of the Han River.


Taeyeon grab my Hand and Run towards to the Grass and Lie down there.

While Lying on the Grass I notice Taeyeon’s Face, It’s like he’s suffering from something.


“ Are you alright Tae? “ I asked


“ It’s just a little head ache. “ He answered


His eyes was closed and I face him. I massage his Head my Bare hand and Look at his reaction. As time goes by He’s Painful Expression disappear as I Massage his head, I notice he’s not Opening his eyes. Is he already asleep?


After a few minutes, He open his eyes.



“ Omo “ I speak on my mind



“ Blue eyes “ I look at Taeyeon’s eyes and A blue colored Eye appear on My sight.


He even didn’t Stand up to put a contact lens.


Taeyeon was still Looking at me and He’s face was so calm.


He hold my hand, The one who massage his head.


I don’t care if his eyes was Blue.


He’s still the Taeyeon that I Know.



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Chapter 21: I almost cry author-shii
thanks for a great story!!
Chapter 21: Nice story, thanks for the story it make my day ^^
spongie #3
Chapter 21: wow!!! its touching my heart hardly :) <3 love it so much
Chapter 21: Ahh the ending <3 So sweet and romantic
Thank you for making such a adorable story
Chapter 21: Ahhh... Kims family and their friend happy ending (♥▿♥ʃƪ)
That was great ending!! This is one of my favorite taeny's story, and thanks for making this awesome story author-ssi!!

Hope you will make another fantasy taeny story again, cause I really like fantasy genre with TaeNy in the main character!

Keep writing and fighting!
Chapter 21: Awww~ the story is soooo awesome, romantic and sweet! I really love it!

Such a beautiful ending KIM family <333

Thanks for make this awesome story... TaeNy love is more than real :DDD

Love my TaeNy <333
Chapter 21: Such a sweet ending :D
daebak :)authorssi