
Beauty and The Beast



Sooyoung throw a party on his house after the Graduation, Jessica, Tiffany, Krystal, Yuri, Amber are there to Celebrate and it’s also Tiffany’s Birthday. Jessica and Sooyoung are now Couple, After Sooyoung Confessed to Jessica that He already Fallen for her. Their relationship change, They become a Love birds now Unlike last Year. They Look like a Mouse and A cat always argue In one thing. Tiffany and Krystal are now Close friends since Krystal move and Tiffay was her Neighbourhood.


Sooyoung showed a Huge Cake that He baked a while ago and Served it to them. While Jessica and Krystal Cook Carbonara and Ordered a Huge Pizza outside. Yuri and Amber are in charge of the Drinks.


“ Saenggil chukha hamnida  Hwang Mi Young! “ All of them greeted


“ Wish! Wish! WiSH! “ Jessica clap her hands


“ Blow the Candle! “ Sooyoung said


All of them quickly get a knife to Slice the cake and Get their own Plates, Spoon and Fork


“ How’s my cake? “ Sooyoung asked while everybody are eating the Cake


“ Dellicious!  “ Krystal said


“ I was wondering if I will baked our Cake too in our wedding day Jessica “ Sooyoung kiss Jessica on Cheeks


“ Ugghhhh! Were Still eating! HELLO! “ Krystal interrupt them


“ Get a room! “ Amber shouted


Suddenly, Sooyoung noticed Tiffany was silent in her seat eating Cake.


“ Hey Pretty! Talk “ Sooyoung called Tiffany


“ You missed Taeyeon? “ Jessica asked


Tiffany sighed and Nodded


Sooyoung look at Jessica and Raised his Eyebrows.


“ You still love him? “ Jessica asked


Tiffany nodded and Feel sad as she remember Taeyeon.


“ Don’t make Tiffany feel more sad! “ Krystal said


“ We’re celebrating okay? No drama please?” Amber asked


“ Arachi~ “ Jessica said




Sooyoung unlocked Taeyeon’s Room so I can look at it After a year. His room was still the same, His fragrance was still in there and It makes me Miss him more.


When I turn around to look at his Desk, I saw the Rose where I saw when Taeyeon was still alive. I was wondering why is still alive? Did Sooyoung replace it?


“ Your Curious right? “ Sooyoung asked


“ Yeah. Do you replace the Old rose? “ I asked


“ No. It is still the Old rose. The rose didn’t whitered. “ Sooyoung said


“ Jeongmal Yo? “ I was shocked and amazed


Sooyoung nodded and I look at it again.


“ It’s kinda weird right? “ Sooyoung said


“ It’s been a year. I miss him badly “ I sighed and Look at his picture.


“ I miss my Buddy. “ Sooyoung said


My phone ring as i caressed Taeyeon’s Picture in the wall. I  get my phone and answer the call.


“ Umma~ “


“ You need to go home now Tiff. We have surprise to you “ My mom said


“ Oh. Arasso Umma. “ I hanged up the Phone and Leave Taeyeon’s Room.


I use my Bike to go home as i passed the Mini Forest that i used to Like. Where i first See the Blue eyes shining in that Forest, Where i remembered Taeyeon. I stop for a while and Keep praying that the Blue eyes shining on that Forest appear just this time. I was waiting for 10 minutes but I failed


“ I miss you so bad Taeyeon. I love you~ “ i whispered as i Ride my Bike




When she was now a meter away from the Forest a Blue light appear for a second and Disappeared so fast.



When Tiffany reached their House, She glance at the Forest and Hoping that Taeyeon might there. When she go inside, Her mother give her something.


“ What is this Umma? “ Tiffany asked


“ A Pink Scarf. Someone knitted it for you “ Her mom said


“ Who? “ Tiffany asked


“ Secret. “ Her mom said


“ I want you to stay in the Bonfire for a while. We need to prepare something for you “ Mrs. Hwang continued


“ Oh. Okay. I need to get my jacket first. And I want marshmallow “ Tiffany smiled.


Mrs. Hwang handed her Jacket and Marshmallow as She prepare something very special.


Tiffany go to the Bonfire where she spent her time when she’s bored. Since it’s Cold outside, They usually prepared Bonfire everyday.


Tiffany sit on the Chair as she Wear the Pink scarf and Open the marshmallow.


It’s like she’s celebrating her Birthday with those Marshmallow since she’s alone waiting for them Finished something.


When she Showed the Marshmallow. She sing.


“ Happy Birthday To me, Happy Birthday To me, Happy Birthday Hwang Mi Young.. Happy Birthday to me “


“ Aish. Before I eat this Marshmallow. I Wish Taeyeon will come back for me and I wish I’ll live long with a healthy life “ She wishes the She quickly eat those Marshmallows.


She was about to Throw her trashes in the Trash can near in the Forest, Tiffany stop for a while and Waiting again for a Blue light comes from the Forest.


“ I think I’m crazy waiting for you Taeyeon “ She sighed and Throw the Plastic bag


“ And I think I’m crazy now As I hug the One I love “ A familiar  voice appear.


A pair of arms wrap around Tiffany waist and Back hug her.


Tiffany closed her eyes for a minute and Thinking it’s just her imagination.


“ Your just my Imagination right? I’m crazy waiting and Wishing for Taeyeon to come back but the Truth is. It’s already impossible for him to come back “ Tiffany said


Still, The Person who back hug her is still there. Hugging her tightly.


Tiffany turn around with eyes closed and didn’t say anything.


“ Saenggil Chukha Hamnida, Saenggil Chukha hamnida. Saranghaeyo Hwang Mi Young~ Saenggil Chukha hamnida “ That Familiar voice Sings and Hold her hand.


“ Your just my Imagination “ Tiffany said while Her eyes closed


Taeyeon move closer to Close the Gap between them and Touched each other’s Lips. He pull Tiffany towards him to Kiss her more, Tiffany’s arms   wrapped around Taeyeon’s neck and Pull him from her.


Tiffany broke the Kiss and Slowly open her eyes as She saw the Same Taeyeon she knows. Taeyeon kissed Tiffany’s forehead and Hug her more.


Tiffany Look at Taeyeon’s eyes and It is Blue.


“ Why your eyes are blue? “ Tiffany asked


“ Did you already see the Rose? “ Taeyeon asked


“ Yes. It’s not yet Withered. Why? “ Tiffany asked


“ the Time that I disappeared, The rose replaced all of the petals and The stem became greener and stronger Means the Curse was already gone. I woke up in the Forest and when I look at my Neck the Tattoo was gone. “ Taeyeon said


“ If the Rose died you’ll die too? “ Tiffany asked


“ No. The curse is already Gone. “ Taeyeon answered


“ But.. “ He paused and Move closer to her


“ If you’re going to Break my heart. I’ll kill myself “ Taeyeon smiled sweetly as he kissed Tiffany’s Cheeks and Hug her


“ Silly. “ Tiffany hug him back and Kissed his cheeks.


“ KISS! “ Tiffany’s mom appear in the scene and Clapping her hands as she saw Tiffany and Taeyeon hugging each other.


Taeyeon and Tiffany just giggled and Look at each other. Mrs. Hwang walk towards to Taeyeon and Hug him.


“ Hope we spend more time to know each other young man “ Mrs. Hwang said and smiled widely.


Taeyeon bowed and Smiled.


Suddnenly, Mrs. Hwang whispered something in his ears.


“ Take care of my daughter Taeyeon. I have trust in you “


A wide smile appear on Taeyeon’s lips and nodded many times as he face her.


“ Yes. I will Mrs. Hwang “ Taeyeon bowed.


“ Get inside now then. It’s cold in here “ Mrs. Hwang said


“ Ah. Aniyo~ I’ll go home now. Actually, I’m working on something Mrs. Hwang “ Taeyeon smiled


Tiffany look at him curiously and Taeyeon just winked and Smiled as he saw Tiffany, Mrs. Hwang smiled and Nodded.


“ Arasso~ Visit here when you have time. Okay? “ Mrs. Hwang said


“ Ne~ “ Taeyeon bowed and Wave his hands.


Mrs. Hwang pinched her Daughters waist and Give her a signal to go after him.


“ I’ll go inside now. Do it “ Mrs. Hwang glared at Tiffany and Go inside.


Tiffany look at Taeyeon who is walking away from their house, She run as fast as she could to Fetch him.


“ Taeyeon~ ah! “ Tiffany called him


He turned around and Look at Tiffany running towards to him.


“ Close your eyes “ Tiffany said.


“ Wae? “ Taeyeon asked


“ Just close your eyes “ Tiffany said


Taeyeon obeyed what she said while Tiffany was getting something from her pocket. She slowly put it in Taeyeon’s neck  while His eyes was closed. When she’s done Taeyeon open his eyes and Look at the necklace. He touch it and Smile as he remember it. Tiffany smiled as she saw Taeyeon smiled while Looking at the necklace.


“ Where did you find it? “ Taeyeon asked


“ When you save mom, She find it. That time I was running towards her and Give me this. She said that I’ll hide it until She’ll find who owns this. “ Tiffany was Looking at him and smiled


“ Thank you “ Taeyeon smiled and Look at her.


Tiffany just nodded and Turn around to go back to their house. Taeyeon watch him and Lowered his head as he look at the Necklace, Until his mind react as he Look again at Tiffany. He fetch her as she walk away and Grab her hands. Tiffany was froze and she stop walking. Tiffany face him and a Lips sealed her Lips as she was about to ask what he needs, She closed her eyes as she Wrap her arms around Taeyeon’s Neck and Pull him from her to have more.


Suddenly, A group of People passed by in them and Shouting. Sooyoung, Krystal, Amber, Jessica and Yuri caught them kissing in front of Tiffany’s House and they were Cringing as they saw them.


“ GET A ROOM! “ Jessica teased them


Tiffany broke the kiss and look at Them as they Were jumping and Shouting at them, Jessica was cringing and Slap Sooyoung’s Arm that makes Sooyoung groaned.


“ Oh. Mianhae “ Jessica said


“ Aigooo~ If your jealous because of them. Just grab me and Kiss me okay? Not pretending like that and Slapping my Arm “ Sooyoung winked and smiled


“ Tch~ “ Jessica slap him more and smiled


Taeyeon grab Tiffany’s hand and Ride the Bike as he wear his helmet and Gave Tiffany a Pink helmet.


“ Where are we going? “ Tiffany asked


“ Somewhere “ Taeyeon just smiled


Yuri smirked and Shook his head as he saw Taeyeon and Tiffany go somewhere with Taeyeon’s Bike. It caught their Attention.


“ Wae? “ Jessica asked


“ You know what I mean Jess~ “ Yuri answered Jessica with a smiled


“ Ahhhhhh~~ “ All of them reacts.


“ Then Let’s go now. What are we still doing here? “ Sooyoung said

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Chapter 21: I almost cry author-shii
thanks for a great story!!
Chapter 21: Nice story, thanks for the story it make my day ^^
spongie #3
Chapter 21: wow!!! its touching my heart hardly :) <3 love it so much
Chapter 21: Ahh the ending <3 So sweet and romantic
Thank you for making such a adorable story
Chapter 21: Ahhh... Kims family and their friend happy ending (♥▿♥ʃƪ)
That was great ending!! This is one of my favorite taeny's story, and thanks for making this awesome story author-ssi!!

Hope you will make another fantasy taeny story again, cause I really like fantasy genre with TaeNy in the main character!

Keep writing and fighting!
Chapter 21: Awww~ the story is soooo awesome, romantic and sweet! I really love it!

Such a beautiful ending KIM family <333

Thanks for make this awesome story... TaeNy love is more than real :DDD

Love my TaeNy <333
Chapter 21: Such a sweet ending :D
daebak :)authorssi