
Beauty and The Beast


-          When Taeyeon reach home, Sooyoung Quickly go unto him.


“ Where did you go huh? “ Sooyoung asked


“ Han River “ Taeyeon answered


Sooyoung was shocked and Pointed Taeyeon’s eyes.


“ Your eyes. “ Sooyoung said


Taeyeon quickly go to the Mirror to Look at it.


“ It’s Blue. What time is it? “ Taeyeon asked


“ 11:59 “ Sooyoung answered


“ Where’s the Flower? “ Taeyeon asked


Sooyoung pointed the Red Rose, It’s petals was falling now and The stem was Turning into Brown now. Taeyeon sighed and Run unto the Door.


“ I need to go to the Forest “ Taeyeon quickly leave and Go to the Forest.


As he go to the Forest, Taeyeon feel Pain in his chest and It’s like Killing him. The Forest was near in Tiffany’s House and He shouted as he Feel the Pain.


Tiffany heard a man screaming near in their house,


“ What is that?” Tiffany asked and Quickly get up from her bed.


She go outside to look at it but she didn’t see anything,


Tiffany go to the Forest holding a Flashlight and Knife.


“ LET ME GO! “ Taeyeon screamed


“ No. Suffer!  BWAHAHAHAHHA! “ A woman laugh evily


“ Show yourself! “ Taeyeon shouted


Tiffany heard it and Followed The Voice.


“ SHOW YOURSELF ! “ Taeyeon shouted again


A woman showed in front of her Laughing.


“ How’s Pain? Is it Good? “ The woman asked evily


Tiffany saw a Woman standing and A man groaning.


“ Shut up “ Taeyeon said


Then Tiffany moved sideward to look at the Man.


“ Taeyeon? “ Tiffany whispered


“ JUST KILL ME! “ Taeyeon shouted in pain


“ No, I can’t. Wait till your Days end. Wait for a Girl who will Love you for who you are in that Look. A Beast “ The witch said


“ No one will love me! Just kill me! “ Taeyeon shouted


The torn Tattoo in Taeyeon’s neck was moving and It reaches Taeyeon’s Chest.


“ Once it reaches the Part where your Heart was. You’ll die “ The witch said


“ It’s only a kiss from a Girl who love you at Exactly 12:00 was not easy. It’s just IMPOSSIBLE. BWAHAHAHHAHA! “ The witch said


“ Taeyeon~ “ Tiffany want to Shout but she can’t.


When the Witch increase more Pain, Taeyeon transform into a Gray Wolf. A Huge Beast.


“ Suffer more “ The witch said


The Gray Wolf was lying on the Ground with Pain and Almost Cry.


“ That’s enough for this Night. I’ll wait for the day you die. “ The witch said


The witch slowly disappeared in Tiffany’s eyes and The Gray wolf’s eyes was Shut . The wolf’s Breathe was so Heavy and He can barely Stand up.


Tiffany quickly run towards him and Cupped his face.


“ Taeyeon~ “ Tiffany called him but there’s no response.


“ Wait for me here “ Tiffany said and Leave the forest.

She go back to their house and Get some Blanket, Pillow and Emergency Kit.


“ Where are you going? “ a voice appeared.


“ I’m going to the Forest Mom “ Tiffany said hurriedly


“ Wae? “ Her mom asked


“ Your not going to Believe me “ Tiffany said


“ Tell me “


“ A gray wolf was sick in The forest. A witch cursed him and Give him pain “ Tiffany said


“ What is the Color of his eyes? “ Her mom said


“ Blue “ Tiffany answered


“ Does he have a bruise in His right side of his forehead? “ She asked again


“ Ne Umma~ “ Tiffany answered


“ I’m going with you “ Her mom get a flash light and Go with her.




-          When they reach the Forest where Taeyeon was, Tiffany’s Mom gasp when she saw The wolf Lying on the Ground while Breathing heavily.

“ It’s him “ Her mom said


“ Huh? “ Tiffany asked


“ Remember the Neclace that I gave to you 5 years ago? In the camp? “ Her mom said


“ Ne~ Wae? “ Tiffany asked


“ He’s the Owner. He’s the one who Saved me from the Huge trunk “ Her mom said


“ Jeongmal yo? “ Tiffany gasp


“ Ne~ He have the Bruised in the Right side of his Forehead. It’s really Him “ Her mom pointed the wolf and eyes wide opened


“ I’ll check him up. I think he’s suffering pain right now “ Tiffany open the Medicine kit


Tiffany press one by one of the Parts of the Body of the Wolf, When she press The Left and Right Legs. The wolf groaned,


“ Sorry Taeyeonnie~ “ Tiffany said


“ What? Taeyeonnie? “ Her mom asked


“ Ne~ Taeyeon is his name. His my classmate and that Witch Cursed him I think “ Tiffany was injecting a Anesthesia to his Legs to Endure the Pain so he can sleep well when he rest.


“ Why Taeyeonnie? “ Her mom asked


“ When the first time I Cured him is when Dad shoot him and I named him Chubby~ I mixed them up and change the Last letter with IE “ Tiffany smiled


“ Take care of him. I’ll go home. Text me if you need something. We can’t let him stay in our house. Your dad will kill him “ Her mom said


“ Ne Umma. Take care “ Tiffany said


When Tiffany look at Taeyeon, He’s sleeping comfortable now. She Put a blanket and Pillow to Sleep with him and To look at him while He’s still injured. Tiffany face him and Kissed his nose as she say Goodnight.


-          Early in the Morning, Tiffany woke up in her own Room. She rubbed her eyes and Blinked her eyes 4 times.

“ Why am I here? “ Tiffany asked


She quickly get up and Look for her mom.


“ Umma! “ Tiffany called her mom


“ Ne~? “ She asked


“ Why am I Sleeping in my Own room? “ Tiffany asked


Her mom walk towards to her and Whispered


“ Taeyeon Carried you and Transfer you in your room “ Her mom said


“ But his Injured. “ Tiffany said


“ He’s okay now. “ Her mom said


Tiffany quickly get her phone and Dialled Taeyeon’s Number.


“ He’s not answering. “ Tiffany said


“ Do you have plans today? “ Her mom asked


“ I’ll be meeting Donghae today. “ Tiffany said


“ Be careful “ Her mom said


Tiffany the Received a Text message from Sooyoung.


From : Sooyoung

To: Tiffany


Hey Pretty. Can you get those Ingridients in The Coffee Shop?


From : Tiffany

To: Sooyoung


Sure, I’ll give it to you Later in School.




Now she already know, I need to Hide from her nor Don’t  talk to her right now. This is so Complicated. Why all of People. Tiffany?! This is so NOT GOOD.


“ What’s bothering you Bro? “ Sooyoung asked

“ Tiffany already know now “ I said

“ Is she scare now? “ Sooyoung asked

“ No. I’m scared right now. She might tell it to Others “ I said




-          Tiffany was on her way to her destination when She saw Donghae Waving his hands from Far.


“ Hey Buddy! “ Donghae shouted and Waved his hands


“ Hey! How are you? “ Tiffany asked


“ Fine. You? “ Donghae asked


“ I’m good. Your treat Right? “ Tiffany asked


“ Yep. Now let’s go. “ Donghae said


Donghae and Tiffany was walking on the streets and Tiffany Guide Donghae since It’s been a year since he didn’t visit Korea. Tiffany locked her arms to Donghae like they used to do when they were in Elementary and Middle High School, Tiffany can hear some people Talking unto them.


-When they reach the Lottle world, Tiffany was attract in the Pink colored Mascot there and also the Cotton candy Standee in there.


“ Such a Pink Freak “ Donghae Pinch her Cheek


“ HAHAHHAHA! Your so Kill Joy Buddy “ Tiffany punch his Chest slightly


When Tiffany Look at the other standees, She saw Taeyeon and Krystal Buying a Mickey Mouse Head band. It looks like a Couple head band since they were wearing it now. Krystal get her Phone and Took a picture of them wearing the Head band, Taeyeon pout while Krystal was smiling and Pointing him.


“ Kyeopta~ “ Krystal Pinch Taeyeon’s Cheeks

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Chapter 21: I almost cry author-shii
thanks for a great story!!
Chapter 21: Nice story, thanks for the story it make my day ^^
spongie #3
Chapter 21: wow!!! its touching my heart hardly :) <3 love it so much
Chapter 21: Ahh the ending <3 So sweet and romantic
Thank you for making such a adorable story
Chapter 21: Ahhh... Kims family and their friend happy ending (♥▿♥ʃƪ)
That was great ending!! This is one of my favorite taeny's story, and thanks for making this awesome story author-ssi!!

Hope you will make another fantasy taeny story again, cause I really like fantasy genre with TaeNy in the main character!

Keep writing and fighting!
Chapter 21: Awww~ the story is soooo awesome, romantic and sweet! I really love it!

Such a beautiful ending KIM family <333

Thanks for make this awesome story... TaeNy love is more than real :DDD

Love my TaeNy <333
Chapter 21: Such a sweet ending :D
daebak :)authorssi