Keito to the Rescue

My Boyfriend is an Idol

Keito took Ryosuke on a house near the Tokyo station. "What are we doing here?" Ryosuke asked while looking at the house. Keito stares at him with a serious face, no expressions came out from his face and ask Ryosuke "Are you serious? I thought Jass was your girlfriend and you are asking me that question, dont tell me you doesnt know that she was living here??" without any answer coming from Ryosuke, Keito walked in the hosue as if he owns it, Ryosuke followed him.


"Konnichiwa Aubtie." Keito greeted the woman who is sitting on the couch. "Oh, Keito. Genki desu ka? what brings you here?" Mrs. Okamoto noticed a guys standing beside Keito, a familiar face that she have seen somewhere, and she remembered that Jass room was full of his pictures. "I'm here for Jass, where is she Auntie?" Keito aked Mrs. Okamoto and she pointed her finger upstairs, Keito immediately went up and knocked on his cousins room.


"You are Yamada-Kun, right?" Mrs. Okamoto aked Ryosuke and smiled at him. "Hai! Nice to meet you Mrs. Okamoto." He bowed his head. "Take a sit, Jass is going down in a sec. I'll hust get some juice and snacks." 


"Oi! Jassssssss!" Keito was shouting while knocjing on Jass' room. Jass was feeling annoyed hearing her cousin's voice. She stood up, her hair was tied up high and she's wearing her pajamas. When she opened her room's door Keito immediately hold her wrist and drag her down.


"Awwww, What's your problem?!" Ryosuke hear Jass' voice, and saw Keito and Jass' as they make their way to the living room. Jass eyes became bigger and her eyes werent moving, she was staring on Ryosuke's face. "Keito, what's the meaning of this?" she asked her cusin with a calm and serious voice. "I'll help Auntie to prepare our food." he left Jass and Ryosuke alone in the living room.


"Anooooou....Jass" Ryosuke startled. "Can we talk?" he continued as Jass walks toward him and sit beside him. "Why didn't you tell me?" Jass asked. "I'm going to tell you but..." "But what?" Jass intefere, "I'm sorry. I was also surprised about it. Johnny-san didnt tell that Mariya is going to be my new co-star.” Hearing this words coming out from Ryosuke’s mouth, her heart is in pain as if someone is squeezing it. The only thing she did is to take a deep breath and words came out from : “But is it true that she was your girlfriend?”


Ryosuke’s phone rings and he answered it “Mariya?” Jass heart was in pain. “Okay, bye.” Ryosuke looked at Jass with a guilty face, a face that is sorry for what he has done and will be done. “You can go now.” Jass said as she stood up and went back to her room, that was the last words she have said to Ryosuke. Keito together with Mrs. Okamoto entered the living room and saw Ryosuke sitting alone on the couch starting at his phone. “Keito, Mrs. Okamoto. I need to go now. Johnny-san is looking for me.” He said.

Keito knows that his cousin is upset so he decided to go to her room, he entered the room, and saw Jass lying on her bed, and tears were falling from her eyes a continuous flow of liquid coming from the deepest portion of her heart.

He sat down beside her, “Jass, I understand what you fell… You are jealous and you feel that you were been betrayed by Ryosuke. But I hope you understand that Ryosuke is an idol. He needs to work not only with Mariya but also with other girls. Love, faith and trust are the foundation of any relationship. I don’t know if it is proper for me to say this. But YES, Mariya is Ryosuke’s first love but they didn’t end up happily because of THAT reaso0n, RYOSUKE is an IDOL. JE’s next golden boy. I thought you understand that, if you can’t you should end your relationship with him, because you two are not going to be happy if you are going to act that way”

This words from Keito help Jass to realized that she is acting like an immature baby, she didn’t think about Ryosuke and their situation.




I'm Back!!!! ahahhahahah... this chyapter is very serious XDDDD


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chapter8 full of typos


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OMG!!!!!! Please update soon!!!
*dying* Kyaaa~ >_<
Chapter 7: HE CONFESSED!!!! OMG!!!!
Chapter 2: yama-chan and jass-chan is in deep deep trouble now~ :3
Chapter 1: WHAO~ yama-chan... i know that you're hot lol~ btw nice chapter ~ update soon~
Gambate~ Update soon ne~
update soon! gambatte!!!!!!!!