Husband-Wife: Happily Ever After

Pure White



“Can someone please tell me that this all is just a bad joke?” the normally calm Park Jaehwa was furiously fanning herself with her hand.

Jooeun shook her head to answer her mother’s not-so-question-like question.

Jaejoong, who stood beside her, took her hand in his and said “No, it not omonim.”

Park Jaehwa exhaled angrily. “Oh my..!” She was at the brink of collapsing.

Jooeun took a step towards her, saying “Mom, you knew that something like this would happen from the very beginning.”

Park Jaehwa weakly shook her head.

“I knew, right. I knew but… I didn’t really expect it to happen.” she said.

Jaejoong felt something heavy on his chest.

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled.

“No, don’t be.” Jaehwa looked at him.

She sighed like she was finally admitting defeat.

“Did you tell the others?” she then continued.

The couple shook their heads in unison.

“No,” Jaejoong said after. “We wanted to talk with the bride’s mom first. It will be on the newspapers tomorrow.”

Park Jaehwa tried to answer calmly but she failed. She started crying and forgot everything she was going to say that instant.

“You… you didn’t do it, right?” she said instead, sobbing. “You really didn’t do it right?”

Jooeun looked at her mom in sympathy.

“Mom,” she started with a soft voice. “You already saw the proof. You’re very well aware that we really did do it.”

“No!” she shook her head.

“It’s been already six years since you’ve gotten married. You’ve had a friendly relationship up until now, so why?” she said hysterically.

“Omonim,” Jaejoong smiled. “We’re still very friendly towards each other. We just decided that it was time to end this marriage.”

“And you just silently went and divorced?!” Jooeun’s mom suddenly shouted. “Without discussing anything with us beforehand?”

“And why would I do that?” Jooeun shouted back. “Because of company matters? That’s not a reason you can use anymore! I’m now the CEO of ISIS Group and Jaejoong is the one managing almost every big company under us. It’s been like that for two years and you didn’t interfere even once until now. So you don’t have any right to get mad at me now.”

Park Jaehwa hung her head low. Her daughter was right. After the second year of their kids’ marriage the Kim’s had decided that it would be the best for them to give up their company and buy some shares from ISIS instead, all the problems were solved.

‘But…’ she thought.

When she saw that the two didn’t try to divorce even after that, she had started to hope that maybe those two would finally be a real couple. So, the news now were really a big shock to her.

Finally, she weakly nodded.

“What’s done is done.” She said. “Go tell your parents Jaejoong-ah. I will tell Yongsun.”

Jooeun smiled at her mom. She had finally understood them, it seemed.

“Let’s go.” She nudged Jaejoong. “See you later mom!”




The conversation with the Kim’s wasn’t any different either. Jaejoong’s mom had acted exactly like Park Jaehwa. Thankfully Kim Daejung, the  understanding dad, had just nodded giving them a warm smile. In the end, even Han Eunkyung had calmed down.

“You’re still friends right?” she had asked while seeing them off.

The two had looked at each other and beamed “Of course, the best of friends!”, holding hands.

Now, there was just one more thing left to do.

“You sure me coming along is a good idea?” Jaejoong asked, driving towards Changmin’s house.

“Yup!” Jooeun nodded. “You’re one of my best friends. Of course you should be there.”

Jaejoong just sighed.

‘If you say so…’

They were going to take Changmin and Yunho from their home and go to the church.

Yunho and Jooeun were marrying.

“You know, it’s funny.” Jooeun laughed. “I was married to you just a month ago and now you’re driving me to the church where I will marry Yunho.”

“It is.” Jaejoong laughed too. “But what’s funnier is the fact that he was originally someone that was sent to kill you.”

“Yeah…” Jooeun sighed.

After a few minutes, Jaejoong asked “When are you going to tell him your side of the story?”

Jooeun grinned.

“After the marriage.”

“That’s vicious!” Jaejoong grinned too.

“That’s just my way doing business.




The church wasn’t crowded. They had just invited some of Jooeun’s university friends, Changmin, Jaejoong and of course, Jooeun’s parents –though they were still shocked and weren’t able to come. Yunho hadn’t invited someone, saying that he had no one but Changmin and Jooeun which was most probably the truth.

The ceremony was short and so was the party. They parted rather quickly, after just a few hours.

Now, Yunho and Jooeun were driving to their new house. The drive was silent until Jooeun started talking.

“The marriage between me and Jaejoong was arranged by our parents. We were never really a couple. We actually hated each other. That’s why, for the first few months of our marriage, he had fought every night, even throwing plates and glasses at each other. So, you weren’t betrayed by your boss. No wait, you were betrayed. ISIS Group has had nothing to do with you until you had started working there. The company you thought was ISIS was another company that went bankrupt almost ten years ago. You just weren’t given any false information about me. Sorry for not telling that to you earlier, I just didn’t want to be killed by you.

The day we first met was the day when Jaejoong apologized to me and asked me to be his friend. You were the first one, after Changmin, who saw the friends Jaejoong and Jooeun. At that time when Jaejoong told you that lie, he was worried for me. He didn’t trust you and to be honest, I didn’t too at first.

But then, after two weeks, when we met again, you honestly told me everything. That was when I first trusted you, when I first liked you. We became friends after that. We started meeting pretty often and we grew closer.

Then, after one and a half years, I told you that the relationship between me and Jaejoong wasn’t anything beyond what two best friends had, that it was like that for quite a long time. And, that Jaejoong would approve of any other relationship I had. You remember what I had said to you at that time? I had said ‘But we can’t just divorce  now. It would be bad for the company.’ And surprisingly, you had just nodded.

It was about a month after that when we started dating right? You knew everything about me by then, except this one. And now, you know that too.”

Jooeun slowly inhaled, then smiled at her husband.

“You know, my parents will definitely love you!” she suddenly said. She was actually trying to avoid Yunho’s reaction to what she had told him.

“Well, they must.” He smiled. “Since I’m their daughter’s beloved husband.”




When they finally arrived at home, they were just so tired that they quickly undressed and went to bed. They slept soundly, cuddling with each other.

It was such a warm feeling, Jooeun just couldn’t find the right words to explain it. Okay, she had slept together in one bed with Jaejoong before, in the exact same position she was in now. But it just felt different. Being in Jaejoong’s embrace was like being hugged by an overprotective brother, but Yunho’s embrace felt like the embrace of a loving husband. That was the feeling she always wanted to experience but was never able to.

Thinking those things, she opened her eyes smiling at Yunho’s chest in front of her face.

This moment was just perfect. But every perfect moment had to end some time right?

“So, you’re telling me I didn’t kill you for no reason?” was the first thing a smiling and sleepy Yunho had said when he woke up, which was also the end of that happy moment Jooeun was having.





It’s pains my heart to say that but, the end guys!

How did you like the end? ^^

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Sorry that I am making you wait for too long, but I will be having exams till the second half of January. ^^"


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Chapter 11: I tho jooeun will live happily awith jaejoong :/ far from my expectation. well I'm a bit dissapoint but thanks for make jaejoong behaviour better ^^
Chapter 11: this was unexpected but great story
Chapter 11: The END!

I think you need that thing!

Like I said at first: Yunho kill Jooeun, it's much cooler:P
Chapter 9: well I hate that hiatus thing...I think you're doing right^^
Now..I'm gonna read a one shot:P:D
Chapter 5: Yunho,yunho!! hear my voice and kill Jooeun,because it's much cooler^^
anyway,2 chapter yay!!
and I know that fanfic,it is...well...I.. nevermind it's weird and awkward and long and funny^^
Chapter 3: awwww I didn't leave a comment,sorry
now I gotta say ı love sneaking thing
I love killing people(not in reality:D) and I love weird people
so go on!!:D
jungjungjung #7
Chapter 2: ımmm marrying jaejoong...öghjdgjghf it's disgusting
poor Jooeun.. anyway,I'm waiting for a new chapter