Chapter OO5

Beautiful Mess





She doesn’t know what happened or who even called her. All she knew was she was working on the café when she received a call from an unknown number telling her in his bass worried voice that she needed to go to Kim’s General Hospital. And without letting her ask why the call ended just like that with her damn worried as she asked permission to her boss who gladly let her off the work in order to get to the hospital. She was standing outside the huge hospital, the cold wind kissing her skin making her shiver with goose bumps as she rubbed her palm against her bare arms. Soon a white car arrived with its driver, stepping out panicking. ‘We need stretcher here!!’ he shouted as nurses came rushing to him pushing a stretcher with them. With their help the driver opened the door of his car revealing his brother unconscious and bleeding to death.


‘Oh my god,’ she gasped hands over , tears quickly escaping her eyes. She rushed to him as they carefully placed him on the stretcher saying medical terms that she can’t understand. Soon she just found herself pushing the stretcher with them, rushing Sanghyun to the hospital’s emergency room. ‘Sanghyun, don’t do this to me,’ she begged against her cries. ‘Don’t leave me,’ she cried more. Upon reaching the emergency room one nurse stopped her from entering the room.


She stood there in disbelief staring at the swaying white doors of the emergency room and soon the red light plastered above the doors blinked to life. She felt everything was falling to pieces right in front of her and the only thing she could do about it was to stand in front of it while crying. She felt like she will fall soon. She turned around and saw him standing there, his white v neck shirt soaked with her brother’s drying blood. He stood there, eyes on her, barely blinking nor breathing, hands trembling.


‘I’m sorry, I tried stopping him from racing,’ he breathed out painfully as she looked at him, listening. ‘I did try stopping him, believe me,’ he said pleading his head shaking lightly. She soon felt her tears streamed down her cheeks as her knees gave in and she felt herself falling down to the floor. She looked up only to see him holding her securely not letting her meet the floor.


Dara opened her eyes slowly feeling his warm soft lips against her nape as his arms encircled around her waists. She then turned around facing him with him crashing his lips against her. He kissed her gently, slowly and deeply. She fluttered her eyes close, her arms wrapping around his nape pulling him more to her as they both drown in the burning pleasure brought by their passionate sinful kiss. He slowly slid the strap of her white silky night gown off her shoulders as it slid down to the floor, leaving her bare with just her underwear.


His lips left hers as it pressed lovingly on the corner of her lips slowly sliding down to her skin, on her neck leaving wet carnal kisses on her as she tilted her head feeling his lustful kiss. His hand ran on her curves from her hips up to her . He cupped his mound as he started massaging it in a circular motion in both sense of gentle and rough making her moan as she felt the burning of arousal. His lips travelled down to her collar bones, down in her cleavage and soon on her white before it ended in her hard . He claimed her , it hard making her cry in pleasure. His tongue expertly playing with it, twirling around it and slowly he pulled away from her upon getting satisfied, leaving trails of saliva against her mound. He leveled his gaze to her. ‘Open your eyes baby,’ he whispered in sweet husk with her following his every word like what a servant would do to his master.


But then he was indeed the master and she was nothing but the servant who was paying her debts, working for her debts.


He scooped her in his arms gently walking her to the bed as he claimed her lips kissing her once more. He gently laid her down the bed with him hovering above her, lips still united with her for another round of those overly passionate kisses. He pulled away from her hastily ing his white polo as he threw it on the floor. Dara stared at him as their eyes met and she felt the fang of guilt seethed in her every skin. The guilt of sinning together with him, and the guilt of recognizing the helpless love mirrored in his deep brown eyes as he makes love with her.


She wrapped her arms over his nape pulling him to her. ‘Ji,’ she moaned his name softly as the latter smile sweetly before gently claiming her lips.


She opened her eyes and was welcomed by the view of his sleeping figure against the faint light coming from their lampshade. She looked at his handsome face innocently sleeping like a child, his arm around her waists as she could feel their bodies pressing under the blanket. How less complicated would it be if only he was not married, if only he was not Kwon Jiyong, portrayed as the loving perfect husband, having a picture perfect family that society envies. And how less guilt it would feel if she actually loved him, sometimes though it sounded never right she wished she would just fall in love with him. She would just learn to love him; maybe the guilt and pain will subside even a little. She can’t help not to wonder in those times too on why she can’t seem to love him and gave him some space in her heart.


She gently removed his arm around her waist making him stir from his sleep but she didn’t mind. She pushed herself to sit on the edge of their huge bed. She stared at the bed running her palm over its silk sheets. That bed had been the witness of her lies and sins over and over again. She wondered doesn’t it ever get tired witnessing it, being part of it for she was sure hell tired. She ran her fingers on her hair feeling the great exhaustion, physically, emotionally and mentally. She wanted to give up yet she can’t seem to bring herself into doing so. ‘Babe?’ she heard his husky voice calling her. She turned and looked at him as he fluttered his eyes open pushing himself to sit down. She smiled at him. He had always been like that, he wakes up in seconds he could no longer feel her body against his like he had some radar inside him. And like he was silently telling her that she could never escape him.


Jiyong smiled at her pushing himself to her wrapping her arms around her waist, his bare body pressing against hers. He gave her shoulder small kisses, travelling to her neck and landing on her cheek. ‘What’s wrong?’ he asked genuinely worried about her, cuddling her. She smiled shaking her head. ‘Nothing,’ she lied. ‘I love you baby,’ he whispered against her ears kissing her temple and hair. She smiled bitterly. ‘I love you too,’ she forced the words out of her lips once again wondering how many times does she need to spit that lie that whole night. ‘So I was thinking yesterday… that I wanted you to stop working,’ he said starting on that topic again.


Dara shifted her body facing him, palm resting on his cheek, eyes staring straight at his. ‘We talked about this J, million times, aren’t you tired?’ she said, rejection clearly on her voice. ‘No babe, listen to me first,’ he argued. ‘You should stop working I mean I could enroll you to a university where you could study, all expense are mine to shoulder and I’ll give you allowance. Besides you wanted to be a teacher right? And Sanghyun wanted it to happen too right?’ he asked as Dara looked at him kissing his forehead as she got off the bed, bending down grabbing her night gown on the floor. ‘Ji, it will happen in the right time okay? I am earning money for it,’ she said sliding her night gown on her body.


Jiyong stood up from the bed walking to her hugging her from behind, resting his chin on her shoulder. ‘I just wanted to make things easier for you,’ he breathed out in honesty. ‘I have you, I’m good with that,’ she said wrapping her arms over his. Jiyong pulled away from her with a smile as he walked and slid on his boxer. He then walked to the cabinet grabbing two gold in color paper bags. ‘I bought you something when I went to Taiwan last week,’ he said handing her the paper bag. ‘Look at it,’ he happily chipped in sitting down on the arm rest of the red leather sofa inside their room. Dara smiled at him opening the paper bags, only to see another expensive designer’s brand dress and shoes and another expensive diamond necklace placed on a blue velvet box.


‘When I saw those I know they will fit you perfectly,’ he said wrapping his arm around her waist pulling her to him. ‘Ji, I told you to stop buying me things right? And just buy your two kids toys and your wife gifts,’ she said to him biting her lips. ‘I bought them toys okay,’ he chuckled pinching her nose playfully. ‘And Kiko has her own money,’ he said flatly like he just lost his whole interest. She sighed placing the paper bags on the sofa and hugging him. ‘Thanks,’ she breathed out as Jiyong smiled happily hugging her tighter. ‘Anything just for you,’ he breathed out with a wide smile.


‘Anyways, I finally registered you,’ he said as he pulled away from the hug getting off the arm rest of the sofa. He walked his way to their bedside table grabbing his leather wallet and pulling something from it. ‘Here,’ he said handing her a card, a black card to be exact. Dara looked at him in disbelief giving him back the card shaking her head. ‘Ji, I can’t accept that. It’s way too much,’ she said to him. ‘Dara, it’s for you okay,’ he said handing back the card making her hold it firmly. She sighed looking at him. ‘You already gave me 3 credit cards and 2 ATM cards, aren’t you satisfied with those?’ she asked as he pinched her nose playfully once more. ‘Only the bests for you and besides you never use the cards, the bills are always zero when they come and you never withdraw from the ATM,’ he said.


‘That’s the point Ji, I don’t need this because I don’t and won’t use it,’ she said as disappointment flashed in his face. ‘Dara why don’t you accept the things I give are they not enough?’ he asked in a pained expression holding her both hands. ‘No Ji, they’re too much besides I’m not here for your money,’ she said to him and she knew somewhere in her words truth lingers. The only money she needed was the money he spent for Sanghyun’s hospitalization, nothing more. ‘Babe please just use what I got for you, please I wanted to feel that you appreciate me somehow,’ he said kissing her hand. She was about to answer him when his phone ringed.


She looked at his iPhone settling on the top of their bedside table. ‘Ji, someone’s calling you,’ she said as Jiyong walked to the table grabbing his phone. When he saw the caller’s id he quickly pressed the end button. ‘Who’s that?’ she asked walking to him. ‘Kiko,’ he answered grimly and it scared her that how he felt so bitter, so grim over his own wife, the girl he loved, used to love and even married. ‘Ji,’ she called his name biting her lips. Jiyong wrapped his arm over her waist pulling her closer landing a kiss on her forehead. ‘I love you babe, it’s you okay?’ he asked like she was a child who can’t understand anything that he was trying to convince. She looked at him, heaving a sigh when the phone ringed once more.


She looked at the phone blinking on the table and drifted her gaze to him. ‘Answer it,’ she said. ‘Please,’ she added as Jiyong’s jaw clenched. He then inhaled deeply grabbing the still ringing phone. ‘Put it on a loud speaker,’ she said staring at him. She doesn’t know why she even said that perhaps she wanted to hear from his wife, she wanted to know who she was or how’s she  was like since she never tried knowing her, the one who was greatly hurt because of this situation. She felt guiltier. ‘Dara,’ Jiyong breathed out in frustration. ‘Please,’ she said hugging him tightly. Jiyong pressed his lips on a thin line before forcing a nod. He then answered the call putting it on a loud speaker placing it back on the table.


‘What is it Kiko?’ he asked coldly enough to make Dara shiver. His tone of voice was like of a cold as ice president talking to his mere secretary and soon another wave of guilt hit her. ‘Where the hell are you Kwon Jiyong!?’ the girl shouted on the other line. ‘Just to remind you it’s already 3:30 in the morning and you are married bastard,’ she added in voice fuming with anger. ‘That’s none of your business Kiko,’ Jiyong fired back as the girl gasped in disbelief. ‘None of my business? you Ji, we’re married in case you forgot,’ she answered making Jiyong’s brows furrowed as he was getting mad with the conversation.


Dara gave his hand a light squeeze enough to calm him down as he looked at her lovingly caressing her hair. ‘It’s still none of your business,’ he said trying to sound calm and firm. Kiko laughed on the other line, an insulting laugh. ‘So you’re with your again, tell her I said hi from you loving waiting wife,’ she said and it quickly snapped Jiyong. Dara froze on her spot, her hands falling on her side as she felt pain in her chest. She knew she was a mistress, she was a but never would she thought it will hurt like this hearing it straight from his wife, hearing it being said in the mixing sense of anger and pain. And without noticing it the tears she thought would never fall crawled on her cheeks.


She didn’t want any of this. She never wanted to be a mistress, to cause someone pain or to ruin a family that everyone in the society looked up to.


‘She’s not a Kiko!’ Jiyong shouted in anger as Dara started sobbing biting her lips to suppress her cries. ‘What do you call her then? Mistress? ? e? Gold digger? What? Enlighten me Ji,’ Kiko answered back as Dara wasn’t able to suppress her cries as she ended up covering with her hands. Jiyong wiped her tears away. ‘Shh,’ he cooed her as he wrapped his arms around her. ‘We are going to talk after this Kiko, you’ll see what I can do to you, you damn !’ Jiyong said in angry threatening voice as he pressed the end button.


‘Shh, I’ll make her pay for calling you names,’ he said gently cooing her as Dara can’t say anything and just lost words as she helplessly hugged him tightly. ‘She is right Ji,’ she cried to him. ‘I’m a ,’ she cried painfully. ‘Dara, you’re not, okay?’ he said kissing her hair caressing her back. ‘You never were and never will,’ he said as Dara pulled away from him. ‘But I’m ruining your marriage,’ she said with Jiyong holding both of her hands bringing it to his lips kissing it. He wiped her tears away. ‘You’re not Dara, it was ruined even before you came,’ he lied smoothly. ‘You’re so beautiful, so sweet, so lovely and every little thing perfect. You made my life complete,’ he said in a low whisper of sweetness and pure love brushing her tears away with his thumb. ‘I love you, only you,’ he whispered kissing her forehead as she forced a nod wiping her tears away.


And she felt that slowly she was believing him, she was slowly opening her heart for him.


It was almost 5:30 in the morning and Dara was all dressed up. She stared at her reflection on the half body mirror on their bathroom as she combed her hair gently. She then sighed as she pushed her way out of their bathroom to their walk in closet as she placed the two paper bags he gave to her, lining it with almost 30 paper bags inside her huge cabinet. She looked at the jewelries, clothes and shoes that he bought yet she never wore unless he was there and she felt the obligation to show him that she was using what he spent his money for. She wanted to show him that somehow his efforts pay off, at least that’s the only thing she could do.  She let go a sigh in her mind his wife’s words still echoing painfully, that it was carving deep to her soul. She closed her eyes clearing her mind as she walked her way back to the room.


He was sitting on the edge of the bed on his black tuxedo the one she earned money for to give at their so called anniversary. She smiled at him. ‘I always see you wearing that in any of your media conference,’ she said as he smiled standing up walking to her. ‘Of course, you gave it,’ he chuckled kissing her forehead, then the bridge of her nose and finally claiming her lips for a gently quick kiss. Dara pulled away from him with a smile running her palm over her chest then tightening his tie. ‘Handsome,’ she whispered looking at his eyes with a teasing smile. ‘I know,’ he chuckled.


‘I have to go now, I still got work, the sun’s about to rise my boss will kill me,’ she chuckled grabbing her yellow bag pack and sliding it on her shoulder. ‘Dara…’ Jiyong breathed out. ‘Ji not this again okay, I really have to go,’ she said landing a quick peck on his lips. Jiyong held her wrist when she was about to get out of the room. ‘I will be in Shanghai next week. I guess we won’t see each other for long,’ he said sadness and longing already lingering in his voice. Dara smiled walking back to him and clinging her arms around his neck. She bit her lips. ‘You can always call me, take care of yourself okay?’ she smiled running her palm over his coat like she was fixing some crumple on it when it was smooth. Jiyong held both of her hands as he nodded. ‘You’re all mine right?’ he asked as Dara looked at him before chuckling.


‘What the hell Ji,’ she chuckled as the latter only pressed his forehead with hers. ‘Dara I can’t share, I don’t want to share,’ he breathed out making her stiff in place. ‘You’re only mine,’ he said claiming her lips with her eyes still wide open in shock. She gently pushed him away. ‘I need to go,’ she said forcing out a smile. ‘I’ll see you whenever you can,’ she said biting her lips. ‘Ahmm…. I love you,’ she said walking her way out of the room as she closed the door behind. She shook her head in disbelief as she tried to calm down her heart that was having a rampage in her chest, not because of giddy but because of fear.


She was scared and she didn’t even know why. She just felt that no matter what she do she will remained in his arms forever and that thought scared her.



Jiyong parked his white Bentley stepping out of it slamming the door behind, tossing the keys to the waiting servant. He entered the mansion, servants lining up bowing down in respect to him. He pulled his tie loosening it. ‘Where are the kids, Song?’ he asked their butler. ‘They’re already at school master,’ the old guy on a black coat bowed down answering to his master’s questions. ‘Where’s Kiko?’ he asked in an angry tone.


He lifted his gaze on their long staircase as his wife descended on it clapping her hands. She was wearing silky red lingerie with silk white bathrobe over it which was left open and untied. Jiyong glared at her. she walked giving kiss on his both cheeks before cupping his face and was about to land a kiss on his lips as he pushed her away. Kiko rolled her eyes. ‘And you actually came home,’ she said smiling. ‘I thought you’re planning to stay with your for the rest of your ed up life Kwon Jiyong,’ she hissed bitterly and angrily.


She gasped feeling his palm landing on her white cheek, strong enough to leave a stinging red mark. She felt water swelled in the corner of her eyes. She glared back to him breathing heavily in pain and disbelief. She felt like her body numbed seeing the anger and the absence of mercy in his eyes. ‘Dammit Ji!!’ she shouted at him as Jiyong landed another strong slap on her other cheek, it was so strong that she fell on the floor with the corner of her lips bleeding. Jiyong walked towards her, his silence biting danger. He bent down grabbing the collar of her silk clothes pulling her to stand up like she was some high school delinquent he was bound to beat to death as punishment for ever trying to cross his goddamn line.


Their servants eyes were all widened some were covering their mouth afraid that their surprised gasp will leak and might cost them their jobs and even lives. ‘Say that again Kiko,’ he threatened still gripping tightly on her clothes. ‘Go to hell bring that with you,’ Kiko gritted pouring all her left courage in her statement. Jiyong growled angrily landing another strong slap on her face throwing her to the floor, her lips bleeding as she lied down vision dimming. She chuckled running her fingers over her hair, pushing herself to stand up. All their servants were looking at her in great pity, some wishing they could help her, others mentally saying she deserved it for her rough attitude that they had always been enduring.


She chuckled with Jiyong glaring down to her. She spit out her saliva was accompanied by blood. Her cheeks wet by her trailing tears. ‘She will never be Mrs. Kwon, I am your wife Ji and that will remain through eternity,’ she said forcing her voice out, fists tightly clenching. Jiyong just glared at her. He then pulled the golden thin ring on his finger walking away from her, dropping the ring on their huge aquarium before ascending to their stairs. ‘Call her that again and you’ll know what else I could do to you,’ he said in voice full of warning and suppressed anger before he disappeared entering their room slamming the door behind, that it echoed all over their huge house. She was sitting on the floor hugging her knees to her chest as she cried loudly, she cried for the death of their marriage and for losing her once loving and sweet husband over a nobody. 


[author's note;;]

first of all this is TOPDARA! second of all sorry if this chapter is mainly daragon, i just want you to know what's dara's situation here. next expect for a tabisan fluff, fluff next chapter hehe :D battered and unwated wife kiko for the win!! hhahaha 



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Daraxxi_2Ne1 #1
Chapter 7: I'm loving the story!! So Sanghyun plays an important part in this fic since he's close to both Jiyong and Seunghyun. I know this fic started years already but I'm still hoping you can finish this authornim.
hyoriBB #2
Chapter 7: I keep rereading this story all the time I just love it...
Please update it Authornim TT_TT .
Chapter 7: More. Please. *begs*
Chapter 6: *pikachu meme*
I knew it was too good to be true for things to be smooth af! Freaking hell! So their lives are fxcking connected from the start! Where tf is dae please save dee! And riri better be successful af and save dee from this mess. (。ì _ í。)
Chapter 5: Bruuuuhhhh(|||゚д゚) i'm scared for dee... I mean the kwons are obvs effed up. *splahes holy water* begone thot! Stay away from my visuals otp!
Chapter 3: I was born to tell you i love you.. Now isn't that a song already.. I get a b in originality..
Chapter 2: Tabisan \(-ㅂ-)/ ♥ ♥ ♥
purplesatine #9
Chapter 7: please update this authornim, im begging you. ?
Xxdaisy #10
Chapter 7: i like u story please update soon Authornim*-*