Chapter 9: In Which Eunhyuk Has, Quite Frankly, Had Enough


woah guys... last chapter! Thanks for being patient with me T___T I hope the ending is somewhat satisfying OTLOTLOTL.


They were back in Korea now, but things still were not quite back to normal. Eunhyuk was in an irritable mood almost all the time, which the other members seemed to find highly amusing.


For the past week it seemed like Donghae's face was everywhere. Everywhere, except Eunhyuk’s own phone. He took out the now rather worn sukira photo from his wallet and glared at it moodily. Seriously, why was Donghae being affectionate towards every member BUT him? Maybe he didn’t have particularly special feelings for Eunhyuk anymore, but Eunhyuk hardly thought that merited being practically ignored! He thought coming to terms with your feelings was supposed to make life easier, not even more painful! Why did he have to miss the other boy so damn much?


He wandered aimlessly around the apartment catching bits and pieces of friendly conversations coming from the various rooms. He gritted his teeth as he heard Leeteuk’s voice... the one that had started it all.


“I just love the messages Donghae puts on my cellphone!” He could actually hearthe smile in the man’s voice.


Siwon’s laugh followed, “Donghae put such a y picture of himself on mine! A coordi noona saw it the other day and practically got a nosebleed!”


That’s it, I’m going to go eat my feelings, Eunhyuk fumed, making a beeline for the kitchen. Only to find it already occupied by the youngest members.


Kyuhyun had his arm conspiratorially around Ryeowook’s slight frame, “Our Donghae is just such a caring hyung isn’t he, Wookie?”


Ryeowook smiled back,  “Don’t tell Eunhyuk because I’m a little scared of him lately, but I think it’s really sweet!”


Eunhyuk cleared his throat loudly and stomped unceremoniously into the kitchen, scowling in the direction of the cowed (in Wook’s case at least, Kyuhyun just raised an eyebrow defiantly) maknaes. He wrenched open the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of strawberry milk.


They watched silently as he grabbed a straw and walked into the living room, shrugged, and went their separate ways.


Heechul was lying on the floor propped up on his elbows with the phone tightly against his ear, “He might be an idiot, but he’s kind of endearing. I keep him there just to piss of Hongki when he steals it for himself. It’s ing hilarious!”


Eunhyuk furiously stabbed the straw into his milk and half the drink up in the first swallow.


Heechul looked up and grinned at the buzzing voice that was still chatting away, “Oh… Hae sent you that one too Geng?”


Eunhyuk grabbed the remote to the tv and turned the volume up, drowning out the other man’s conversation, somewhat successfully, but honestly the diva had a voice that could cut through an entire concert full of screaming ELFS. The respite was only temporary however before Zhou Mi walked in looking annoyed and turned the volume down, citing the fact that he could hardly hear himself think let alone concentrate on the discussion he was attempting to have with Kyuhyun before walking back out again.


Eunhyuk chewed mournfully on the straw.


Even Yesung seemed to be closer to Donghae than Eunhyuk was at the moment. The eccentric man was currently in deep discussion with his favorite turtle, “I don’t know why Donghae put his face on my computer screen…” Eunhyuk caught him whispering.


Henry poked his grinning head in from literally out of nowhere, and announced in Yesung’s general direction, “At least it was just his face, for some reason, hyung put a full body shot of him only in his UNDERWEAR!


Eunhyuk choked on the last sip of strawberry milk he’d been in the middle of drinking.


Shindong was grinning as he walked into the living room as Eunhyuk was trying to sulk respectably while reopening the airways of his throat among the other entirely nonplussed members that happened to still be there. “Donghae left me such a cute text message last night! Look, Teukie--!”


But Eunhyuk had, quite frankly, had enough.


Before the phone could pass from Shindong’s hand to their leader, a vicious snarl startled them both.


“Give. Me. That. Phone.” Eunhyuk growled ominously- that he hadn’t quite recovered from his choking episode only made it sound more threatening. He grabbed the phone from the alarmed Shindong, furiously.


Heechul slowly lowered his phone.


Yesung backed into the corner, sinking down behind the armchair, peering doggedly over the top as he settled down for the spectacle.


Siwon looked up from texting, and seconds later Kyuhyun came sliding into the room breathing hard, a curious Zhou Mi peaking out from behind Kyu’s shoulder.


Eunhyuk looked at the smiling image of Donghae with an equally cute goodnight note at the bottom, “This is just getting ridiculous! You two don’t even hang out together alone, why the HELL is Donghae sending you cute GOODNIGHT messages?” Eunhyuk railed, furiously deleting the message.


“Everybody! Phones, NOW!” he barked, all but tearing them out of his groupmates’ hands.


Every single one of them had some variation a smiling Donghae as the background.


“New rule.” Eunhyuk glared at his friends as he deleted the background on each and every phone. “Donghae’s face is not allowed to be anywhere…. BUT MY PHONE. Or computer, or mp3, or or… ANYWHERE!” he blustered on, quite aware of the giant he was making of himself. “If I see any of you, or hear any of you discussing how fantastically cute it is when he does this…. So help me god…Donghae is… Donghae is…”


“Is?” a voice prompted, dripping with patronization. Heechul.


“IS MINE!” Eunhyuk burst out.


“Does he know that?” Kyuhyun asked, trying not to smirk… really! He was trying.


“Good point!” Eunhyuk jabbed a finger in Kyu’s direction wildly, “I think I’m going to go tell him.”


And with that he stormed out of the room.


Kyuhyun shook his head grinning. He shouted after the frazzled-looking boy, “You know he loves you too, right?”


Eunhyuk’s face suddenly reappeared in the doorway, “Wait, really?”


“Oh my GOD YOU ARE BOTH SUCH IDIOTS!” Kyuhyun rolled his eyes, “yessss… now go…rein in your wayward, camera-, overgrown child. I mean the love of your life…”


Eunhyuk stood there dazed for a few seconds before Kyuhyun shouted, “Go-ooo!” at him loudly enough to shock him out of said daze. “right!”


He barreled out the door and up the stairs so fast he nearly tripped three times on the same flight. He somehow managed to let himself into the 11th floor apartment and across the living room in order to barge dramatically into Donghae’s room.


“Donghae!!!” He shouted as he stumbled into the center of the room and righted himself.


Sungmin looked up from his computer as he sat on his pink side of the room, blinking, “Shower I think…” He took in Eunhyuk’s disheveled appearance and frankly quite terrifying expression and his eyes widened. “Oh ! It happened didn’t it? I can’t believe I ing missed it! Kyuhyun you son of a ….”


Eunhyuk stared at him only slightly confused before the older man brushed passed him hurriedly to presumably give Kyuhyun an earful about whatever the maknae had done, or not done this time, leaving Eunhyuk alone in the bedroom.


His eyes suddenly fell upon a slightly worn cell phone lying casually on Donghae’s bed. Donghae’s! He recognized the Nemo cell phone strap he himself had given the other boy for Christmas 2 years ago.


Maybe he does love me.


Meanwhile, Donghae was enjoying a rare opportunity to take a luxuriously long and hot shower, oblivious to the recently transpired events, and to the boy now pacing in the 11th floor living room. He turned off the shower with a sigh; things had been tough lately despite getting a lot of unprecedented affection from his hyungs and dongsaengs. Stepping on to the floormat, he wrapped a towel around his waist and leaned into the mirror examining his face carefully. He sighed again in dissatisfaction, he hadn’t been sleeping well lately and the bags under his eyes were growing more and more apparent. The coordinoonas would have his head at the next event. After Japan, he had hardened his resolve to distance himself from Hyukjae and it was definitely proving more difficult than he’d predicted. He had to catch himself halfway down the stairs in the middle of the night, in his habitual path to Eunhyuk’s bed multiple times now, contributing the sleepless nights. He eventually resorted to deleting Hyuk’s number from his phone in order to resist the temptation to call or text (not that it did much good as it was ingrained in his brain almost than his own).


He walked down the hall with the towel still slung low around his hips. Momentarily wondering where the rest of the members on his floor had got to. He entered his room to find Sungmin missing and started to get suspicious. If they went out to eat with out me…


Just then he noticed the message light on his phone blinking from the place he’d carelessly thrown it before his shower. He wondered if it was an explanation to the sudden emptiness of the 11th floor.


Sliding the unlock open he was surprised to find a very different background from the usual sapphire blue one he liked to keep.


“Check your messages” the banner at the top of the screen read. The background beneath showed a slightly scary looking Eunhyuk, pointing upwards.


Well this certainly is a first,Donghae thought, trying to remain calm. His fingers trembled in spite of himself as he dialed his voicemail.


An umistakable voice filled his ears and he felt his heart speed up. A deep breath, and then,


“Yah! Donghae!”


A Pause. And then slightly softer,




Another pause. Donghae’s heart was threatening to beat itself out of his chest now. He swallowed nervously. And suddenly Eunhyuk’s voice came out in a rush, gaining velocity with every moment:


“You! You’re only allowed to be an annoying camera when it comes to ME! Got it? You can’t go around loving EVERYONE the way you do! They’re gonna get annoyed and I’m annoyed, and I ing miss you and Jesus Christ you take a long ing shower. You know what? I’m making more of an idiot out of myself than I usually do aren’t I? I’m in the common room. . Sorry. I think I—”


Donghae all but dropped the phone on the floor. He ran into the living room to see a pale looking Eunhyuk, gripping what he was almost positive was Leeteuk’s cell phone. He wasn’t even going to ask.


Donghae stood frozen in the entrance, a thousand thoughts racing through his adrenaline filled brain. He watched Eunhyuk’s gaze quickly rise and the disheveled looking man’s eyes widened in shock.


“Donghae!” Eunhyuk yelped, “Why aren’t you wearing clothes?”


“I got your message uh… it seemed like it was more pressing?” Donghae abruptly became aware of how he was. He felt an embarrassed blush creeping all the way up from his chest, “Should I go and come back?”


Eunhyuk looked dazed. He was staring at Donghae’s exposed chest in a way that made Donghae feel a little like a corned prey animal. “No… no that’s … fine… that’s…”


And the next thing Donghae knew Eunhyuk was pressing him against the nearest wall, frantically kissing him. His hands gripped the smooth skin of Donghae’s hips tightly and he was suddenly burrowing his face in the hollow of Donghae’s next, mumbling into his skin, “ it, Donghae I love you. Don’t ever make me jealous again. Because I think I’ve actually gone mental.” While Donghae did his best not to let his knees give out.


“Well if this is the way you act when you’re crazy I hope you stay mental all the time,” Donghae commented light headedly as Eunhyuk began kissing up his neck to his jaw line.


And then Eunhyuk’s hands were everywhere, and Donghae was involuntarily undoing the buttons of Eunhyuk’s plaid shirt while kissing the lips he’d dreamed about kissing for so long. The soft full lips he’d been tortured with for the past ten years of his life, and he was kissing them. Donghae ran his hands along the taller boy’s now exposed abdomen with shameless abandon. Eunhyuk wrapped an arm around Hae’s lower waist hauling him closer into himself, while tangling the other hand in the hair at the nape of his neck, the friction making Donghae moan into the kiss.


A grind of hips later and Donghae realized with a jolt that the only cover he had at the moment was in immediate danger of becoming far more closely acquainted with the floor. Against his will, he managed to tear himself away from those gorgeous plump lips long enough to look Eunhyuk in the eyes.


And at the sight of the flushed face, the kiss bruised lips, and the lust blackened eyes he almost went back to it immediately. But he stayed himself, letting his hands rest against Eunhyuk’s heaving chest.


“I think… maybe we should talk about this?” Donghae said quietly, “Before it goes to far I mean…”


Eunhyuk looked down at the floor somewhat ashamed now. He hadn’t meant to jump the other boy like that, but really, could Donghae really blame him when it was he who walked out into the living room in only a towel? He stepped backwards, letting Donghae free of the wall.


“I’m going to go put clothes on, wait here, okay?” Donghae said, looking pensive.


Eunhyuk just nodded. Moving to sit dumbly on the couch.


He sat like that for what felt like hours before Donghae came back baring a serious expression and wearing a regrettably more complete ensemble. He sat down wordlessly on the couch next to Eunhyuk and there was an awkward silence that stretched on until Eunhyuk blurted out:


“Kyuhyun said you loved me!”


Donghae glanced up in surprise at the sudden outburst, blushing, “Did he now?”


Eunhyuk looked down at his hands, cracking his knuckles in his nervous habit. Donghae reached out and grabbed one of Eunhyuk’s hands.


“If you love me then….then why were you avoiding me?” Eunhyuk asked looking at their entwined hands.


“Because… because I didn’t want to be a burden? I mean…” Donghae continued quickly before Eunhyuk could interject, “You didn’t exactly seem like you liked me being… I dunno… I thought I annoyed you, I was trying to make you happy.”


Seeing the dejected look on Donghae’s face, Eunhyuk instinctively pulled him into a hug. “Well I wasn’t happy. I think I go through Donghae withdrawls without you around you know? I didn’t realize how much I liked you until you weren’t around any more. But I do now, and I just announced to the entire 10th floor that you’re mine so you’d better be okay with that!”


Donghae choked, “You did what?”


Eunhyuk felt slightly mortified thinking back on what he’d done, “I might have had a bit of a–a- momentary emotionally driven outburst of irrationality—you know what? This is your fault! If you hadn’t gone crazy with putting your face on every ones personal properties, I would have no reason to fly into a fit of jealous rage and none of that would have happened!” He finished, looking away stubbornly.


Donghae looked confused, “But… I haven’t been…”


“Are you kidding me? Are you telling me I didn’t just delete your face off of every single member’s phone just before I came up here? Because I may have cracked a little, but I know I’m not THAT cracked.” Eunhyuk looked at him, incredulous.


“But,” Donghae said helplessly, “I really haven’t! Except for Leeteuk’s phone a few weeks ago in Japan. Oh… and that time Kyu asked me to pose for Sungmin’s phone…come to think of it, he kept asking me to send him selcas…and all the members keep sending me texts like ‘you’re so sweet’ and—oooohh!”


Eunhyuk stood up abruptly. “I knew Kyu was up to something. I just knew it. He’s been looking too damn smug lately!”


He strode to the front door purposefully, intent on marching downstairs and doing something he’d most likely regret later on, but when he pulled the door open, he was almost knocked over by the 10 boys that had, until then, been leaning desperately against the white surface.


He scowled, “Don’t you all have something better to do with your lives?” refer not only to their current position but to the Donghae picture debacle as well.


“Nope!” Sungmin grinned from the ground.


“It was getting ridiculous hyung,” said Henry, “even I could tell you guys were pining for each other.”


Eunhyuk looked at Donghae who had come to stand behind him, wide eyed at the spectacle on the ground before him.


“It was kind of becoming a drag for everyone,” Heechul smirked leaning against the doorframe.


Kyuhyun crossed his arms, “Don’t even think about getting mad at me Hyukjae-ah, you both should be thanking me right now. And I wanted that picture of Donghae-hyung that you deleted ever so rudely—”


“No!” Eunhyuk interrupted, “I admit that you may have played a roll in making me um… realize my feelings, but Donghae’s face belongs to me now! And none if you can have it!” He made to shelter Donghae from the rest of the group.


Donghae pulled Eunhyuk off of him giggling, “now you’re just being ridiculous Hyukkie, it doesn’t matter how many pictures of me are on other peoples phones or computer screens or whatever, the real me always belongs to you.”


Kyuhyun snorted, “Or were you planning on telling all of Donghae’s fangirls they were no longer allowed to have his pictures anymore?”


Eunhyuk stuck out his tongue in response, the maknae definitely brought out Eunhyuk’s immaturity.


The two finally managed to escape the teasing, but happy members enough to escape into Donghae’s room.


Donghae backed Eunhyuk into the bed, pushing him playfully down, “So you’re sure you don’t find me annoying?”


“Well, I find your annoying qualities endearing, you know I only get mad so you don’t know how much they effect me, right?” Eunhyuk admitted.


Donghae grinned happily, “And you really got jealous enough that you yelled at everyone in the group?”


Eunhyuk flushed, “Well… except you and Sungmin, cos he was in here…”


Donghae smiled, “And… you really think you love me?”


“Hae, I’ve always loved you, I just didn’t realize the extent until now.” Eunhyuk cheeks grew even redder as he remembered the not so appropriate dreams he’d been having of late.


“And how much do you love me?” Donghae asked, looking at Eunhyuk through his eyelashes.


Eunhyuk rolled his eyes, “You just saw how jealous I got over ing pictures on cell phones… stop asking questions you already know the answers to, and ing kiss me!”


And so Donghae did.


WOW THAT TOOK A LONG TIME TO GET HERE. thanks to all my loyal readers, you guys are daebak! I am so sorry about the mega gap in writing, if you've stuck with this since the beginning, props to you! I love you! especially if you've been consistantly commenting. Seriously, spazzing comments make my day! If you're newer subscribers, I hope you've enjoyed the eunhae! this fic was originally supposed to be like 3 chapters. FML why do I do this to myself, oh yeah, because you people keep plying me with compliments and it goes to mah head and i keep writing and then it turns into (for me) monster ficcccc! oh well. I don't know if the epilogue is really neccessary any more, because I kind of ended up including what I had planned for that part in the end of this chapter. Sorry it's so sappy T____T you all know I can only write fluff!


So even though I'm 85% sure this is the end of Camerawhore, don't worry because I have plans for a ty one shot sequel OMGI have many ideas in my head for more eunhae (and actually there is some angst in there thanks to two somebodies NOT BEHAVING LIKE THE SHOULD LATELY yesimlookingatyoueunhae), and a few surprises that are decidedly NOT eunhae. well then. I'm not one for long goodbyes, so until next fic my lovelies!

~ Funny Little Fishy ^__^


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Chapter 9: This is toooo cute iilove it
963 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wow! A 6 year old fanfic that is still so cute as the Eunhae of today. Thank you so much for this realization story. And I love what you called as Donghae withdrawals.
Merettevan #3
Chapter 2: Such a sweet, cute and fun story, with just a bit of angst but not to much luckily (since I needed something like this to brighten my day!).
These two are so adorkable, I can't help but love them! And I laughed so much with Kyu, unexpectedly Siwon and Sungmin so invested in this!
Thank you for the story!
Chapter 9: Why did this amazing story end? Huh tell me author-nim (well it was a perfect ending but I am selfish and want more!) why?! Whish there was more but tbis stroy is perfect and I loved every moment of it!
Chapter 9: My second time reading this. But it still seems soooooo ing cute!
AisyaZainal #6
Chapter 9: Simple, but really well-written. Thoroughly enjoyed this, soooooo cute.
Chapter 9: So sweet ^^ thank you ^^
KanaYuzuki #8
Chapter 9: Wow! That was awesome, and so so sweet ^_^ aw kyu, you little devil xD eunhae forever <3 thanks for the wonderful fanfic, Author-nim :)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 9: Very very very nice story...both eunhae are so cute....thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 9: damn that ending otl they're so hot unff and when hyukjae declared his love in front of the members awwww I wish I was there and witness the jealousy written all over hyukjae's face! that would be priceless HAHAHA a big thankyous for kyuhyun and his helps! if it wasnt bcs of you, these idiots would never end up together (theyre just happy living in denial sobs sobs) love the ending soooo much and NO! I WILL STILL AND FOREVER WILL SAVE DONGHAE'S PICTURES IN MY PHONE HAHAHA SERVE YOU RIGHT HYUKJAE :^D thanks for sharing~