Chapter 8:In Which Kyuhyun in Evil, Donghae Sleeps, and Eunhyuk thinks Donghae Just Might be Beautiful


What the hell is going on? Is this... could this be.... AN UPDATE? There must be a glitch in the universe somwhere...

No but seriously, I've been so stuck with this story all summer and then all of the sudden last night, instead of doing the homework I'd meant to be doing, the pesky fanfiction muse struck, and struck hard. Literally wrote for 4 hours straight last night. I think I've found the missing ingredient to awesome fic writing... home work procrastination! Without school work that I really don't want to do, there would be.... pretty much none of the fics here. So lets pray I get lots more! LOL... okay. But you came here for the next chapter didn't you? Yeah... thought so. I hope I don't disappoint! I really like this one :D...

a/n: Uh... so I meant to have a page or so before this and somehow asianfanfics uploaded my draft huhuhu.... i guess it wasn't really necessary... I might add it in though? fff....

He'd always thought Donghae liked him a little too much. Not that the other boy had ever tried anything with him, but he was always taking the fanservice just a bit farther than necessary, playing it up just a bit longer than the cameras were rolling. But ever since Donghae had gotten sick a few weeks ago, everything had stopped. Eunhyuk used to complain about it, sure, but he never really expected Donghae to change…. That would be like… that would be like Sungmin suddenly dying all his pink belongings chartreuse or something! Some things were just Super Junior facts of life: Kyuhyun plays starcraft, Yesung likes turtles, and Donghae…likes Hyukjae. He frowned.


Clearly Donghae's cold had done more serious damage than Eunhyuk had originally thought. His face cleared as a sudden thought hit him, He must still be sick!  There’s no other good explanation…


He looked over at the boy in the seat next to him, trying to assess his health. Donghae had leaned his head back and closed his eyes in an attempt to rest on the train ride back to Yokohama, leaving him unaware of the pair of eyes that lingered just a little too long on his graceful neck and stared a little too hard at soft parting of his lips.


Eunhyuk shook himself, clearly just looking at him was not going to give him the right kind of answers. “Hey…” he started hesitantly, “Donghae… are you… are you feeling alright?”


Donghae blinked sleepily, “Hmm? I’m fine, why? Just tired.”


He turned to look at Eunhyuk and found himself shrinking back, unnerved, from the penetrating gaze Eunhyuk was aiming at him.


“You’ve just been off lately… I thought maybe…” Eunhyuk trailed of frowning.


Donghae’s heart raced as he suddenly felt a cool hand on his forehead. He told himself to breathe deeply and tried to hide his quickening pulse.


“Maybe you were still sick,” Eunhyuk finished, not moving his hand.


“Oh um,” Donghae said softly, trying to keep the heat from rising in his face, “I don’t know what you m-mean. Acting weird? I’m really fine!” He all but squeaked.


When Eunhyuk finally removed his delicate hand from his forehead, Donghae exhaled in a sigh of relief tinged with the just tiniest bit of regret at the loss of contact. But before he could dwell on the troubling feelings being in close proximity to Eunhyuk always gave him, a colossal yawn escaped his body, making tears well from his eyes.


Eunhyuk gave him an unreadable look, and said quietly, “You should try to sleep.”


Donghae closed his eyes tightly, unsure of what had just happened, praying for a swift sleep as he pretended to rest. It turned out that he didn’t need fake his napping for long as he really was quite tired.


Eunhyuk watched Donghae eyes slam shut and then slowly relax into a true sleep. The train swayed comfortingly, making Donghae’s head loll slightly as he napped. It was pretty adorable, Eunhyuk thought, a smile creeping over his face subconsciously. Donghae looked even more childish when he was asleep. The lines in his face smoothed out and a neutral expression overtook his usually playful face making him look about ten years younger.


“Hello there!” Kyuhyun whispered suddenly from between the seats, making Eunhyuk jump. Donghae slumbered on, blissfully oblivious.


“What the hell, Kyu?” Eunhyuk hissed, trying not to wake up his friend or express just how widely his heart was banging around his ribcage. He stared at the slightly maniacal smile on Kyuhyun’s face accusatorily, “You scared the crap out of me, .”


Kyuhyun’s grin just widened, “An added bonus.”


He started poking Donghae, making the older boy’s head wobble back and forth even more severely, “Cute, isn’t he? I bet he wouldn’t even wake up if I did…”


He suddenly reached around Donghae’s seat back and with his forefinger gave one solid push… causing him to land almost perfectly face-down, in no other location but Eunhyuk’s crotch.


“THIS!” Kyuhyun was positively smirking now at the look of abject terror on Eunhyuk’s face.


Well, I think my work here is done.Kyu thought to himself gleefully as his slipped back into his seat resting his head upon the shoulder of a gently snoring Sungmin, and picked up his vintage Gameboy once again.


Siwon flashed him an enthusiastic thumbs up from across the aisle and Kyuhyun had just enough time to think God I’m good! Before becoming fully immersed in the console before him.


Meanwhile, in the row of seats in front of the extremely Evil Maknae, Eunhyuk was concentrating on trying to remember how to breathe. It’s not a big deal, Hyukjae, we all sleep in each other’s laps all the time! He’s not even consciously doing it! Really… no need to—OH GOD.


Donghae had been shifting himself into a more comfortable position, and in doing so had turned his head even further into Eunhyuk, snuggling his nose directly into Eunhyuk’s crotch. Directly. Into his man bits. Into his suddenly extremely excitable man bits. Oh holy mother in heaven ing kill me now. Hyukjae! Think of something—anything! Anything besides the boy that’s practically mouthing your ing !  He barely stifled an audible groan as he felt Donghae’s hot breath ghost through his thin jeans. You’re a ing ert Lee Hyukjae, he doesn’t even LIKE you! He thought at himself angrily.


He’d all but stopped breathing for an entirely different reason now. He suddenly let out a lungful of air he didn’t know he was holding. Now that was a sobering thought. If Donghae really wasn’t sick… then was it possible that Donghae was avoiding him because he… really had changed?


Does Donghae... not like me anymore? Eunhyuk thought tremulously, and why did he suddenly feel like he was riding the drop zone at the amusement park and somehow his body was at the bottom while the rest of his organs had somehow remained hundreds of feet up in the air?


He looked down at the shiny head of hair that obscured most of Donghae’s familiar face, wanting terribly to give into to temptation and run his fingers through it. He missed his best friend. He could admit that much freely. Eunhyuk took a deep breath. He missed Donghae when the other boy wasn't around, and yes he even missed the skinship, and truth be told, he really didn’t mind being bombarded with the silly text messages, and of course he was always worried about Donghae taking care of himself. Until now he’d managed to write this all off as symptoms of their close friendship.


But the almost physical reaction he had to the sound of Donghae's voice, the irrational anger he felt at seeing Donghae close with any other member, the entirely inappropriate dreams that had just recently become regular nighttime visitors along with the quite frankly  disturbing  reactions he was now having to physical contact with the other boy? These he could no longer ignore.


He buried his face in his hands. There was no more denying it... he definitely wanted to do entirely nonplatonic things with his best friend. But if he loved Donghae as his best friend...and he now lusted after that same friend... did that mean he was... romantically in love with Donghae?


At that moment, Donghae finally (thankfully) turned his head away from it’s inappropriate resting spot, and now he lay almost face up. Eunhyuk softly nudged the silky fringe that had remained stubbornly blocking his view of Donghae’s face, letting his hand rest on the impossibly perfect cheekbone, next to Donghae’s impossibly perfect left eye, which had an equally impossibly perfect companion on the right side of Donghae’s impossibly perfect face. Eunhyuk could help but extend a finger towards the beautifully thick and sweeping eyelashes that fluttered when he accidentally got too close. He pulled his hand back quickly. He stared at the delicately pointed nose, imagining running a finger down its length, and then letting that finger drop down to the achingly soft lips that were now curved in a peaceful smile.


He appeased himself by letting a finger softly trace the strong jawline, feeling his finger catch slightly on the stubble that had just started to appear due to Donghae neglecting his razor that morning.


Eunhyuk sighed, was it really any wonder he’d fallen for Donghae? Even his skin problems were impossibly perfect to Eunhyuk.


“Cos you, you are so beautiful…” He sang softly under his breath, nal sumsuiga haneun ne ibseul saranghandanmal[1] he finished silently. I could be into that idea, he thought dazedly as he lost himself in thought, still staring at the quietly sleeping Donghae.


Kyuhun cackled softly. His phone buzzed quietly with a text from Siwon -Did I just hear Hyukjae sing Beautiful to Hae as he sleeps?


Kyuhyun grinned, -As a matter of fact THAT JUST HAPPENED. Bow down to the master.

[1] Let me gasp against your lips, to say this words, “I love you”. (most UNF line everrrr)


OH MY GOD and the best part is that I have the next chapter practically done as well!! Just need the ending. There's gonna be one more chapter, and then possibly an epiogue. I'm sorry, that's  really all this fic has left in it. ya'll have to let me know if you think the epilogue is a necessary or desired idea. I have a few other fics I'm working on actually so maybe... there will more from me soon! In the meantime, check out my new tumblog Idol Texts... even if you don't have a tumblr, you can make requests and enjoy the ensuing lols! *shameless pimpage*


<3 FLF


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Chapter 9: This is toooo cute iilove it
963 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wow! A 6 year old fanfic that is still so cute as the Eunhae of today. Thank you so much for this realization story. And I love what you called as Donghae withdrawals.
Merettevan #3
Chapter 2: Such a sweet, cute and fun story, with just a bit of angst but not to much luckily (since I needed something like this to brighten my day!).
These two are so adorkable, I can't help but love them! And I laughed so much with Kyu, unexpectedly Siwon and Sungmin so invested in this!
Thank you for the story!
Chapter 9: Why did this amazing story end? Huh tell me author-nim (well it was a perfect ending but I am selfish and want more!) why?! Whish there was more but tbis stroy is perfect and I loved every moment of it!
Chapter 9: My second time reading this. But it still seems soooooo ing cute!
AisyaZainal #6
Chapter 9: Simple, but really well-written. Thoroughly enjoyed this, soooooo cute.
Chapter 9: So sweet ^^ thank you ^^
KanaYuzuki #8
Chapter 9: Wow! That was awesome, and so so sweet ^_^ aw kyu, you little devil xD eunhae forever <3 thanks for the wonderful fanfic, Author-nim :)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 9: Very very very nice story...both eunhae are so cute....thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 9: damn that ending otl they're so hot unff and when hyukjae declared his love in front of the members awwww I wish I was there and witness the jealousy written all over hyukjae's face! that would be priceless HAHAHA a big thankyous for kyuhyun and his helps! if it wasnt bcs of you, these idiots would never end up together (theyre just happy living in denial sobs sobs) love the ending soooo much and NO! I WILL STILL AND FOREVER WILL SAVE DONGHAE'S PICTURES IN MY PHONE HAHAHA SERVE YOU RIGHT HYUKJAE :^D thanks for sharing~