Chapter 4: Dramas, Dreams, and Awkward Conversations


They shared an elevator ride to the 14th floor with Sungmin and Kyuhyun who were sharing easy conversation. Why was this idea making Eunhyuk feel so uncomfortable suddenly? He’d shared a bed with Hae all the time in the past. They had even been roommates before. He sneaked a peak at the other boy, who was leaning against the wall of the elevator chewing on his lip while staring resolutely at his shoes. Eunhyuk’s heart began to beat more rapidly.


Donghae was tired, and just a little drunk. He was tired, but for some reason his heart began pounding faster and faster in his chest as they ascended closer and closer to the floor they were meant to be staying on that evening. He was intensely aware of every movement Eunhyuk made, and tried as hard as he could not to look up as he felt the other’s eyes on him.


They parted ways with Kyuhyun and Sungmin at the first hallway with an agreement to meet downstairs at nine for their trip to Hakone. There was an awkward fumbling with the key card as Donghae’s now adrenaline filled fingers shook while he tried to unlock the door, but it finally opened.


Donghae felt a thrill of mixed excitement and horror when he saw there was only a single bed. On the one hand, he was going to have an excuse to be close to Hyukkie that the other boy couldn’t blame him for really, but on the other hand he just knew this was going to derail all the hard work he’d done while trying to distance himself from his decidedly straight friend.


“Are you just going to stand there, or are you going to go inside?” Hyukkie’s voice came from behind him, impatiently.


Donghae blushed as he realized he’d been blocking the door for the past 30 seconds. He walked further into the room and plopped his bag down on one side of the bed. Eunhyuk followed suit and began to rustle through his baggage for his tooth brush, a pair of sweats, and a T-shirt to wear to bed. Donghae swallowed audibly as Eunhyuk shrugged his jacket off nonchalantly and began peeling his shirt and undershirt off, all the while completely oblivious to Donghae’s reaction. The younger boy turned away quickly, busying himself with his own nighttime preparations.


Eunhyuk self consciously dressed as quickly as he possibly could, not looking at Donghae. The best way to deal with these things, he decided, was to ignore them. Against his better judgment, however, he couldn’t help but sneak a peek as Donghae wriggled out of his skinny jeans, leaving him wearing only a pair of briefs, Eunhyuk blushed at seeing so much skin and quickly looked down only to see, to his delight, Donghae’s mismatching socks, one with yellow ducks patterned across it, and the other, a bright pink monstrosity with tiny hearts all over it. He let out an involuntary snicker.


Donghae looked up midway through pulling tying the drawstring on his pajama bottoms, “What?” He asked, a slightly confused look passing over his face.


Eunhyuk burst into laughter outright, gasping, “socks!” as he tried to catch his breath. It really wasn’t that funny, he tried to reason, but seeing Donghae practically and then having it offset by the mismatched socks was just too comical. It was too much for Eunhyuk, really. His reactions to the other boy were getting harder and harder for him to deal with. He sank to the floor, shoulders still shaking.


Donghae pulled on the matching top of his fish themed pajamas, hurriedly pulling the offending socks off his feet. A flush spreading up his neck. Eunhyuk had seen him practically and his reaction was to laugh at his socks? Granted, they were two especially awful examples of the clothing…


They went to the bathroom to brush their teeth, both staring at each other through the mirror. Donghae made sure to spend a long time with the mouthwash, he had no desire to embarrass himself further with bad breath in the middle of the night.


Eunhyuk had been brushing his teeth for what felt like hours. He kept looking over at Donghae, who was still happily brushing away, and forcing himself to keep going. He didn’t want to look unhygienic by not cleaning his teeth long enough, he told himself. He just wanted to last as long his the boy on his left did (A/N: okkaaay.. that sounds dirty lol). They kept exchanging glances when finally Donghae spit. Eunhyuk, relieved, quickly did the same.


“So uh… do you want to watch some tv?” Eunhyuk suggested, rubbing the back of his head which Donghae thought was one of the cutest things he’d seen in a while. He blushed at the thought but nodded.


They got into the bed taking care to position themselves as far from each other as possible and Eunhyuk grabbed the clicker. He began to sort through the channels, realizing belatedly they’d all probably be in Japanese. He sighed. Well so much for that idea… but then a snippet of Korean caught his ears.


Donghae heard it too, “Go back, go back! I think that was a Korean drama!”


“Hey, isn’t this Changmin’s drama? Paradise Farm, or Ranch or something?” Donghae added as the recaps began to flash on screen, “I haven’t had time to watch it yet, but he’ll be happy when we tell him we’ve seen it!”


Eunhyuk laughed as their friend came on screen, “And he’s supposed to pass for 27? No way do I buy that haha.”


Donghae shrugged, “It’s drama, suspend your disbelief for an hour.”


“Romantic dramas like this always annoy me though,” Eunhyuk groaned, “they’re all so improbable. Like really? The girls are always waaay too innocent. Do you expected me to believe that that girl, who was married, to Changmin nonetheless, at one point and is now nearing 30 has not had any kind of ual relationship? And how do both of those guys like her, and not the other girl?”


Donghae huffed, “Well I’ll grant that there’s a whole lot of overly innocent characters populating the drama universe, but I think it’s because they want to show that there’s more to love than pure physical attraction. This way you get to see the relationship grow in a more lasting way.”


Eunhyuk shook his head, Donghae really was a hopeless romantic, “Donghae, have you ever been in a relationship? They make freaking hugs a big deal! If people got all stiff and shy from a 5 second back-hug, the entire Korean population would’ve died out ages ago!” He snorted.


Donghae blushed, his lack of relationship experience was not something widely known. Mostly because he acted like a playboy and flirt in the public eye. It wasn’t for lack of interest, he’d had countless offers from girls both famous and not, but he’d turned them all down. Sure he’d kissed a few girls in high school before he got famous, but it was more like he figured it was just something you did. He’d never been in love with anyone until he’d met Eunhyuk. He didn’t think he was gay necessarily, but after he’d realized his feelings he hadn’t really wanted to date any girls. The boys just assumed he was just really good at keeping his relationships on the DL, or that he was just too dedicated to being in Super Junior to focus on a relationship, sticking to one-night-stands and such. It was a common side effect of being a celebrity after all.


He realized he’d paused for too long when Eunhyuk’s voice broke into his consciousness, “Are you serious? You’ve never been it a relationship? I mean I knew you were innocent, but…Donghae… are you a ?”


No way, they were not having the conversation…NO!


“Haee… Have you even kissed anyone? When was the last time you kissed a girl?” Eunhyuk was genuinely curious now. He’d always known his friend was an innocent type, but he’d assumed the boy got at least some action. His heart started beating faster as he waited for Donghae’s answer, the more he thought about it, the more agitated he was becoming. Why did he care if Donghae was a ? What was this strange possessive feeling coming over him? He didn’t have any business in Donghae’s life, right?


Donghae was blushing in earnest now, “Yes I’ve kissed girls before!” he answered quickly.


“Right, but not recently? How far have you gone, Hae?” Eunhyuk pushed on, unable to control himself.


“I don’t want to talk about this!” Donghae suddenly burst out, staring resolutely at the TV screen, “Can we just watch the drama, please?”


Eunhyuk blinked, “Arraso, arraso,” maybe Donghae really was as innocent as he seemed. He was surprised by the feeling of relief that washed over him at the thought. Why did he feel pleased about this? He wondered.


As the drama went on, both boys began to nod off. The combination of the concert, the sake bombs, and the clock that read 2AM was a flawless recipe for sound slumber. Some time into the drama, they’d both gotten under the cover, neither being able to figure out the fancy Japanese thermostat, nor willing to attempt it, as it necessitated actually moving, something neither of them were very keen on at the moment.


They’d been scooting closer and closer as the hour had gone on, neither  acknowledging that the other was doing it, nor admitting to themselves that they were doing it. Eunhyuk stirred a little as he felt Donghae’s head drop onto his shoulder, smiling a little. He knew he should turn of the TV and succumb to sleep, but he was finding the drama strangely compelling.


“Dong-joo! Why are you yelling at Da-Ji?? That’s so not the way you tell a girl you care about her, you big idiot!” Eunhyuk yelled silently at the screen. He wrapped an arm around Donghae’s shoulders absent-mindedly as the tense scene went on. Sometimes you just need something to clutch on to when watching dramas.


Donghae was drifting in and out of sleep when he felt a strong pair of arms wrap around him. He cracked open an eyelid to see Eunhyuk biting his soft bottom lip worriedly as he sat transfixed by the drama, holding on to him tighter and tighter. Donghae snuggled closer, hiding his smirk. He knew Eunhyuk acted tough and all, but deep down he was kind of a softie. And he was totally cuddling with him right now! He wanted to stay awake and savor the moment, but he couldn’t resist the wave of exhaustion that swept over him once more.


Donghae awoke in the morning still wrapped in Eunhyuk’s arms. The other boy was close enough that Hae could feel his bangs move slightly with every breath Eunhyuk took. He found himself staring at Eunhyuk’s throat. He thought privately, that’d he never seen such a perfect throat. He sighed, why did he have to go falling in love with his best friend anyway? His best friend who was so obviously into girls? And why did Eunhyuk have to go and snuggle in a bed with him just when he was beginning to accept that fact? He let out another, louder sigh.


The other boy began to stir, in the process pulling Donghae even closer.


Eunhyuk was having a lovely dream.


He was lying on the beach and the sun was beating down cheerily from the sky. The waves shone, jewel like, and within them he could see his funny little fish Donghae splashing about. It was just the two of them, they had no where to go, and no one to snap endless pictures of them, just each other, a beach towel, and perfect day. He sat up as Donghae emerged from the water and started heading up from the shore. He reached their spot quickly and grinned down at Eunhyuk, who stared transfixed by Donghae’s salt-water covered, glistening chest. Donghae gave him a playful wink before settling down next to him on the large towel.


“Have a strawberry, Hyukkie!” Donghae smiled, holding the lush red fruit in front of Hyuk’s lips. Hyuk tried to take it from him, but Donghae shook his head mischieviously, “Nuh-uh!, I wanna feed you,” he said, taking his other hand and running it along Enuhyuk’s trembling lips.


He parted them obligingly and Donghae placed the sweet berry in his mouth. Eunhyuk bit down and the taste of the fruit filled his mouth, the juice dripped from the corner of his lips as Donghae pulled the green end away.


“Let me get that for you,” Donghae whisper suggestively as he leaned forward and dipped his head towards Eunhyuk’s neck, slowly the juice that had made its way halfway down his throat.  When he reached the source of the sticky, sweet juice, he removed his tongue, only to replace it with his sea tempered lips. He kissed Eunhyuk passionately and gently laid them back onto the towel. He pulled away leaving Eunhyuk breathless.


“You taste like strawberries,” he whispered in a husky voice,  trailing a hand along the plains of Hyuk’s well-toned stomach. After another kiss he began to trail light kisses down Eunhyuk’s chest.


He suppressed a moan, and pulled the other boy’s face back to his own, now taking charge of the moment. He wrapped his arms tighter around the sun-warmed back of the slightly larger boy.


“You taste like the ocean,” Eunhyuk murmured into Donghae’s hair.


Donghae started, surprised at the sudden sound of Eunhyuk’s words and the boy opened his eyes groggily at the movement. He smiled sleepily and wrapped his arms around Donghae once more.


 And suddenly pulled away, this time eyes wide open, a look of horror falling across his features.


A/N: Mwahahaahaaa... pure Eunhae goodness. I didn't get as far as I wanted to with this chapter (it was originally also going to include the hot springs trip) but I was having too much fun with those two in a bed together. I mean, there's only so many times you can set THAT up in one fic (maaaybe). But as you can probably tell i had a lot of fun writing the dream sequence. next chapter will include lots of nekkidness that hyukkie is sure to feel real awkward about after his unprecedented strawberry dream... this oughta be good. And don't worry the return of the evil genius Kyu is nigh! It looks like it's going to be at least 6 chapters now, so much for writing a short fic haha....


xxx FLF

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Chapter 9: This is toooo cute iilove it
963 streak #2
Chapter 9: Wow! A 6 year old fanfic that is still so cute as the Eunhae of today. Thank you so much for this realization story. And I love what you called as Donghae withdrawals.
Merettevan #3
Chapter 2: Such a sweet, cute and fun story, with just a bit of angst but not to much luckily (since I needed something like this to brighten my day!).
These two are so adorkable, I can't help but love them! And I laughed so much with Kyu, unexpectedly Siwon and Sungmin so invested in this!
Thank you for the story!
Chapter 9: Why did this amazing story end? Huh tell me author-nim (well it was a perfect ending but I am selfish and want more!) why?! Whish there was more but tbis stroy is perfect and I loved every moment of it!
Chapter 9: My second time reading this. But it still seems soooooo ing cute!
AisyaZainal #6
Chapter 9: Simple, but really well-written. Thoroughly enjoyed this, soooooo cute.
Chapter 9: So sweet ^^ thank you ^^
KanaYuzuki #8
Chapter 9: Wow! That was awesome, and so so sweet ^_^ aw kyu, you little devil xD eunhae forever <3 thanks for the wonderful fanfic, Author-nim :)
Ice_siri #9
Chapter 9: Very very very nice story...both eunhae are so cute....thanks for sharing...♡♥♡♥
Chapter 9: damn that ending otl they're so hot unff and when hyukjae declared his love in front of the members awwww I wish I was there and witness the jealousy written all over hyukjae's face! that would be priceless HAHAHA a big thankyous for kyuhyun and his helps! if it wasnt bcs of you, these idiots would never end up together (theyre just happy living in denial sobs sobs) love the ending soooo much and NO! I WILL STILL AND FOREVER WILL SAVE DONGHAE'S PICTURES IN MY PHONE HAHAHA SERVE YOU RIGHT HYUKJAE :^D thanks for sharing~