little things

collection of hyohyuk stories

eunhyuk looks a girl in front of his face..he know her for a long time..when she always complain anything about her, he always don't agree..she different form other girl..and he like it, he love it..

when she smile, she sometimes close her laugh with her hand, she said to maintain her image, Lee So Man Seonsaeng-nim say don't look tomboy image in public, snsd is cute feminine girl group, but eunhyuk always love her, fresh, and she have a little habit when with him..if they laugh together hyoyeon always..always hit his arm or shoulder..when some fans doesn't like it because they think make eunhyuk hurt..yes sometimes it hurt..but eunhyuk found it..that habit just with eunhyuk..and eunhyuk love it

when eunhyuk first come, he so suprising found a little girl in boy dance room, he thinks she wrong place but no..she is star in dance room..eunhyuk suprising really suprising she have talent dancing, she have amazing powerful dancing, she dancing queen, many people who love her, she kind, she always smile, she always help other to learn dancing, but nobody knows hyoyeon is introvert..she was not easy to open up to other, so when trainee she don't have close friend..but when eunhyuk comes..she change..she want to open..okay is just little bit..but eunhyuk happy..whatever whenever she upset, she sad, she happy..the first people who hyoyeon called is eunhyuk..eunhyuk happy to be a small part of the people who know about hyoyeon

he upset, sometimes angry when some people call hyoyeon is ugly..he want to tell them hyoyeon is beautiful or outside..okay sometimes her style looks weirds but it's not hyoyeon want, that stylish fault..he doesn't understand why hyoyeon always have bad hair stylish..he want angry..but hyoyeon look not problem with all comment..she said its just only a small part of the exam of life..everything will be beautiful in its time..hyoyeon she became more more beautiful..eunhyuk happy now hyoyeon get attention..eunhyuk admired her strength and determination..but he little bit jeaolus, now she have many many "fans" from netizen or other idol and actors..

hyoyeon onetime say her voice so ugly, she said she deserves not get part of the song..but eunhyuk doesn't agree..he love when hyoyeon sing or rap or speak or aegyo..she voice so beautiful..okay not like taeyeon when singing, or not like tiffany when she be mc-ing, or not cute like aegyo sunny..her voice is unique..he love when he heard hyoyeon voice when she wake up..or when they'd call the middle of the night, her voice sometimes like lullaby song..eunhyuk will miss when they busy so can't calling each other

sooyoung say if hyoyeon fashion is horrible..she called fashion terorist in the group..sometimes she wear old fashion, or fur, or okay eunhyuk don't understand of hyoyeon fashion..but she always confidence..she admit whenever was comfortable for her, she would wear..but that hyoyeon..eunhyuk found funny thing in internet when hyoyeon hair so wet like she forget to dry her hair..but amazingly..she so cool..unlike other idol who always want to look perfect but she just cool said when eunhyuk call her when he look her photo.."i'm in rush..and no time to drying.."..and eunhyuk just chuckled

eunhyuk always chuckled when he saw hyoyeon sleeping.. will be down like sad, she said she afraid will have bad smell or open or she afraid if she talk when sleep..hyoyeon can't sleep well if have problem..but the plane..when eunhyuk sit together with hyoyeon..after they finish sm town in paris and after long conversation with other and after doing crazy thing..she tired and the middle..eunhyuk wake up because he heard someone talk..and found hyoyeon talk in sleep..he found it so funny..and glady no one knows he being creepy look hyoyeon talking in sleep..and that will be a secret that he keep

she doesn't like if other found she crying or look sad..she always say she fine and laugh..but he'll be really grateful when hyoyeon come to him or calling him if she sad..eunhyuk will found time and try to meet with hyoyeon to lend his shoulder if hyoyeon want to crying..but they two know will be finish in eunhyuk hugs and her tears will wet clothes eunhyuk..he know rude to think this, but eunhyuk be happy and calm when hyoyeon feel good after crying in his arms

eunhyuk love when hyoyeon hold his arm, looks his arms fits with hyoyeon..okay maybe that look like usual..but nobody his girl friend will comfort hold his arm..not for hyoyeon, he will feels comfort if hyoyeon hold his arms..he think god give his arm just to his sister, his mother, his grandmother..and last..hyoyeon

hyoyeon doesn't like if dorm look dirty she will be cleaning although she look tired after work..she doesn't happy if she must diet and cute if she pout when she couldn't more eating and she jeaolus with yoona and sooyoung with they magic body..she always look happy and make her called choding or extrem clown, but she doesn't care she just want all she loved always happy..maybe other look tiffany or sunny or taeyeon will be good mom, but eunhyuk think hyoyeon will be good mother, eunhyuk like if hyoyeon caring little kid or he melting if see hyoyeon carrying a sleeping child..

hyoyeon usually do not like hair loose, she prefers tie her hai ..hyoyeon doesn't like if she has not mastering the dance..she will be clingy to manager if she want something..she will playing with her nail and without she realized her cheeks would swell and she so cute..when lips her dry, she will bite her ending sm town hyoyeon will be crazy happier and dancing dorky, but the reason she just want make other happy and dancing together let out the tired..and eunhyuk will join..

maybe hyoyeon don't know if eunhyuk know all the little things that other people do not notice but eunhyuk always take..and eunhyuk enjoying to see that..maybe hyoyeon doesn't know if so amazing, gergeous, beautiful person in eunhyuk eyes..maybe because hyoyeon is woman and get emosional easly so her mood will up and down, and maybe that the reason she sometimes not confident with herself but eunhyuk will in hyoyeon side to always support her..and he very in love with hyoyeon if she confidence up..

maybe hyoyeon don't know if in eunhyuk eyes, in eunhyuk soul, in eunhyuk feels..hyoyeon is perfect..and all that the little things of hyoyeon, make him more loving hyoyeon..





taken from the song One Direction - little things 

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my new story out......and little different..but hope you like it :)


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penny0922 #1
Chapter 4: What a sad chapter 4....
Naqidah #2
Chapter 4: Whats the hell with this heartbreaking stories...............getting suspicious update more author-nim...........daebak..............hyohyuk fighting.........
penny0922 #3
Chapter 3: Eunhyuk know all about and love all about hyoyeon..... Good written, the real side of hyoyeon :)
Chapter 3: nice..
update more~~
penny0922 #5
Chapter 2: Future plan for hyohyuk....good
Naqidah #6
Chapter 2: Nice story and the plot is arranged sweetly..................Hyohyuk daebak................Author-nim fighting......
penny0922 #7
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