it's not simple like this..

collection of hyohyuk stories



hyoyeon sitting on a bench cafe looks lazy, her voice seems 11.30pm..someone call her told to come in the midnite when she was packing for tomorrow go to london for sm town..

"ohh don't be upset..this is really important.."

"yeahh..for you..what?"

eunhyuk s pancake strawberry sauce with chocolate and strawberry ice cream, hyoyeon favorite food.. "help me please?" 

eunhyuk showed puppies eyes to hyoyeon, he really look poor, she soft sigh and start to eating that pancake "mhh..okay" 

"my mom will be birthday" hyoyeon feeding strawberry ice cream to eunhyuk "in a month"

"so?" hyoyeon raise eyebrows

"she want me to give a something.."

"oh my god..are you serious? you forced me to come in the middle of the help you find a gift for your mom??why you not call your sister?she probably knows more than me!!"

"calm down..hyoo..ohh..don't yell..look people now looking us" 

"arghhh.." hyoyeon really annoyed

"this different.." he mumble

"arghh..i haven't finished packing quickly..what i can help you?" its so annoying thought she


hyoyeon give him are-you-serious face..more more grew annoyed

"i'm serious hyoyeon"

"then you married"

eunhyuk give her straight face..are she replied like that?how can answer that simple?

"ah..i forget you don't have girlfriend"

eunhyuk rolling his eyes after hear hyoyeon statement

"then gyuri?"

"forget's past"


"she still young"

"i'm young too" hyoyeon give him cute face with aegyo voice then eunhyuk make straight face

" not funny..arghh i don't know anymore..i don't remember women around you.."

"you said that like i'm a playboy..and i have a lot girlfriend"

hyoyeon just shrug

"please help me..."

"okay..then donghae?"

"YA!! KIM HYOYEON!!" hyoyeon chuckled "sorry..sorry.."

hyoyeon feeding eunhyuk pancake again with apologize face and eunhyuk ate it then pouted

"you don't have any woman close to you?"

eunhyuk point her 

"me? just me? poor of you.."

"i have!!but i dont have any girl friend who know me so well like you..ahh and........elf"

hyoyeon now give him what-the face

"i dont have again after discharge from military"

"that has been a year.."

"i know..but i'm still awkward..i..i..arghhh..i don't know.....if i don't introduce some woman to her..she will introduce her friends children..."

"i don't want..."

then silence came, hyoyeon look think something, and eunhyuk still blank (i think his soul lost), he didn't think her mom give him a hard mission..

"okay..i know" eunhyuk change his face become bright

"i do" eunhyuk blink his eyes for several times

"what?what do you mean"

"i want to be your bride" eunhyuk feel his jaws like falling down

"i'm serious kim hyoyeon..please don't joke anymore"

"i'm serious too lee hyukjae"

eunhyuk look hyoyeon..still don't believed what she was saying..

"you know married quickly is my dream..and i think i'm become old  -ohh gosh i'm old- what you said..i know you so think it's not bad idea"

"that bad idea hyoyeon..we not love each other"

"then we try"

"it's not simple"

"i know..but we can learning to love each other"

hyoyeon look serious..eunhyuk can see in her face..she look calm said that..eunhyuk just can't understand with the mind of woman in front of him

"what if my mother doesn't agree?"

hyoyeon look think again "okay..what if you didn't introduce me as your bride but as woman you love?"

"i don't understand"

"say if..i don't know if you loving me..but you say to your mom -behind me- if you falling in love with me..if your mom not agree..we can still friends.."

"and what if my mom agree?"

"then we continue it?i don't mind"

"hyoyeon..look its-" 

"you to much worried oppa..don't be negative thinking..just tried"

eunhyuk can't thinking cleary anymore..his brain like want to blow up

"how about doojoon?"

"doojoon? know it..oppa"

"know what?"

"we break up.."


"you know the reason why we break's 5 month ago"

"WHAT?its so long and you not tell me?"

"i thought you know it..after..." hyoyeon don't want remember again what happen in 5 month ago

"what..after what?5 month?" eunhyuk tried to remember what happened 5 months backward

"ahh..that party..mama party?you..know that? see that?" eunhyuk seemed sorry to see hyoyeon

"i see that..ahh don't look at me like that..i'm okay..i should say thank you to oppa.."

"don't..i just did what i thought was right..i don't want you hurt.."


in a crowd party hyoyeon looking for someone who hadn't seen ini 3 months..hyoyeon was in MAMA much idol and she could meet with the person..

finally she seen someone who missed  from a distance but that person with other..other girl..hyoyeon could only look at him with a feeling of pain..doojoon -the man who was with her almost a year- was chatting with another girl..that's not normal chatting..she could see his hand holding her waist and whisper something..that young girl chuckled shyly..very intimate

hyoyeon know that girl is new girl group..that group was warmly preached..she know that girl -maybe- innocent and new..she could only sigh, apparently what people say about him is true..all this time she close her ears about doojoon..she believe him, but sometimes she feeling not believe too..lately they really busy so not time to meet, and she hear to he now close with other girl..but yeah she is the type who always she think if there is no evidence she still believe him, believe with they relationship..but now..all destroyed

she couldn't cry..she could only stand with shock and hurt..she couldn't think..she still don't believe he do the crowd people who -maybe- knows about their relationship..their relationship like public secret..

"unni..what's wrong?" seohyun come to her 

before she answered..she saw eunhyuk walked quickly toward doojoon and grab his arm to somewhere..the young girl look shock confused with what's going on..

hyoyeon confused too, but she follow where eunhyuk and doojoon going..she hear doojoon in pain in a hallway..she rush running to see it..hyoyeon shocked eunhyuk gripping doojoon shirt collar..eunhyuk looks angry..hyoyeon want to stop them but she was detained by seohyun "don't unni..don't.."

"but hyunie..eunhyuk oppa-" 

"sometimes people have to be taught a lesson..let eunhyuk oppa gave it" seohyun hold hyoyeon soulder, to calm her.."it's good, no one here.." hyoyeon shock hear baby seo talked like that..but she ignored..what matters now what happen with eunhyuk and doojoon..hyoyeon and seohyun watching from over the wall..

"i believe you to care hyoyeon, i believe you to protect hyoyeon..i ing believing you love my hyoyeon!!" hyoyeon hear eunhyuk talk with angry tone "why you cheating her?are you stupid?in this crowd people to many know about you and her relationship!!"

"if you not love her anymore why you not break up with her?!!why you must give her hurt like that??" hyoyeon can see eunhyuk squeeze it harder and hyoyeon can see doojoon endure the pain..his hands trying to free hand eunhyuk.. "arhh..eunhyuk..let me explain..i..i-"

"don't dare to speak..i know it..from that girl..she still young still innocent..she said you and her already 2 months..she so stupid to love jerk!!"

hyoyeon more shocked..she remember..3 months ago doojoon looks different..not calling or texting..she thought he must busy and she believed.. 

"you destroyed you know how she protect you so much?do you know she ignore what people say about you?" eunhyuk push him to wall ""

"i don't want  my hands dirty by hitting you" he releases the squeeze "leave hyoyeon, don't close with her..or" eunhyuk hitting his hand to wall "you know power of super know power of sm..if you don't hear know what happen to you.." he gave him a gaze deadly and walk away

after eunhyuk not seen again.. "" doojoon tidied his shirt..he mumble something..hyoyeon can't hear with clearly..she walking to doojoon..and doojoon get suprised.."hyoyeon..i-"

"i heard.."

"i..i.." doojoon want to hold hyoyoen hands but hyoyeon dismissed "don't touch me, please" seohyun give him gaze and said with silently "don't" doojoon stunned silence

"i forgive you..i'm sorry if you not happy with me..i'm sorry..but..don't call me anymore..don't greet me if we meet..and stay away from my life.." she said that with back tears and don't want to look doojoon face "hope you always happy" seohyun take hyoyeon and calm her down..

"sorry" hyoyeon can hear doojoon say that..but she kept walking..she didn't want to hear anything more from him..


" that.." eunhyuk little embarrassed and awkward..

"yeahh.. i heard it all...and my hyoyeon too..i heard that.." she chuckled


"calm oppa..i'm okay you say that..hehe.." she beaming

"so..after and doo-"

"please don't talk about him..we meet not talk about me..but about you oppa.."

"ohh..sorry.." he felt sorry so much to brings bad memories to hyoyeon

"it's okay oppa" she continue eating, but now not pancake -the pancake has gone to their tummy-, now she eating chicken soup

"so now?do you want to do my plan?"

"what makes you say that?"

"i want to help you?"

"you do this because you owe me?"

"no..because you my oppa.." hyoyeon said that with smile 

"it's not love me..but you want to do this..what if umma agree with you? what if your parents don't agree? how with your carier? how if we continue our parents want a grandchild? what if-"

"oppa..oppaa...don't think so far.. we have not yet started.."

"but to many risk..if we do that.." eunhyuk ruffled his hair 

"i will take a risk.." 

eunhyuk gasped when she said that "you not love me hyo..." he sighed heavily

"why you want to take a risk for me?"

"what if this happen to me?" hyoyeon seen him..eunhyuk eyes now lock with hyoyeon eyes..he know it..he know the answer

"you don't have to asked if you already know the answer.." 

hyoyeon's right..he will do this if that happened to her..he will take a risk for her..he was willing to bear it all..for his favorite -love- dongsaeng..hyoyeon.

"but it's to much.." he mumble

hyoyeon looked at him, she sigh.."oppa.." her hand hold eunhyuk hand.."okay...."

"i'm sorry oppa..if you don't want to do's okay just my stupid plan..bad idea..i'm sorry..we don't have to do that..sorry..sorry oppa"

eunhyuk looked at her.. "we don't have to do that..okay?" her eyes softened "whatever you do..whatever you plan..whatever your decision..i'll be by your side to support you.." she smile "i will help you"

she beautiful when she smile, eunhyuk she always beautiful actually..

he thinks -actually he realized-..their relationship it's....really weird..they so close..he close with other girl in snsd, or f(x), or boa..but with hyoyeon really different..they always in touch if they can't meet..always remind each other to eat, to kept's like their habit..if they can't to call, they will send text, or kakaotalk..they often do this.. even asked to him if they in relationship or not..and but he always said there was nothing between him and hyoyeon..but their member said if him and hyoyeon like have a relationship..

like now..they like in a date..

he know there's no more any idea to help him..if hyoyeon want to take a risk to help him then he could take that to..eunhyuk know if her mother like hyoyeon time she even said to him if she really be grateful if hyoyeon become her daughter-in law because she really good in cooking so hyoyeon can cook good food for her son..

he had made the decision

eunhyuk hold back her hands..he said with confidence "i will do it"

hyoyeon gasped, she blink several times "you what?"

"okay..i will introduce you to my mother that you are is.." his eyes so bright "my future wife"

hyoyeon more shocked " want- what?really don't have to do's just my absurd think..don't oppa.."

"no..hyoyeon..i will do that..i don't feel compelled to do you said it's just simple introduction..i will say to umma if i falling in love with you..if my mom don't like it we don't have to continue and if my umma agree we continue it..right?"

hyoyeon can see eunhyuk stress now decreases..he now can smile with bright.. "right..but what made you change your mind?"

" relationship?mhh..i don't have any best idea?..and i don't want married with random girl.."

hyoyeon look confused.. "our relationship??"

"yup..we meet like this in the midnight..feed each other..hold hands like this" eunhyuk point their hands with his eyes "we like dating" eunhyuk smile

hyoyeon release her hands and cover her red face..she so shy.."arghh..this to awkward"

eunhyuk chuckled.."but that's your idea"

"i know..i know.." she now put his hand on her cheek "but that so weird" hyoyeon looked him with pouted..

eunhyuk laughing look hyoyeon face..she so cute.. "but..if my umma agree we have to accustomed to doing similiar like that"

hyoyeon change her face to smile..hyoyeon happy now eunhyuk not stress anymore..

"you really want to this oppa?" hyoyeon asked one more time 

"yup..let's we do it.." now eunhyuk so confident

"figthing!!" hyoyeon cheers him, "figthing!!!" eunhyuk raised his fist in

"ahh this surely it would be crowded" they laughed together imagine if their member or senior and dongsaeng heard this news..

eunhyuk looked at the clock on the cell phone..he got 02.30 am..he didn't realize that they have long been in the cafe..

"hyoyeon let's go home!!now at 02.30..we have come to airport in morning.." he call waiters to take a bill..

"omoo..right..ahh..i have to call manager to pick me up.." hyoyeon want to call her manager but stopped with eunhyuk 

" is my i will take you.." he pay the bill and stand up

"let's go my fiancee" eunhyuk winked and give his hand to her

hyoyeon raised her eyebrows and chuckled see eunhyuk acting like it..she stand up and hit arms eunhyuk 

she welcomed with smile and holding his arms..


they came out of the cafe..and now walking toward to the car was parked across from the park..hyoyeon still holding his arm..

"hyoyeon.." eunhyuk break the silent


"what if..." hyoyeon looked eunhyuk "i truly love you?" 

hyoyeon lay off her step..eunhyuk stopped too

"what if i falling in love with you too oppa?" now eunhyuk looked hyoyeon

their eyes meet with very long time..and they smiling each other..

they now the answers..






arghhhhh..this is very ..i think this worst :( 
i'm still learning :( there's a lot a lot..a lot mistake..
hope you understand this story..ahh and this happen when eunhyuk out from its like he's about 33 years old and hyoyeon...about 27 years old?i think..
hope you enjoy my new story..and keep waiting new story from me..okay?
thank youuu <3
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my new story out......and little different..but hope you like it :)


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penny0922 #1
Chapter 4: What a sad chapter 4....
Naqidah #2
Chapter 4: Whats the hell with this heartbreaking stories...............getting suspicious update more author-nim...........daebak..............hyohyuk fighting.........
penny0922 #3
Chapter 3: Eunhyuk know all about and love all about hyoyeon..... Good written, the real side of hyoyeon :)
Chapter 3: nice..
update more~~
penny0922 #5
Chapter 2: Future plan for hyohyuk....good
Naqidah #6
Chapter 2: Nice story and the plot is arranged sweetly..................Hyohyuk daebak................Author-nim fighting......
penny0922 #7
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