Yes I will




"The day we met Frozen,

I held my breath Right from the start 

Knew that I found a home 

For my Heart beats fast

Colors and promises

How to be brave How can I love when I'm afraid to fall 

But watching you stand alone 

All of my doubt Suddenly goes away somehow

One step closer

I have died everyday waiting for you

Darling don't be afraid I have loved you

for a thousand years,

I'll love you for a thousand more..."


Dongho sang as he brushed my hair from my face. As my eyes closed, he stood up from my bed ready to leave me to sleep. i held his hand "Dont go, please." I wasnt aware that i said that. He bent down to kiss my forehead "Good night (YN).." he let go of my hand & went out from the balcony.


Dongho's POV

As i climbed down the tree, I caught a last glimpse of her before i left. We been through a lot together, the burdern she had to endure ever since we met because of me. Tomorrow is the day when she doesnt have to suffer again.

I knew she was mine, but something made me afraid that one day she would leave me for someone else.


- - - - FLASHBACK - - - -


"SPLASH!" (YN) entered the classroom when a pail of water splashed right onto her making her soaked head to toe. I had put it there to humiliate her. tears started flowing down her cheeks as she ran to the washroom.

When she came back & sat beside me, I laughed at her. She just looked at me & said "Im sorry for whatever i did to you. Just stop it okay??"

"(YN)! Answer this question!" The teacher said sternly.

As she stood up, the back of her skirt had red stains. Everyone saw it & laughed at her. I totally forgotten that i hand put rend ink on her seat earlier today. Again, she started crying while the others just said "Dont you have money to buy sanitary pads?!"

She wasnt wealthy as she lived with Eli & their parents were in America. The girls that stalk me would throw trash & rotten eggs at her whenever she was alone.

Until one day, I pitied her. I suddenly fell for her, the day when Kevin knocked me out of the way & saved her. That moment I got jealous.


- - - END OF FLASHBACK - - -


I smiled to myself wondering how i ended up with her. There was something about her which was different from the others.


Your POV:


I woke up & picked up my phone...


"Hey babe, Good morning! did i wake you up?"

"Yeahh... (YAWN)"

"jaggiya, i'll be at your house in 30 minutes okay? go get changed now."

"arasso oppa. saranghae!"

"love you too."

I hung up.


Dongho must have been in my room last night as i recalled the singing last night. There was a paper bag sitting beside my bed. I took it & looked inside. I gasped as i saw that they were branded clothes. i couldnt even afford these. There was a note stuck to the clothes...


(YN)-ah, wear these. Stop worrying about how much this costs. :0


Dongho ^^


The material they used to make this was silk. It was really pretty. I quickly changed & went down. "Who gave you that expensive silk dress??" Eli almost choked on his breakfast. "My boyfriend."'I stuck out my tongue at him.

"happy birthday!" Eli said smiling.

"Thanks!" I said as I closed the door behind me. I ran to Dongho's open arms waiting for me. Dongho kissed me "jaggiya, happy birthday." 


Dongho drove us to school. "Oppa, there is no school today!" He said nothing but brought me in & covered my eyes with his hands. "Where are we going?" I laughed. "You'll know when we get there." He whispered.


When he uncovered my eyes, everyone was there. They said "(YN), do you remember this place?" It was my physics classroom. "It's the place I first met you..."

dongho then got down on one knee & said "(YN)-ah, will you marry me?"

I covered my mouth as I was shocked. He was holding a ring with a diamond on top. I started crying as I said yes. He slid the ring onto my finger & kissed me after saying "I love you." Everyone went "aawwwe.."


kiseop's POV :

I couldn't do anything but stand there & watch her being taken away by dongho. I clenched my fist & went to the toilet.

"URGHH!!" I screamed as I kicked the doors of the stalls.

i washed my face & looked at the mirror. Wasn't I good enough for her??

i went to my car & drove off. I went to (YN)'s house first & passed the huge teddy bear to Eli so that he could help me pass it to her. After that I drove to the bar & drank. Bottle after bottle, I soon got drunk & passed out.

everything oso in my life is always wrong. Shin dongho! I swear that you shall never have a happy ending with her! You will suffer!

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Chapter 2: I like the story but its too straightforward no offense
Chapter 24: i got it..silly of me reading the part 2 first....i love the story feel bad for kiseopee tho..thanks a ton its a great work..^^
yuehling #3
Chapter 21: Omo! kiseop gonna snatch her away from dongho? No please! Dongho didn't do it with other girl right? :(
Chapter 20: CUTEEEEEEEE!!!~~
yuehling #5
Wow! I'm new reader. you are doing triple update!! lol..
Chapter 7: PleASE update!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited to the next chapie!!

Chapter 2: please update!!!!!!!!!!!