


Kevin's Ferrari was outside. On our way, he started a conversation...

"you look great today."

"thanks. May I know what we are doing today?"

"I'm gonna bing you to have breakfast then we will go shopping. I'll be paying so put your money away."

"I will pay for the stuff I'm buying! Or else you'll make me feel guilty!"

"it's your early birthday gift from me, so you have to accept it."

"there should be something I can do to repay you right?"

"....there is actually something I've always wanted.."

"what is it?"

"kiss me." I leaned towards him & kissed him on his cheek. Shocked, he couldn't concentrate on driving properly.

"don't ever do that again unless you want to die in a car accident." His face was red.

"I just did what I was told." I giggled.


we reached the café. It looked so grand, I looked at the menu & the prices of the food can buy me a meal at the coffee shop.

"pick whatever you like." Kevin smiled.

after the food was served, I drank my cappuccino. The bubbles stuck to my lips, Kevin said "let me help you..." He leaned forward & kissed my lips. It was just like the time I was with dongho eating ice cream in the park. It made me remember those bad memories. I didn't like them now. I pushed Kevin away. "I'm sorry." Kevin said. I stood up & walked out.

kevin followed me. "Gwenchana?"

"it's nothing. I just don't like people to do that."

"it's about dongho isn't it?"

"I just want to go home now."


"you guys have only spent one hour.." Eli said when i got back.

"I'm not feeling well." I told him.

i went up my room & lied down on my bed. I have to get rid of everything that reminded me of dongho. I opened my drawer & took out a box filled with pictures of us together & tore then up. I took the necklace around my neck which had the letter D on it & hid it. It was too expensive to be thrown away, it had diamonds in the letter D. Where ever this new path is taking me, I did be willing to go as far away from him as possible...

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Chapter 2: I like the story but its too straightforward no offense
Chapter 24: ohhhh...now i got it..silly of me reading the part 2 first....i love the story feel bad for kiseopee tho..thanks a ton its a great work..^^
yuehling #3
Chapter 21: Omo! kiseop gonna snatch her away from dongho? No please! Dongho didn't do it with other girl right? :(
Chapter 20: CUTEEEEEEEE!!!~~
yuehling #5
Wow! I'm new reader. you are doing triple update!! lol..
Chapter 7: PleASE update!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'm excited to the next chapie!!

Chapter 2: please update!!!!!!!!!!!