Chapter 5


It had been about 3 days since the fight, Minho and Jonghyun were still pretty peeved off at each other, although Minho was pissed at everyone but Taemin. I don't know why he's so upset though, he's the one who hit Onew in the first place. It's not Onew's fault he has a condition that makes him uncontrollably clumsy. Although, Minho and I hadn't had the greatest past with each other. I guess you could say it all started a few years back when we were still trainees, we often fought over immature things, such as who sits in front in the car, where we would eat, and things of those sorts. It didn't help that he annoyed me less either.

Not only did we fight as trainees, but we fought around the time Jonghyun and Shin Sekyung's relationship had been confirmed. I had developed great feelings and had grown attached to Jonghyun at the time, but sadly he wasn't interested in guys unlike me. During that time, I realized that the things I wanted me and Jonghyun to be was just part of my fantasies that were unlikely to ever become true, and Taemin was bi-curious. I'd answer his questions, which were becoming more frequent. So finally, I suggested Taemin to try a relationship with me just to see how he would feel being with a guy. He agreed and we experimented for a little while.

This is where everything became complicated. Taemin said he liked being with a guy, rather than the idea of being with a girl. Then he suggested that we both needed practice in the touchy feely areas of a natural relationship, such as just kissing, simple touches, nothing too extreme for the maknae. So we both continued to be in this "relationship", although neither of us thought of it to be a real relationship considering we were just practicing with each other. One day while we were in the middle of one of our practice sessions, Minho happened to walk in.

As we all know, Minho is pretty much in love with the maknae. The only person that was actually oblivious and too 'innocent' to not notice is Taemin. Taemin didn't see anything wrong with us practicing on each other and being as close as we were, but he didn't want Minho of all people walking in, because he did have strong feelings for him. That's mostly the reason why he wanted me to teach him how to do the things that couples do in the first place. Minho had no idea of this though, and has hated me ever since. I'm sure Taemin had tried to explain what happened, but Minho didn't exactly like me from the start, so it just gave him more of a reason to see me as whatever horrible things he sees me as. 

Now we were all in the car on our way to dance practice, rehearsing our songs for our next big concert. Apparently we were doing the covers of "I'm Yours" and "Hey Juliet" that we had done before, along with a few of our other songs. Thankfully things were pretty calm in the car, so we all just sang peacefully and harmonized together.

"Hey Juliiiiieeeet!" Jjong sang, hitting his high note perfectly. 

"Yah!" Minho shouted irritated. "Can you shut up?" he continued. 

I rolled my eyes at his ignorant comments, does he really need to start things with Jonghyun in the car? Of all places he could be starting things, the dance studio, the house, any random food joint, all of these places where he could easily start things with Jonghyun, but why the car? The car in which can crash and get us all killed. Smart Minho, so smart. 

I glanced out my window as I crossed my arms. It seems like the fight has only made everyone extra irritable, and it has enhanced my attitude. Jjong was sitting up front, now arguing and bickering with our "Flaming Charisma" who was sitting beside me. "Hyungs, if you don't stop, I'll refuse to do aegyo for the rest of my life." Taemin said, scooting himself in the middle between me and Minho. "But you're doing it right now.." I mumbled to myself. Taemin pouted, sticking his lower lip out, puckering slightly. Minho immediately threw his argument with Jjong to the side and ruffled Taemin's hair, giving him a toothy smile. "Taemin-ah, you're so adorable, it's impossible for you to not do aegyo."

I sighed, then eventually wound up switching places with Taemin, sitting in the back next to Onew. Onew was probably the only one who wasn't all rude and sarcasm at the moment. He was actually way over the whole fight scene, considering he left in the middle of it to go get chicken. Minho and Jonghyun had continued to spit nasty comments at each other after a while, which really started to get annoying.

"Can you both just shut up, we should probably rehearse Replay anyway, don't you think?" I suggested loudly to get the two idiots up front to mute themselves. Thankfully, everyone nodded in approval.


I felt relieved as the car pulled up at the dance studio. Things had finally quieted down between Minho and Jonghyun during our Replay rehearsal. "Yay, we're here!" Taemin shouted in joy. I smiled at his enthusiasm. This kid's attitude never fails to lighten the mood. Jonghyun and Minho both smiled, exiting from the car. I stepped out after Taemin, Onew following close behind me. "Yah!" I cried as I was crushed by Onew who had tripped and fell out of the car. 

Eventually, we made it into the dance studio without any broken bones. We went over the choreography for 'Ring Ding Dong' and 'Replay' for the billionth time. After reviewing those songs, we all agreed on practicing our dance for Sherlock.

As the music started playing, we all shuffled in position. We began our routine, the only problem was that - not even 10 seconds into the dance - Taemin had somehow managed to spin the wrong amount of times, trip over Onew's foot, and face plant the wall. "Taeminnie!" Minho shrieked, rushing over to the now dizzy maknae. Jjong shut the music off and stood beside me, who was now next to Minho and Taemin. "What happened, Taebaby?" I said in a way that a mother would say to her son, helping him up. "Don't call him that." Minho mumbled, though I didn't have trouble ignoring his remark.

"Onew hyung's feet were in the way and I-"

"Yah! You clutz!" Minho shouted, pointing at the tofu junky. Onew just shrugged it off, he couldn't help the fact that he was blessed with a godly gift as the Onew Condition. 

Minho was getting fairly annoying and overreacted a bit too much. "Yah, let's just take a break." I suggested, the other four just nodded. The rest of practice went down like that, someone messing up, someone calling them out for it, you get the point. Finally, we made it back to our complex after a tiresome day. I followed the guys through our newly replaced door, since Onew was nice enough to fall into the other one and break it. "Yah! Pick up your messes!" I nagged at the other boys, who carelessly threw their things all over the living room. This earned a heavy groan from the rest of them, but Onew just smiled gently. "Why don't you just take it easy? I'll take care of things our here, alright?" Onew said, his trademark grin plastered onto his face. 

The thought of Onew 'taking care of things' didn't settle in too easily, so I made sure that I pulled Jonghyun aside before heading to my room. "Can you please make sure Onew doesn't do anything reckless or stupid while I'm napping?" I asked desperately, he smiled. "Mmhm, you got it." I sighed in relief, thanking God that I could at least trust someone in the home that I used to actually like until the recent fight. "Oh yeah and hyung, you better not fight with Minho. I hear one word, and I'm coming out here with the spatula." Jonghyun gulped, causing me to laugh hysterically. "I'm serious~" I added before walking to my bed room. 

I twisted the door knob, sighing in exhaustion. I stepped inside, setting my hand bag and other belongings on the dresser beside the door. I began to notice a refreshing and sweet smelling fragrance filling the room. I flipped the light switch on the wall and gasped at the sight before me. Someone had filled the entire room with....

Tiger lilies?

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KeysLove4ever #1
Chapter 5: Update dare soon~ it's amazing
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #2
Chapter 5: i love this chapter. its nicely written
Chapter 5: Are there a reason for it being tiger figurines and tiger lilies? Do Jonghyun have something to do with a tiger? I hope that Key will find a way to end the fight soon and that he will find out that it is Jonghyun. Please update soon author-nim, I'll be waiting~
Chapter 4: Taemin is soooo cute here!!! MORE Taemin!!!!
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #5
Chapter 4: Onew is so cute in this
Raveness #6
Chapter 4: Tsk tsk these boys... I wonder how Key will find out about the sender >.>
ShineeFan200 #7
Chapter 4: omg onew lol i love his condition its soo funny
aww key being protected by the puppysaur so cute *squeals*
Raveness #8
Chapter 2: It's Jjong isn't it...?
Chapter 4: There are huge amounts of Onew condition. Even though I was warned with the tag, I couldn't fathom there would be this much! xD I love it. Good job~!
Chapter 3: Awesome fic! Subscribed!!! Update soon!!! I wanna know how Key came out, can you tell a story about how Onew found out he was gay? ;)