Chapter 3


Jonghyun's P.O.V.


I hurriedly led Onew into the kitchen, I couldn't let him tell Key any more than he already had. After we entered the kitchen, Onew spun around and looked absolutely lost. Of course I shouldn't expect him to know what was going on, he is Onew after all.

"What was that all about?" He asked dumfounded. What do I do? If he figured out anything more than he already knew, it would ruin everything. Maybe I should lie. Lying never ended up well of course, but maybe I could stretch the truth without, I technically wouldn't be lying.

"Don't help Key figure out who 'BonQuiQui' is." I whispered softly, incase on of the others were listening. "What? Why not?" He asked, obviously shocked that I didn't want Key finding out who the face of anonymous was. I mean, of course I wanted him to know, but not just yet.

"Look, I know who he is, but-"

"HE?!" Onew practically screamed, I quickly shoved my hand over his mouth. How could I let that slip? Onew shouldn't be all that surprised though, cause Key had already confessed that he was gay a long time ago.

"Shh! Yes it's a he... Just play along and pretend you don't know anything... Please?" I tried my best to persuade him to stay out of this. Onew was always good at prying into another's business. I remember once when Minho and Taemin were arguing, they ignored each other for days, and Onew eventually nosed himself into it and next thing you know things were better. I mean, who do you think was the first to figure out that Key was interested in men?

Onew leaned back onto the counter, deep into his thoughts. Who knew what was running through that chicken obsessed lunatic's head. I bet he wasn't even thinking about the current situation, he was probably thinking about what he would order the next time we went to Mexicana.

Onew narrowed his eyes at me, then flashed his trademark grin, which automatically told me he knew something. "It's you!"

I attempted to look taken aback, although I failed miserably. How could he have figured it out that fast? Did he really have a brain or was I being that obvious? I rubbed my temples, desperately trying to find words. "Okay fine, it's me." I sighed in defeat. "Please, don't tell anyone. I don't want Key to find out just yet. I want him to figure it out on his own." I made sure to say it quietly so nobody but Onew could hear.

The room fell silent. What was Onew going to say? He seemed to look pretty shocked that I had actually admitted to being the stalker fan. Finally, he broke the silence, "Since when were you into guys?" I tapped my chin lightly with my finger, clicking my tongue as I thought. "Since I met Key." I put it bluntly. I didn't know how else to put it.

Onew just gave a cheeky grin and nodded slowly. "I won't tell, as long as you buy me chicken whenever I want it." He finally stated. Sure it would thin my wallet to the max, but this was worth it. I sighed in relief as a huge weight had been lifted off my chest. My secret was safe, at least for a little while longer. "Deal." I said, officially dismissing the topic with one of those businessman handshakes.

"We have been in here for a while, we should hurry and make everyone drinks." Onew nodded in agreement and peeked into the fridge. I grabbed five cups from the cabinet and shuffled them onto the counter, Onew quickly poured banana milk into each cup. I face palmed, of course Onew would be the one to space out and pour way to much milk into one of the cups, causing it to overflow in every direction. "Hyung!" I shouted and smacked his arm lightly, snapping him out of his day dream.

His Onew Condition never fails.



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KeysLove4ever #1
Chapter 5: Update dare soon~ it's amazing
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #2
Chapter 5: i love this chapter. its nicely written
Chapter 5: Are there a reason for it being tiger figurines and tiger lilies? Do Jonghyun have something to do with a tiger? I hope that Key will find a way to end the fight soon and that he will find out that it is Jonghyun. Please update soon author-nim, I'll be waiting~
Chapter 4: Taemin is soooo cute here!!! MORE Taemin!!!!
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #5
Chapter 4: Onew is so cute in this
Raveness #6
Chapter 4: Tsk tsk these boys... I wonder how Key will find out about the sender >.>
ShineeFan200 #7
Chapter 4: omg onew lol i love his condition its soo funny
aww key being protected by the puppysaur so cute *squeals*
Raveness #8
Chapter 2: It's Jjong isn't it...?
Chapter 4: There are huge amounts of Onew condition. Even though I was warned with the tag, I couldn't fathom there would be this much! xD I love it. Good job~!
Chapter 3: Awesome fic! Subscribed!!! Update soon!!! I wanna know how Key came out, can you tell a story about how Onew found out he was gay? ;)