Chapter 1



The irritating doorbell rang, and I had a pretty good guess of who it was. I set the magazine that I had been skimming through on the coffee table and shuffled to the door. I cautiously opened it, revealing a delivery person holding a small box and a bouquet of flowers.

“I have a delivery for Kim Kibum, from an anonymous sender.” The man smiled as he handed me the items. “That’s me.” I attempted to seem eager, but I know I only sounded aggravated. It’s not that I was displeased with the flowers and whatever happens to be in the box, it was just beginning to become obsolete.

The man then hopped back into his truck, which signaled me clear to close the door. “This is ridiculous.” I mumbled to myself, staring at the gifts.

It was almost every day now that I got these deliveries from this “anonymous person” and I am running out of places to keep these flowers.  My room has already been turned into a humongous terrarium. Who can afford this many flowers anyways?

I slouched back onto the couch and tossed the box and flowers onto the table. It was the group’s first day off in months, which I would usually spend shopping with Amber, but she happened to be busy and I happened to be too exhausted to plan anything else. Minho was out hyung-, and Taemin, Jonghyun, and Onew all left earlier to grab a bite at Mexicana. They had offered me to join them but I politely rejected, I wasn’t that hungry and I really wanted to figure out who this mystery sender was.

I stared at the box on the table for a second. Should I open it? Who knows what could be inside of it… It could be valuable to my investigation. I stayed frozen for a moment more, mentally arguing with myself on whether I should take further action or not. I decided it couldn’t hurt, so I snagged the box and fetched my handy dandy box cutter.

I began cutting open the box while the long ripping sounds from the tape filled the room. Finally, the box was free of tape, so I pulled the flaps open. “Now, let’s see what’s in this – What the hell?” When I peeked inside the box, I was expecting some kind of love note or something with some kind of watch or bracelet of some sort. My mouth gaped open at the sight before me. “Who in the hell sends someone flowers, and a box full of tiger figurines?” I groaned and set the box aside, now lying on the couch hugging a pillow.

Whoever was behind this really is starting to annoy me, yet it’s strangely making me more curious. Are the figurines supposed to be some kind of clue? What kind of clue is that? Maybe this person is just insane and likes to send random things to me? Yeah, let’s go with that…

The more I thought about it, the more frustrated I became. I needed to calm down, something to take my mind off of these gifts. Cleaning could help me calm myself, I mean, this place has been a wreck since Taemin and Minho decided to have a pillow fight in the living room, which somehow ended up with them destroying every other room. Those two are so in love, it’s obvious.

I stood up and strolled into the kitchen, opening the cabinet under the sink and grabbing a few different cleaning bottles. I set them on the counter and closed the cabinet, grabbing a roll of paper towels on my way back into the living room. I tapped my bottom lip lightly with my index finger, trying to decide on where to start. First of all, I needed to pick up all of the clothes that were carelessly thrown on the floor. After I finished that, I decided to dust the tables and shelves, and then vacuum the floor, then wash the windows. This process repeated in every room of the house.

After I had finished cleaning everything I could get my hands on, I was exhausted. My nerves were calmed too, so I lazily lounged back onto the couch. I decided to pull out my phone and check the time, four o’clock, not bad. I had started around one o’clock or so.

“Hyung! We’re home!” Taemin sang as he and the others, including Minho, entered the door. I just looked up at him, giving him a soft smile, and then returned my gaze to the flowers I had on the table. Everyone but Taemin decided to head to their room, exhausted with their outings.

“Hyung, is that uncanny stalker person still bothering you?” Taemin asked worriedly, sitting beside me. I just nodded and pulled the box up from the floor. “The weird thing is they didn’t just send flowers this time… They sent this.” I handed the box to the maknae, he looked inside and took out one of the small figurines and began playing with it, looking as innocent as ever.

“Why would someone send you these toys?” He interrogated, still amused by the toy. “I have no clue…” I mumbled softly to him.

Suddenly, Onew stumbled out of his room, shouting something about chicken. Next thing you know, he was tripping over some chairs and somehow managed to tangle himself up in the phone cord, ruining all I had cleaned just ten minutes before.

This was going to be a long evening.

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KeysLove4ever #1
Chapter 5: Update dare soon~ it's amazing
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #2
Chapter 5: i love this chapter. its nicely written
Chapter 5: Are there a reason for it being tiger figurines and tiger lilies? Do Jonghyun have something to do with a tiger? I hope that Key will find a way to end the fight soon and that he will find out that it is Jonghyun. Please update soon author-nim, I'll be waiting~
Chapter 4: Taemin is soooo cute here!!! MORE Taemin!!!!
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #5
Chapter 4: Onew is so cute in this
Raveness #6
Chapter 4: Tsk tsk these boys... I wonder how Key will find out about the sender >.>
ShineeFan200 #7
Chapter 4: omg onew lol i love his condition its soo funny
aww key being protected by the puppysaur so cute *squeals*
Raveness #8
Chapter 2: It's Jjong isn't it...?
Chapter 4: There are huge amounts of Onew condition. Even though I was warned with the tag, I couldn't fathom there would be this much! xD I love it. Good job~!
Chapter 3: Awesome fic! Subscribed!!! Update soon!!! I wanna know how Key came out, can you tell a story about how Onew found out he was gay? ;)