A big revelation

♥His Little Love Game♥


I froze.

That was the only thing I remembered in response to key’s question awhile ago. Indeed, it was just a senseless question, it has no meaning and no further possibility but to answer it, something hard to do.

I walked down the hallway and shook my head with my books at my hand and my bag swaying at my side, hung over my arm. It was a gloomy afternoon after Samantha and Cris’ disappearance gave no answer. The principal didn’t respond to the student’s question of their sudden absence.

I continued on my way as I see students talking about it, their eyes all worried and fear covers their whole faces. I could have cared less but the fact that the principal herself gave hint that the couple’s sudden loss has something to do with the little love game is enough for me to take matters.

I have no choice but to either win or lose. There’s no backing away. Therefore, we shouldn’t be in love with each other or we’ll both face the unknown consequence. We shouldn’t.

I turned left of the hallway only to find it dark and creepy. The ambiance reminds me of the haunted house Key and I once went through. The walls, tiles and all are covered with darkness. Even the bottom of the hallway is dark and obscure so I can’t see the end.

This could have been the best place to exile someone. I imagine Cris and Samantha being dragged here by their hands and their foot rubbing against the hard floor.. no. that kind of punishment is beyond bearable.

I stepped backward and walked instead on the opposite side. I decided to just take the right hallway. What’s makes me hesitant of strolling there is that I may pass Key’s classroom.

Since I know I have no feelings for him, then I’m not guilty. I’m not guilty…

I chanted those words as I lifted my chin up, held my books tight as if preparing for a heavy brawl and walked.

The sight of his classroom makes my stomach grouch. The windows are displayed in head level. Everyone who passes down the hallways is seen clearly. Perhaps I could duck my head down, no no no. that would mean I’m shy to pass and that makes me guilty.

Yet just before I could reach his classroom, someone tapped my back. I could feel his fingers are long and slender, warm and welcoming.

“hey” a voice follows, deep yet naggy. Hauntingly Familiar.

I looked over my shoulder, expecting who the person is…


Of all the people.



I gulped and slowly turned around, facing him with a huge grin, forcing myself of course. “hi.. kee—yy” I stuttered. Oh no. A smile is a great façade.

Key stared at me for awhile, scrutinizing me perhaps and questioning in his mind my weird behavior before he finally talked, something in which I wished that he never talks at all. “You still didn’t answer my question.”

“Is it necessary?”

“yeah.” He moved to the wall and leaned, resting his back with his bored expression in his face and waited for my answer. He signaled me to talk.

I was left with no choice. After all, it’s just an ‘if’.

I cleared my throat and answered truthfully as possible. I straightened my posture and looked at him straight at his dark eyes with thick eyelashes almost covering the cornea of his eye.

“Actually, key if ever you say you love me.” I paused and searched in my vocabulary the best term to hit him. “I wouldn’t believe. First and foremost, we’re enemies and there could be a lot of reasons for you to fool and deceive me. But…” I stepped closer. “I am not what you think I am. I’m lion hearted in love.”

“So you wouldn’t believe me?”

I nodded.

“That settles it.” He straightens up and removed his back on the wall. He stared at me and smiled. “Haven’t you got my point?” he places his hands inside his pockets and walked closer. The distance is like almost half of a person’s width. The distance was too small that even his heartbeat is hearable and the air seems to exchange with our own breaths.

“No one would win this game then. We will both repeat it again until one of us falls in love. We would have to repeat it all over again as the rule of the game says. It’s irrevocable.”

“It’s my pleasure.” I answered teasingly.

“Don’t you get tired of this game? Sometimes I think you just like it because I’m your date.”

I just scoffed because contradicting his oh so called ideology would do no good. We’ve encountered a lot of debates where we played participants, me against him but it just lead to more and more arguments. I wouldn’t want to start it right now.

The moment I was just about to step and leave Key, his phone rings. Surely, it wasn’t mine since we have different ring tones. I paused.

I watched him as he searched his phone inside his pocket and placed it right down his ear. “hello… Taemin?” his facial expression suddenly changed. “What happened to him?”

It was night and the hallway-in-charge already the lights, I barely glanced at it. Although Taemin and I haven’t been acquainted much, we don’t talk much, neither do we smile at each other, I couldn’t hide the fact that I got worried at him also.

I stared at Key; the wariness on his face is plastered. “Where?? JohnKnights Bar? Okay. I’ll be there. Please take care of him. Please.” With that, he quickly rushed to the hallways, never turning back, as if I wasn’t there standing when he passed at me. He didn’t say goodbye.

He was at first managing a few fast paces but after awhile as I gaze at him, he was already running to the exit of the school. And that occurred to me, Lee Taemin might be in fatal circumstance right now.

And me, Cyrell, wouldn’t want to miss that, not that I want Lee Taemin dead despite the fact that he always makes Nahmi heartbroken which tends to make my whole day disturbing as Nahmi tells me tales of how Taemin blah blah blah her. Urgh.

 I just want to witness what the whole fuss is all about and after awhile, I realized I was running after Kim Kibum but careful enough for him not to notice me.

I found myself hiding on a brick wall a few meters away from Key. He stopped for awhile and stared at something. I peeped.

The street wasn’t inviting. Even the brick wall that’s used to hide me is quite rusty and aged. I never imagined in my whole life, Key would sacrifice his divaness just to find a shortcut to the bar. Such a genuine friend. That gives me reason why Taemin and rest of Shinee never leave his side considering his odd behaviors

The lights of the street, dim with a touch of yellow almost didn’t light the whole area. This place, I admit is quite creepy. I tried to embrace myself because of the cold breeze that welcomes me. I searched the scarf inside my bag and a pair of gloves.

I peeped again at key , checking if he’s still there, but no key showed up. I wore my gloves and placed the scarf knitted and red in color all over my neck as quick as possible and went out of my hiding place.

My eyes roam every angle of the street but not even his shadow is present. My knees were uncontrollably quivering because the fact that the place is strange, creepy and fatal. I looked around, every side, I see people’s faces and they looked at me strangely. As if I’m something they could eat up in dinner.  I tasted bile in my throat, it’s dry.

Key…. where are you…

Since I’m too occupied in following Key awhile ago, I didn’t take notice of my surroundings or where I could possibly be heading. I just followed him. Plain and simple.  And I don’t know what route to take in going back. I regretted my decision.

“hey….” I heard a voice. Deep but unfamiliar. Hope was with me again, I found myself smiling. It was as if all the thorns disappeared and felt extremely relieved that I would be more than willing to jump as high as I could reach.  Perhaps Key found me.

 I turned around quickly, excitement rushed through me, only to find two strangers in front of me holding a dagger. Their eyes are as dark as the hallways I found awhile ago, the piercing almost covered their whole faces, countless and disgusting. They smell like rotten fishes thrown in the market. Their dresses ripped and their dirty flesh almost exposed.

What I’m seeing right now made me snap out of my reality for a moment. I found myself jaw dropping, not in awe but in fear that soon these strangers would do some brutality to me. It took me seconds to regain my consciousness.

I feel like crying for the first time. Please, someone help me.

I gulped but no saliva went into my throat. Those two strangers with oddly disoriented faces walked closer to me, grinning with their teeth algae green and dirty yellow. They must have not brushed their teeth for centuries. I see some particles dropping on the floor from their mouths. Eew.

I tilted my head to my sides and found that no one would see me, no one would hear me screaming. I am alone with them. The people walking and strolling awhile ago suddenly vanished. No one’s walking down the street. The stores are closed and the roads are empty.

What the hell was I thinking when I decided to follow that freak?

As I looked back at them, they were already inches away from me. I stepped back. I was left with no options.

“Hey little girl…. What are you doing in this place….” The creepy stranger said, he was wearing a yellow shirt, as yellow as his teeth. “I mean... in MY place…?”

I shouldn’t let them know I’m frightened or they’ll make things worse. I cleared my throat. “You’re place? I know this place is owned by the government of South Korea. Such misbehavior ahjussi and you might want to get imprisoned.”

He looked startled but then managed to force himself to smile again. The one in green tee turned to talk. “Beware of your words child or you want to end up miserably.”

“I would rather die than be your guest.” I asserted directly. They looked at each other, and perhaps talked through minds, in science, its called telepathy. I wonder how they learned that.

They moved closer again and I stepped back but this time, my back touches the brick wall I used to hide awhile ago. I’m trapped. As if they read my mind, I saw them smirking.

The green tee man walked closer and grabbed my arm forcefully while the other one tried to rip my clothes. They were both laughing evilly as they felt dominance over me. I tried to kick them but my force is being suppressed by my position. I couldn’t move properly as they tried to rip my sleeve hungrily using their knives. One move and they could scratch my skin.

 Their faces are so volatile. I screamed as loud as I could but the man in yellow tee placed his filthy hands on my mouth, I tasted his hands, bitter.

I puked away. I felt the world crashing in front of me as I felt the breeze of Korea more and more. I felt my skin overly exposed. They succeed in unclothing me. I was only wearing my undergarments. They stared at me. Maniacs!

I tried to cover it with my hands and hid my face. I feel ashamed. I shut my eyes close.  I don’t want to see what would happen to me next. I might be dead. My hair was covering my whole face and I feel quite protected. I just feel comfortable with it. My sweat was oozing because of tense. Tears drip from my eyes gradually. I still didn’t open my eyes.

Just before I could make myself believe that there is no future waiting for me, I heard a loud groan and a thud. I still didn’t bother looking. They might be fighting of who would come taste me first. The loud thud against the floor and the friction against the wall, squeaky seem to sound all over the area.

I heard a loud punch, and another one, and another one. I thought it was the last, but then another punch came in. Silence occurred.

I heard soft steps coming towards me. I still shut my eyes close.  I felt his warm as he bend in front of me. He slowly removed my sweaty hair away from my face and lifted my chin. Oh God. Help me.

I didn’t bother opening my eyes. After all, what’s the point?

I heard him chuckle. His chuckle sounds hauntingly familiar. “I never thought you have a very nice body Kwon Cyrell.”

Kim Kibum.

I opened my eyes and stared at him. We stared at each other for a moment. This time, I didn’t felt raging anger that always occupies me whenever I see him but instead I felt secured. “Key?”

He smiled. “Who else would be as handsome as me?” It was a perfect moment, really, just before his eyes landed on my almost bare body. I was only wearing my bra and pants. Luckily, they haven’t ripped my pants or I could have been really unlucky.

He gulped and I find myself covering it again. He quickly takes off his jacket.

“Waawaait!!! What are you doing???” I asked again with my hands signaling the stop sign.

He gave me a ‘what the ’ look and continued in taking off his jacket. Under it is a gray shirt with a touch of pink downward. “Relax” he finally said and handed his jacket over me.

I took it and wore. It has very warm leather inside and outside. The once so cold gust of Korea quickly changes into warm and cozy feeling inside me. I sighed. “Thank you for helping me.. and wait. How did you found me?”

He smirked. “ I knew you were following me. When I stopped down the street, I face in front of the glass of a store and found you peeping. I kept walking ‘cause I thought you’re still following me but then I found out that you weren’t anymore. So I looked for you.”

He looked for me? He’s worried for me?

He then grabbed my hand. “Come.” I let him drag me to where he wants us to go. Our paces were both fast and after awhile I found myself in front of a bar. The loud sound inside could still be heard from outside. Not far from the entrance of it, a man sat on the ground with a bottle of liquor, almost empty in his hand. Beside him is another man, fully awake and sober. He signaled at Key to come.

I stared at our hands as we headed to them. I felt curious and eyed the intoxicated guy sitting helplessly. He is facing down, his hands pale and it seems that he had drunk too much. I looked at the man beside him; he was talking at Key with both our hands sliding at each other.

“Taemin got on a fight. Luckily, I was there to save him. He’s so drunk.” The man said.

So it was Taemin.

 I looked over at Taemin again. If he hadn’t been sitting like that, I wouldn’t think he’s drunk. His face is robustly tranquil and gentle. His eyes so still. And although he’s pale, there’s a tint of flush on both his cheeks. No questions why Nahmi is so in love with him.

The man left so I and Key supported Taemin in getting up. When key let go of my hand, I felt myself frowning, good thing Key haven’t seen it. Now Taemin, placed in between us with both his arms hung around our neck and one of our hands supporting his back, we walked on the street and waited for a cab.


Taemin groaned.


We looked at him and were surprised of what he said next.




“I Love Nahmi.”




Sorry for the lame update.

but please comment and subscribe. :)

I love you guys!





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lollypurpelish #2
Chapter 30: I love your story!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^ Fighting!!
Chapter 30: OMG UPDATE SOON!!!!^^
dongsaengg #5
Update soon. omg, it can't be key, can it?
Anyways update as fast as possible, I'm dying too know who it is :o
aishh!! i really hate dramas
oh my god! this is the first fic. that made my tear drop just once..but it was slow..i dunno but i felt like the teardrop was really slow.. :'(
Is that Taemin?
omg a new life?!?! O.O
MariaNoble #10
ohhh that someone is Key isnt it *__* because he said he loved her >///< poor them T_T but I still dont get the game and those that are behind it O__O what kind of school does this to its students O__O anyway its a fiction afterall but I must say I'm lookin forward to your updates ^__^