“Fight the bad feeling”

♥His Little Love Game♥

-Cyrell’s POV-

Taking back what Key said last night wasn’t bad at all for at least, I never fantasize his apology. And learning that never trust a haunted house is the first lesson I’ll have in my whole lifetime. I’ll remember that.

Fixing up my things, I continued on my way to Honki’s classroom where he said, he will be meeting me there at 6 sharp. I checked out my wrist watch “ 5:58”.

 Few meters away from his classroom, I saw him entering. Good thing he’s there already. I continued on my way and just when I stepped inside his room, my wrists watch strike at 6. Just on time, I thought.

Searching around the room, I found him standing in one corner, staring at me. This is no joke, the stare looks absolutely melting….seriously

“Why do you want me to meet you here?” I managed to ask, which is typically what I want to ask in the first place. Like what I said, he wants me to meet here at 6:00 and I find it kind of peculiar since classes usually starts at 7:30, too early to start a conversation.

He checked his watch and looked back at me, “I want you to do me a favor.” He smiled, “If that’s okay with you?”

My expression says it all, “sure. What is it?”


-Key’s POV-

If I could turn back the time, I would have not prepared a date in a haunted house. Nor will I do it again. Promise!! And to think that I said sorry to the least girl I want to see before I die is so like a nightmare. No..no! scratch that again… Is so like death itself.

So going back to me, there’s actually a weird thing happened. A paper slid into the window and says “meet me at 6 sharp in your classroom.” No manners. And right conduct. Whoever sends it here should have not been thought by his/her parents how to introduce herself or himself..or whoever..whatever.

But that’s not actually the problem.

I don’t know if I could trust the paper and follow what it says or just completely ignore it, pretending that, the paper never exists. But come to think of it, I might be risking something if I won’t come.

I scratched my head in utter frustration and checked out the time….4:30 am. Swiftly completing my daily rituals..yeah..you heard it right… ‘rituals’ like taking a bath,  eat breakfast, brush your teeth. Just like that. I went off to school.

So, I now found myself inside the school hallway. Silence was conquering in since no one’s still around except me and the ‘whoever-sends-me-the-paper’ person of course. Tsk.

I know I’m sort of late because checking out the time, It’s already 6:20. But who cares, whoever send it should wait.

You might be asking if I want to make Cyrell’s day hell again.

Actually, I haven’t thought of that yet. Come on, it’s early in the morning; I still have plenty of time to think of an evil plan. Kekekekeke. Let me prioritize this stupid thing first. Arasso?

As I was coming closer towards my classroom, I heard murmurs so I quickened my pace and noticed the half open door. I peeped inside and to my surprise, I saw Cyrell and Hongki facing each other , talking. 

So to clearly hear what they were saying, I stopped breathing and felt something intensely weird. Mind describing it? It’s the feeling when you want to tear Honki into pieces and hang his pieces somewhere..something like that.

Hongki moved closer to her. Okay, this is really not good. “Will you be my girlfriend?” he asked. Cyrell  looked straight to his eyes, like what she usually do when she’s confused, curious or better yet, in trouble, her own way in seeing a true intention of a person in front of her.

“yes.”  She finally answered, after times when I stopped Hongki form proposing to her. Cyrell should be happy. She is a kind of girl that doesn’t easily fall in love with a guy, she’s rough and tough but when Hongki comes along, there’s always a smile plastered on her face but neither  bright eyes couldn’t be seen to her right now. As if she’s bothering with something.

To make it sweeter, Hongki handed her a red rose, and she took it.

My feelings were telling me that this is not the Cyrell whom I dated with for the game but then I shook away those feelings when I saw Hongki pulled her to a tight hug and muttered something I didn’t hear.

If that was a movie, I could have clapped and said.. “and they lived happily ever after” but no, I felt sad. I don’t know for whom… for Cyrell or for me losing the game that easily? I walked out silently, not leaving any noises that might earn suspicion along the hallways.

“Hyung, what’s wrong?”

I heard as I bumped into someone. I didn’t look up and instead continued on my way… to somewhere my feet would eventually be leading me, ignoring the fact that I was there to meet someone.

 I’m just not interested anymore.

-Cyrell’s POV-

“what is this?” I probed, as Hongki gave me a piece of paper. Just like déjà vu. Another piece of paper. Last time I had this kind of stuff in my hand, things led me to something worse. Even this kind of piece isn’t something you should depend on by now. I stared at it blankly, half nervous of what is inside.. might be something serious? I guess… it should be, for all this time.

“You’ll just gonna say that line.”

“what line?” I asked again, hoping to see some lines drawn over rather than these words written. “Hongki: will you be my girlfriend..”

“no..no.nno.” he uttered and grabbed the paper from me. “you’ll gonna say this line.” He pointed right over the next sentence. “the one you read awhile ago. I’ll be the one saying it.”

“It doesn’t make sense.” I mumbled to myself, clearly solving a mystified mystery or whatsoever. “what is that for?”

Hongki looked over my shoulder, as if checking for someone and after he found no one listening or whatsoever, clearly dumbfounded of what was Hongki’s real intention is, just like he kept on checking his watch and glance over again my shoulder and when I look back, directing to where his eyes were landing, I found no one. Nothing.

“actually… I just want you to say that line.” He admitted.

“for real?” my lips muttered… and seriously embarrassed, I grasped my mouth with my hand, hoping to pull it out for my face but when I found out, it’s super duper impossible, I stopped and went back to him. “I just don’t get the logic.”

“ no more questions..” he said, but not in a way you’d like to tear him into pieces of not letting you know what to do, and might just be having fun with you or worse…

”Now, shall we start?”

I nodded in response.

As if the room was blending with the oh-so-romantic scene, the lights got dimmer… I don’t know if it’s just me or it’s just the sun’s rays were far from the windows reach, and…. The atmosphere inside got warmer and warmer.. and the last thing I knew.. I heard Hongki saying,

“will you be my girlfriend.”

Those words…

Words that I want to hear from him ever since, however, this wasn’t the whole scene I was imagining; this whole thing is just scripted with unknown reason.

Even when I push myself or bump my head, either way, this is not real. And I guess, will never be.

“yes.” I replied back, referring to my one and only script. With that, he handed me a red rose, a symbol of love. But sometimes, it’s not the symbol that matters, it’s the one giving it and the true intention hidden. Now for me, the red rose, the symbol of fakeness and phony.

I sighed helplessly, hopelessly, and as if on cue, he pulled me for a big hug, a friendly hug, of course. “thank you.” He muttered against my hair and blew it.

”don’t mind it.” I slowly let go of the hug. “I never second thought to help my bestfriend.” Though it really hurts to say those words, I still managed to refrain myself form tearing. I’m not that kind of girl who shows everyone that I’m sometimes weak in some instances, especially with love.

That might be the only reason why I don’t trust anyone else except Hongki and Nahmi. And might be the reason why I don’t open my heart to search for another love, clearly knowing that I have no chance to Hongki, I still don’t have the strength to let my heart be in pain, though I’ve never been on heartbreaks before except this one, I just don’t like to try it either.

I walked away and headed towards the door. Just when I stepped to the hallway, I glanced over my shoulder, seeing the door still open and well…kind of hoping to let him hear my words,

“I hope it’s real.”

-Nahmi’s POV-

Cyrell thought me how to be strong when it comes to love and even how to lie about myself that I don’t like him. But she never thought me how to stop from loving, literally. She can’t even stop herself from loving Hongki, how much more stopping me from loving Taemin. Stupid Nahmi. I shook my head with the thought and continued on my way down the hallway when I noticed a figure leaning against the wall with arms folded and staring at me. Taemin.

Well It’s easy to know it’s him, for God’s super sake, I’m in love with him for almost like forever, I know his waistline, the structure of his face and even when you blindfold me and just let me smell him, I directly know It’s him. So never dare deceive me when It comes to Taemin.

As I stepped a little closer to where he was leaning, I could feel my knees shaking uncontrollably and felt the hallway getting thinner and thinner..I felt closer.

“tell me honestly.” A voice shook my thoughts and just when my instincts, I turned to the side. “ do you know what happened to key hyung?”

I looked directly at his eyes, my mistake I guess, because he just looked away, clearly avoiding to have eye-to-eye contact with me. I quickly shook my head, “No.” and continued to walk, now a little faster. I nearly not noticed everything, even the way.

I was well… disappointed that he acted like that. What so wrong about him?

As my thoughts were enveloping my entire mind, I heard a loud crash against the floor.I stumbled at someone. I looked up and saw Hongki leaning down to help me stand up but just when he was about to hold my hand, Taemin popped out of nowhere and grasped my hands instead, pushing Hongki aside.

Regaining back my balance, I swiftly apologized to Hongki for being such a retarded person and thank you’d silently at my mind. “It’s okay.” He replied and when I noticed that he was in a rush, Ilet him pass.

I was staring at Hongki for the whole time, not that I was affectionate or something, he just looks like he’s up to something. As he walked away, I eyed suspiciously to his every move as he was heading somewhere.  And now it clearly gave me answers when he stopped right in front of Cyrell’s locker.

“shoot!” I muttered excitedly, still watching Hongki as he opened Cyrell’s locker door.

“stop staring.” A whisper blown my mind in an instance and when I looked at where the voice was coming, I nearly jumped out when I saw Taemin leaning just at my side, almost kissing my cheeks. “do you like that Hongki guy?” his cool breathe almost hypnotized me…

Gosh, Taemin….

Why do you give me reasons to fall in love with you all over and over?

“no.” I answered back, not knowing if I look like I’m telling the truth or just being quite defensive. Well, the truth is, I never like Hongki as a …you know…lover, but as a friend...yes, I like him. And after all, he’s my best friend’s crush. I never ever betray friends. And to say that only Taemin is the one staying inside my heart is more than enough.

“be careful next time.” He mumbled as he handed me my books, that I never noticed was with him. Good gracious. “and..If you see Key, please tell it to me.”

I nodded.

Sometimes, Taemin’s attitude is quite confusing.  But before that, I need to report to Cyrell.

-Key’s POV-

I was completely occupied with the scene I just witnessed awhile ago, that I found myself sitting on a red-coated bench placed at the park. So as I was observing everyone, I saw kids running, a fountain, flowers and trees.

I was sitting along on the bench, not minding any of my surroundings. Solving the puzzle in my mind. Why do I feel sad about Hongki being with my worst enemy?

Is it because I failed to let her fall in love with me instead?






Or I failed to know my true feelings about her?





I reached over my hair and unconsciously pulled it in disgust. I don’t like her. Right? To make a proof, I tilted my head side to side to search for a flower and just when I noticed a big sunflower sitting next to me. As if someone fell it down to help me solve my problem.

I swiftly grabbed it and pulled one petal,

“I love her.”

“I love her not.”

“I love her.”

“I love her not.”

“I love her.”

“I love her not“

I love her.”

“I love her not.”

“I love her.”

“I love her not.”

“I love her.”

“I love her not.”

“I love her.”

 “I love her not.”

And finally,  I picked the last petal…… “I love her.”


-Cyrell’s POV-


“I’m sure of it.”, Nahmi said proudly. “now check you’re locker!!!!”

Hongki’s behavior is kind of weird. And now, I don’t find it cute, I find it scary. Hongki’s not a guy who usually behaves like that, there must be something and certainly, the only answer might be in my locker, Nahmi’s right. I half-excitedly, half nervous clutched my locker’s knob and twisted it. As it finally opened, a yellow stick note greeted me. Something was written.

“I know this isn’t much of a good goodbye.” I read. Goodbye? I quickly pulled the paper out of my locker and read it together with Nahmi, in our minds. “Sorry if waking you up early in the morning is a big inconvenience for you, knowing that were just gonna read some weird dialogues. But I bet, It won’t be useless. I promise. Before you’ll know, you’re already in love. And I wrote this to say goodbye to you too. I’ll be going to Australia to study, far away from here. My airport schedule is today, I’m off to flight right now. Wish we’re still bestfriends. I love you.”

“No.” I mumbled and unconsciously fell the paper down towards the floor. Though the paper was the one falling, I felt it was me. I looked at Nahmi and she pushed me towards the exit door of our school, “follow him, Cyrell!”she commanded as I let her push me effortlessly. “Be a martyr for once.”

I stopped her from pushing me and finally realized, If I lose the only person I love, I’d lose everything. I should be a martyr for once. I quickly called a cab but just when I was about to dial, a car stopped right in front of me. The windows slid down, revealing Taemin, holding the steering wheel. “Do you need a ride?”

“Taemin?” I heard Nahmi gasped from behind but then pushed me to get inside. “To the airport please.” Nahmi answered for me.

Taemin looked at us curiously. ”Vacation?”he asked as he went out to open the car door for me. I quickly hopped in.

The only thing that messed up my day, excluding the weird dialogues and goodbye is the extreme congested highway traffic!

“beeeeep”. Taemin keeps on beeping the car’s horn for the other cars to move out of the way. He was well-known in the city but in traffic, especially dealing with high tempered drivers is harder than I though to the oh-so-playboy Taemin.

But then, It was also me who’s in the rush. I checked out my watch and peeped at the time, hoping that his flight would get delayed for just a while. Please…


Just then I noticed my feet running…


-Hongki’s POV-

“Calling the attention of all passengers for Korea’s Expressplane, please be ready, you’re flight will be in a short while. Thank you.” The electronic voice from the speaker of the airport’s lobby asserted. Some people readied themselves while some managed to have their last calls, last communication.

I checked out my phone and saw 59 messages, all from Cyrell. I know she would have read the note by now but I’m certainly not expecting her to come. Making myself have no reasons to back out, I switched off my phone, not even wanting to read any of her messages that may lead me to cancel my flight.

“I love her.” I said to myself as I stared at the blank screen on my phone. “but sometimes you just need to let go.”

You might think I’m stupid for letting go of her, knowing that she also likes me. Well, I bet you misunderstood everything. She doesn’t love me. She loves someone else and I figured out who he is.

Cyrell thought that past can be the present. She loved me once, but now, she loved another one. You can clearly see it at how her eyes brighten, how her smiles turn into sweet smirks, how she jeopardize him but would do everything to save him back, how she reacts violently to that person and how she complies with their stupid dates but then give effort to piss him off, is totally foreign for me and highly enough to conclude that she’s in love...

She doesn’t hate him, she’s counteracting from falling in love with him but then little did she know that she already fell in love with the least person possible.

Sorry to say, but I think she already failed to win the little love game. And my only mission is to let cupid shoot the right arrow. To let her realize she’s not in love with me.

“why are you leaving?” a strong voice came out and shooed my thoughts away. Before I dare look up, I already know who she is.

“Hi.” I said and tried to get off with the topic. “Where’s Nahmi..?”

“Why. Are you leaving…..” she whispered the last word as if it was a huge mistake to blurt it aloud. “me?”

I sighed helplessly.

“I love you.” She said.

All the thoughts awhile ago rushed into my mind and just when I know, I asked the most painful question you can ever tell. “Do you even know what love is?”

-Cyrell’s POV-

“Do you even know what love is?”

And that hit me.

What is love after all that everyone would turn into martyrs just to keep it, and sometimes would die just to have it?

Do I even know what love is in the first place?

Or I just thought I’m in love to keep myself from loving someone?

Hongki, as if reading my thoughts finally said. “Why are you silent?”

I shook my head in shame. I was running after him just to hear that question. I don’t even know if that was an insult or some thing that I should reflect on.

“then tell me what is love?” I shouted as tears slowly drip down my cheeks as if some tears I just managed to stop awhile ago finally gave up. I felt the world being cruel to me.

“Calling the attention of the passengers, you are about to leave. Please get in the airplane now. Thank you.” The electronic voice erupted just when Hongki’s about to answer.

“I think I should go.” Hongki clutched his baggage to his side. He looked directly at my eyes and smiled a smile of a best friend. “love is not being taught, it’s being learnt.” He said meekly before facing his back to me.

“yeah right.” I said sarcastically, trying to piece out everything. “Just wait till I know what love is.”

-Key’s POV-

I threw the left part of the flower away from my sight. This is a terrible nightmare. But just when I was about to get up from the seat, I saw someone heading towards here. I stared as she finally came into view.


When finally she came near, her almost like swollen cheeks and eyes got evident. Before I stood up and ran away, I got guilty so I decided to stay and wait for her to sit next to me. And as what I predicted, she sat just right next to where I was seated. My biggest mistake.

“OW. Do you like your boyfriend to be like that?” I heard as someone passed in front of us. ”look at what she is doing with the girl. “

“the girl looks miserable.”

“what have he done?”

“Look babe, “ a lady pointed me to her boyfriend. “thank god you’re not like him”

I shot everyone daggers as they glare at me like I had done something really terrible. It’s more than just killing. Unfortunately, It didn’t work so I just pulled my white-knitted handkerchief with my name expensively weaved on it and decided to hand it to Cyrell.

But just when I was about to face her, she faced her back to me. Wow. Pretty back.

“Cyrell?”  I poked her neck.

“Now, he’s poking her like a mad man.” I heard someone say as she passed by.

I ignored it and continued to poke her. “Cyrell?”  I poked again. Promise, I won’t stop until she faces me. “Cyrell?”

Finally, she gave up and looked at me.

“WHAT?” she barked. “Can u please shut up.”

“now..he made her even mad.” Another girl said, clearly knowing that everything she said, I hear.

If this girl won’t stop roaring, these eavesdroppers and these passers by would get even worse so I managed to move closer and as she was about to back away, I pulled her into a tight hug. Whispering, “I just want you to stop crying, people would think I’m harassing you or something.”

She quickly let go and grabbed MY WHITE KNITTED WITH-MY-NAME-EXPENSIVELY-WEAVED-ON-IT handkerchief from my hand and wiped out the remaining tears dripping from her cheeks.

But I just don’t get why she’s crying… I thought she and Hongki are together so that means, she should be happy... But why the heck is she crying?

“You know…” I said in a serious tone, quickly gaining her full attention. “you’re getting uglier when you cry.”

I quickly squeezed my eyes and tapped my ears for any violent, volatile reaction..






I slowly opened my right eye, and next my left eye and saw Cyrell standing in front of me. At first, I didn’t sensed any threat because she was grinning evilly but when I looked down to her feet, I saw her left leg slightly bend up and below is my white knitted handkerchief, especially designed for me with my name weaved on it and the thread came from rare parts of a rare flower in Europe while the cloth came from the already extinct tree which I don’t know what’s the name. In short, that handkerchief is more than a life of millions of people.


Before I could get the handkerchief out of her reach, she stepped on it.


And I was like…


After that thousand of steps, almost ravaging, massacring my handkerchief, I saw it laying helplessly on the ground. Poor Hanky.

I leaned down to pick it up but just when I was about to touch it, she stepped on my hand. “ouuuuuuuuuch!” I roared at her even though she was not stepping harder.

“don’t pick that up.” She removed her feet and smirked. “I’ll just gonna buy you another one.”

I sneered. “Do you even know how much that cost?”

“I know. I saw it once in a magazine.” She said proudly while folding up her arms. “Come on, let’s just throw that piece of evidence that I once cried because of a man.”

“What?? You two broke up already?”I asked, totally amazed of how fast their relationship ended. Just. Like. That.

“Who? What??...broke who??” she asked, clueless of what I was pointing out. “oh that. I guess you heard us awhile ago.” She chuckled. “bet you misunderstand it.”

“ow.” That was all I managed to reply. Of all the petal pulling awhile ago and the I love her, I love her not…. Guess It didn’t turn that right.

“uhmm… Key.” She looked at side to side, making sure that no one’s listening to us as if she would ask me something that would embarrass her or might worse, turn her reputation down. “Do you know what love is?” she continued. “do you know if that person is the one you’re in love with or not?”

After all these years…. I have no clear definition about love. In short, I never know what it’s like to fall in love.

“I don’t know.” I admitted.

“I guess…. We need to know what love is.” Cyrell muttered to herself but technically, addressing it to me.


I think I’ll gonna need my dictionary.

I decided to sit back to the bench and pull out my ipod, shuffling the music until I get on the right track. Cyrell noticed me and sat beside, taking one of the earphones from my ear and placed it to hers.

I glared at her but she just grinned happily.

She took my ipod and changed the track…


”fight the bad feeling by T-max”


Author’s note:

Sorry if this chapter is quite long>??… because if

I decided to chop it into two, then the two chapters would get

Brief or short.

And sorry if I didn’t made it much dramatic..

Drama isn’t my thing. J

Wish you love my update..


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lollypurpelish #2
Chapter 30: I love your story!! UPDATE SOON!! ^_^ Fighting!!
Chapter 30: OMG UPDATE SOON!!!!^^
dongsaengg #5
Update soon. omg, it can't be key, can it?
Anyways update as fast as possible, I'm dying too know who it is :o
aishh!! i really hate dramas
oh my god! this is the first fic. that made my tear drop just once..but it was slow..i dunno but i felt like the teardrop was really slow.. :'(
Is that Taemin?
omg a new life?!?! O.O
MariaNoble #10
ohhh that someone is Key isnt it *__* because he said he loved her >///< poor them T_T but I still dont get the game and those that are behind it O__O what kind of school does this to its students O__O anyway its a fiction afterall but I must say I'm lookin forward to your updates ^__^