YoungLo #1 (Requested by ellyemilyn)

B.A.P Fluffshots&Drabbles;

Awkward YoungLo was requested but I don't know if I made this awkward enough OTL ((this is kind of inspired by something that happened to me IRL because what happened was really awkward but I didn't know how to write it down that way.. LOL)) 




Junhong sighed as he walked through the doors of their school gym. It was the day he dreaded the most of this stupid unit they were doing in the class he hated the most.

Peer teaching. 

Where students are given the task of teaching their class a sport of their choice. 

It was his turn today, and Junhong was not excited. In fact, he had the urge to just skip class and never come back. 

It's not like he was unathletic... He could be athletic if he wanted to be, he just didn't feel trying. Maybe it could've been different if he had friends in this class. Friends, instead of the stuck up popular kids that were there. 

Another deep sigh escaped Junhong's mouth and he joined the rest of his class. The teacher took attendance and nodded at him. "They're all yours, Junhong," he said, and Junhong chewed on his lip. 

"Okay so.. I'm going to teach soccer and just... Uhm..." Junhong mumbled quietly, his face heating up in embarrassment. "Just start off with stretches.."

The other students laughed and whispered in each other's ears and Junhong wanted to crawl into a hole and die. 

For the rest of class Junhong attempted to teach, but all he heard were the voices of the students making fun of him, laughing at how stupid this was. 

Junhong looked at his watch and breathed a sigh of relief. Class would be over in 5 minutes.

"Okay uhm... Class is going to be over soon, so can you guys pick up the cones and put them back before changing?" Junhong yelled out, confidence in his voice for the first time that day because it would be the last thing he needed to say to the class. The confidence disappeared, though, the second the students began running out the door; completely disregarding everything he said. 

A groan escaped him when he was left to clean everything up by himself. As he began to take the nets back to the storage room, a finger tapped his shoulder and he flinched, turning around. 

"Here are the cones," the boy behind him said. "Oh and... Sorry for how the class was acting today." He added quietly before walking into the change room, leaving Junhong frozen in spot. 

"Thank you," Junhong mumbled, even though the boy left already. He didn't know someone had actually stayed behind to help. Especially someone like him. 

Youngjae. Yoo Youngjae, one of the stuck up popular kids. 


For some reason, soon after that day Junhong got sick and stayed home for a week. After he was finally good enough to get out of bed and not cough out a lung, he returned to school in dread because of how far behind he probably was. 

He walked into his History class and stopped at the door, confused. There was someone sitting in his original seat. In fact, everyone was sitting in different seats, and he looked at his teacher for answers. 

"Ah yes, welcome back Junhong," he greeted with a smile. "We've had a change in seating arrangements for the new term, and you are sitting next to..." His teacher glanced at his sheet before opening his mouth to speak. "Mr. Youngjae over there." 

Junhong blinked at the seat he was pointing to and walked towards it silently. He smiled when he realized that his best friend, Jongup, was sitting right behind him. 

"Okay class, take out your homework from last class, I will be doing a homework check!" His teacher announced, and Junhong's eyes widened. 

"Homework? Nobody told me about homework!" he hissed at Jongup, and his best friend smiled sheepishly. 'I forgot to tell you' he mouthed, and Junhong rolled his eyes. Of course Jongup would forget.

"Uhm.. You can copy my notes.. If you'd like," the voice to his right mumbled, and Junhong looked towards him. Youngjae held out his notes and Junhong smiled shyly. 

"Thank you," he whispered, jotting down as many notes as he could before his teacher reached his desk. His hand reached over the gap between their two tables to return the sheets back to him, but Youngjae didn’t notice; leaving Junhong’s arms hanging awkwardly in the air. Red faced, he tapped the other boy’s shoulder. “Uhm, thank you…” Junhong said quietly, and Youngjae nodded at him before going back to talking to Daehyun, the boy behind him.


For the rest of class, Junhong couldn’t concentrate. He stole quick glances at the boy to his right, and by the time the bell rang for lunch Junhong had learned that Youngjae scrunched his nose when he was confused, he bit his lips a lot and he looked really good in glasses.

Not that Junhong was checking him out. Not really.

“You kept starting at Youngjae all class,” Jongup stated when they sat down at a table in the cafeteria.

Junhong groaned and rested his face in his palms. “Was I that obvious?” he asked, and Jongup chuckled.

“Please, your head stuck in his direction the whole time,” his best friend teased, “Do you like him?”

His face pinked and he shook his head aggressively. “Not at all, I was just wondering why he’s being nice to me,” Junhong muttered, twirling some pasta around his fork and stuffing it in his mouth. He cringed at the gross taste and pushed his plate away. “I mean, we’ve never talked before and he’s one of the ‘popular’ kids.”

Jongup blinked at him, deep in thought. “Well maybe he’s different than those stuck up jerks,” he shrugged, and Junhong nodded.

He changed the subject and soon enough the whole thing is forgotten, that is, until he tried to fall asleep that night and found Youngjae stuck in his head. He did look really good in glasses… Junhong thought, before groaning into his pillow.

This was bad, the moment someone was being nice to him he develops a tiny crush.




The next day Junhong had gym class, and for some reason he was looking forward to it. After changing and getting attendance taken, their teacher announced that they would be playing basketball.

For once, Junhong felt like trying. For once in gym class, he actually ran and participated and he scored 5 balls and for the first time after gym class, he was sweating.

Panting, he made his way to the change room before a voice stopped him. “Hey, Junhong!” he yelled, and Junhong turned around. “You, uh, played really well today,” Youngjae smiled, and Junhong’s heart skipped a beat.

“Yeah, I guess uh, being tall has its advantages,” he laughed nervously, mentally slapping himself for sounding so stupid for no reason at all. Youngjae paused and chuckled awkwardly before going into the change room, and Junhong could hear him and his friends fooling around together.

What the hell were you saying Junhong, he scolded himself, you sounded so stupid. Stupid, stupid, stupid!

Junhong groaned and hit his head against the gym locker. Why couldn’t he talk normally around Youngjae?




A week later and the cold from before came back and hit Junhong even harder than it did before, leaving him bed ridden for another two weeks. Another two weeks of missed school, and to make things worse, on the day he was well enough to go back Mother Nature decided to pour rain on him. Literally.

Junhong ran out the house without an umbrella because he was running late and within seconds his whole body was soaked and his socks were wet and his hair was matted down and oh who am I kidding? He thought, slowing down his footsteps. No matter how fast I run I’m still going to be late and I’m still going to be soaked.

Junhong sighed in defeat and raised his hands over his head in a pitiful attempt to keep himself dry, until a shadow overcame him and the rain stopped and Junhong looked up, only to see an umbrella over the top of his head.

“Your cold is going to get worse if you run in the rain like that,” Youngjae panted, gasping for air. “Thank god I was running late today too or else you’d be stuck in bed for another 3 weeks.”

Junhong stifled a giggle and took the umbrella from Youngjae, holding it over both of their heads. “I should hold it because when you did it kept hitting my head,” he chuckled, and Youngjae muttered a ‘sorry for being short’ before the two started laughing together. As soon as the laughter faded away though, their normal awkward atmosphere returned and Junhong was struggling for things to say.

“So uh, you noticed I was gone?” Junhong asked, and Youngjae nodded.

“It’s kind of obvious when the seat next to me in history class has been empty for the last two weeks,” he said, and Junhong frowned slightly at the answer. He didn’t know what he was expecting, really, but what the other said disappointed him a tiny bit.

“Oh, that reminds me,” Youngjae continued, and Junhong blinked at him questionably. “I was uhm, wondering if you wanted me to get you caught up on the things you missed,” he said shyly, “like I can teach you and give you the notes and we can just like, hang out?” Youngjae blushed and stuck his hands into his pockets. “Like, only if you want to, I mean I’m sure you can get caught up with Jongup but I have the notes if you want and-“

“Sure,” Junhong grinned, his face warm even though the cold wind and rain droplets were biting his cheek. “If that’s okay with you, since I’m pretty sure Jongup forgot to take notes, being, well, Jongup,” he joked, and Youngjae laughed; making Junhong swell with pride because for once he didn’t sound stupid in front of Youngjae, and they were talking normally and Youngjae wanted to hang out with him!

They reached the school by then and the two walked into history class together, receiving a lecture by their teacher for entering late and dripping water in his classroom. But Youngjae and Junhong stared at the other and laughed, taking their seats beside each other.

Junhong felt Jongup’s gaze on him and he turned around, Jongup raising an eyebrow at him. Before he could say anything, the sound of something landing on his desk caused Junhong to turn back and see what it was.

A folded square of paper with the words “after school, my house?” on it was enough to make Junhong’s day. 



I'm supposed to be writing an essay but this comes out instead... oops. 

I hope you guys like it! ^^


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quickly made a poster LOL it's not that nice but it'll do for now :3


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Chapter 8: it's been a while since i've read fluff haha and it's awesome to see that someone made bap fluffshots, thank you!
Chapter 8: This is so cute~ '3' can you make you know...Bangchan like Himchan was kidnapped and Yongguk was saving him can you please~???
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Gukkie loves spoiling Channie kekekeke~~
Chapter 2: So absolutely adorable~ <3
Chapter 7: omg more jonglo pleeease *O*
Aww, . Why am I sounding like a girl?
Oh, gosh, But who cares?
Chapter 7: uuuuhhh ;u; cutie junhong had a nightmare~ lemme hug you too baby junhong. and jongup.. asdfghjkl no comment, my prince ㅠㅠ

make some jonglo again pleaseee.. and making jongup jelous because himchan was always with junhong. I think it'll be cute. hihih >u<
Chapter 8: sorry for troubled you haha awkward couple is just the couple name i dont know you can come with such an amazing story haha this is cute i'm smiling from the moment he met youngjae omaigosh omagosh sghjkkjhgf
toribabekit #9
Chapter 7: JongLo~! Oh my dear god, I can just SEE this happening. That was so damn precious, oh my god! I love how you mentioned all the uneven breathing evening out because of the touches, that's so cute! I could just really picture this & I am losing it! They are such a precious couple! But can I make a request~? Uhm~ Dae. Zelo's having sweet cravings & Daehyun decides to make a cake with him. In the mix, they end up having a food fight & there is some cake mix on Zelo's lips. Daehyun kisses him to get it off. Zelo kisses him this time while Daehyun was blabbing excuses. Include a lot of blushing & moments where they're obviously crushing on each other please~! Let your fangirl heart take over~ x3 but yeah! I really enjoyed reading your fluffy one shots for the past couple of days! They are all adorable!
toribabekit #10
Chapter 6: BangHim~! OH MY GOD HOW FCKN CUTE CAN THEY GET. THE EVEN HAVE A DAUGHTER XMSKKAA HOW PRECIOUS. I was wondering how Guk was going to pull this off & wow, did he ever! That was so sweet of him to do that for Channie! I also loved how Dae said thank you, that cracked me up. This was just really freakin sweet & precious! I also loved how their kid was rambling about her day, kids are so precious! I just loved this one! So cute!