BangJae #1 (Requested by lovenana)

B.A.P Fluffshots&Drabbles;

BangJae was requested but no scenario was given, so I made up a plot ^^ It's not as fluffy as the other ones are but I hope you guys like it!~ 



It was well past noon on a Thursday in the middle of January and Yoo Youngjae was still not awake. The other members had all left to the practice room to prepare for their next comeback, but Yongguk, being the good leader he was, decided to stay and wait for the younger vocalist. Under normal circumstances Youngjae would have been forced awake and dragged to the practice room regardless of the amount of sleep he's gotten but for some reason Youngjae just wouldn't wake up today at all. No amount of Himchan's nagging or Daehyun's abuse could get him to get his out of bed. So the manager just left him there and Yongguk offered to stay and wait. 

And so he waited. 

From 8am all the way to... What time was it now? 12:37? 

For those 4 hours and 37 minutes Yongguk had took a small nap, tidied up the dorm, and even went grocery shopping for those cookies the maknaes always loved. 

But Yoo Youngjae still wasn't awake. 

Yongguk could have woken him up. He could have walked right into their bedroom and dumped a tub of water on him but he didn't. 

Because he was a good leader.

And he was too lazy to clean up afterwards.

A sigh escaped Yongguk's lips as he sat down on the couch rather harshly; his legs stretched out onto the table in front of him. From the corner of his eye he could see the purple of Youngjae's iPad on the table next to him, and he reached an arm over to grab it. 

Youngjae wouldn't mind. I have nothing to do while I wait for him anyways. 

So with the swipe of a finger the screen changed; revealing rows and rows of games to choose from. Some boring brain games here, some immature games that were clearly downloaded by the maknaes there. Eventually, Yongguk settled on one.

Angry Birds. 

Strangely addicting, time passed by quickly as Yongguk immersed himself into the game. He got so into it that he didn't even notice the creak of a door and the sound of footsteps to the kitchen at 1:23pm. He didn't notice the sounds of cupboards opening and closing, or the smell of fresh coffee being brewed. 

It wasn't until a blonde head looked over Yongguk's shoulder with his hair tickling his neck did he let out a yelp and almost drop the iPad on the ground. 

"Morning hyung," Youngjae's husky voice mumbled. Maybe it's because he just woke up, but his voice was a bit hoarser than it is usually. "What were you doing?" 

His arm reached around Yongguk's shoulder and swiped the screen; revealing the unfinished game of angry birds. 

The vocalist let out a laugh, and the older's face flushed red. Partly from the embarrassment and partly from the hot breath against his neck and the arm swung around his shoulder. 

"Shut up, I was bored and had nothing to do while waiting for you," Yongguk muttered, closing the app. "What were you doing last night that made you sleep this long huh?" 

"N-nothing!" Youngjae spluttered, "I'm serious I didn't do anything. I don't know why I couldn't wake up today." 

Yongguk chuckled and leaned over to turn the TV on. "Well be glad that manager Kang was feeling nice today. You should get ready for practice; the others have been there since 8 o'clock."

"T-that long?!" Youngjae stuttered, eyes widening. " I'm sorry!" 

Yongguk chuckled again at the vocalist who was now in the bedroom; slamming drawers shut and scrambling to find his clothes. There was a pause, before Yongguk heard the sound of running footsteps and the slam of a washroom door. He eyed the bathroom curiously, and nearly tripped over himself running to the door when he heard the sound of retching. 

"Youngjae!! Are you alright?" The older asked worriedly, knocking on the door loudly. There was another pause, followed by a faint 'y-yes' from the vocalist. 

"You are not okay," Yongguk sighed, opening the door. Youngjae was leaning over the toilet bowl; his face pale and his eyes shut. Yongguk walked over and soothingly rubbed his back, and he sat up with a groan.

"Definitely shouldn't have drunk that coffee," Youngjae muttered, wiping his mouth with a towel from the floor. He pushed himself off the ground but within seconds his legs gave out and Yongguk grabbed onto both of his arms. 

"No way are you practicing when you're this sick," Yongguk said, "Come on, I'll bring you back to bed."

Youngjae nodded, and Yongguk put an arm around his shoulder for support. Together they walked towards the members' shared bedroom with Yongguk half-carrying the vocalist; seeing as how his legs were wobbling so much that he could hardly walk. 

Yongguk stopped in front of Youngjae's bunk. "This won't do, you sleep on the top bunk..." He muttered to himself before saying, "You can just sleep in my bed for now, since it'll be too much trouble to get you up to your bed."

Youngjae was too sick to protest, and Yongguk placed him on his own bed. The older covered his body with a blanket and moved the stuffed plushies on his bed, and within seconds the younger had fallen asleep. 

Smiling at the vocalist, Yongguk switched off the light switch and left the room. A quick phone call was made to their manager, and Yongguk told the other members to continue practicing without Youngjae for the day. He wouldn't be going to practice that day either. 

There was a sick member he needed to take care of.


---- 2 hours later ----

Yongguk walked into the bedroom to check up on Youngjae, only to see all the blankets thrown onto the floor and the younger curled up and shivering on the bed. After walking closer Yongguk saw the beads of cold sweat on his brow and his shirt was practically stuck to him. 

"," Yongguk muttered, pressing the back of his hand against Youngjae's forehead. The younger was burning up, and Yongguk mentally slapped himself for not giving him medicine earlier.

Quickly, Yongguk went to the kitchen and dumped a glass of water. After fumbling through every drawer and cupboard, he finally found some medicine and ran back to the vocalist. He set both things down on the bedside table, before going to the washroom for a wet towel to cool Youngjae down. 

Yongguk sat down on the edge of the bed, scooting closer towards the younger. He dabbed Youngjae's forehead with the cold towel and lightly shook him, causing him to shift in his sleep, before his eyes slowly opened.

"You're burning up Jae, so I brought you some medicine," Yongguk said soothingly, still dabbing his forehead with a towel. He reached over and grabbed the water and medicine, and Youngjae sat up slightly before taking both items from the older.

"Thank you..." he whispered quietly, voice hoarse. He swallowed the pills and drank the water down; sighing. "I feel disgusting hyung." 

"That might just be your sweat soaked shirt," Yongguk chuckled, standing up to get a new shirt for him to wear. He gave it to Youngjae, and the younger mumbled another thank you before trying to change as fast as possible. 

He looked down at the shirt he was wearing. "Isn't this yours?" he asked, pulling at the excess fabric on the shirt that was just a bit too big on him. 

Yongguk laughed. "Oh, I guess it is," he said, "I just grabbed the closest shirt I could find. Sorry if it's a bit big on you."

"It's okay," Youngjae's lips curled up into a small smile, "It's comfortable." 

Yongguk looked at the younger vocalist. His hair was a mess and his eyes were puffy and his face was red but he still looked good

"The shirt looks nice on you though," Yongguk grinned. "Probably better than it does on me." 

Youngjae shook his head, but the smile on his face showed that he liked the compliment. Yongguk smiled back at him, before picking the blankets off from the ground and covering him with them again. 
"I'm sorry for bothering you so much hyung," Youngjae whispered as he got comfortable. Yongguk shook his head and picked up the empty water glass. 

"I don't mind. Besides, I got to skip practice," Yongguk chuckled, walking towards the door. "If you need anything just call me okay?" 

Yongguk flicked off the light switch, turning back to look at the vocalist again. Youngjae returned him a small smile. 

"Thank you, Yongguk."


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quickly made a poster LOL it's not that nice but it'll do for now :3


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Chapter 8: it's been a while since i've read fluff haha and it's awesome to see that someone made bap fluffshots, thank you!
Chapter 8: This is so cute~ '3' can you make you know...Bangchan like Himchan was kidnapped and Yongguk was saving him can you please~???
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Gukkie loves spoiling Channie kekekeke~~
Chapter 2: So absolutely adorable~ <3
Chapter 7: omg more jonglo pleeease *O*
Aww, . Why am I sounding like a girl?
Oh, gosh, But who cares?
Chapter 7: uuuuhhh ;u; cutie junhong had a nightmare~ lemme hug you too baby junhong. and jongup.. asdfghjkl no comment, my prince ㅠㅠ

make some jonglo again pleaseee.. and making jongup jelous because himchan was always with junhong. I think it'll be cute. hihih >u<
Chapter 8: sorry for troubled you haha awkward couple is just the couple name i dont know you can come with such an amazing story haha this is cute i'm smiling from the moment he met youngjae omaigosh omagosh sghjkkjhgf
toribabekit #9
Chapter 7: JongLo~! Oh my dear god, I can just SEE this happening. That was so damn precious, oh my god! I love how you mentioned all the uneven breathing evening out because of the touches, that's so cute! I could just really picture this & I am losing it! They are such a precious couple! But can I make a request~? Uhm~ Dae. Zelo's having sweet cravings & Daehyun decides to make a cake with him. In the mix, they end up having a food fight & there is some cake mix on Zelo's lips. Daehyun kisses him to get it off. Zelo kisses him this time while Daehyun was blabbing excuses. Include a lot of blushing & moments where they're obviously crushing on each other please~! Let your fangirl heart take over~ x3 but yeah! I really enjoyed reading your fluffy one shots for the past couple of days! They are all adorable!
toribabekit #10
Chapter 6: BangHim~! OH MY GOD HOW FCKN CUTE CAN THEY GET. THE EVEN HAVE A DAUGHTER XMSKKAA HOW PRECIOUS. I was wondering how Guk was going to pull this off & wow, did he ever! That was so sweet of him to do that for Channie! I also loved how Dae said thank you, that cracked me up. This was just really freakin sweet & precious! I also loved how their kid was rambling about her day, kids are so precious! I just loved this one! So cute!