BangHim #1

B.A.P Fluffshots&Drabbles;


When Yongguk told me he was going to marry me one day, we were lying on my bed together. I was reading a book and he was just lying there quietly, when suddenly those words slipped out of his mouth.

“I’m going to marry you someday, Himchan,” he said, and I stared at him. He looked back and we just stared at each other for a bit, then I burst out laughing and pushed him off the bed.

“Ha, that’s funny Gukkie,” I teased, flicking him on the forehead. “Sorry but we aren’t going to get married.” He rolled his eyes and got back on the bed, pushing me off on the way.

We were both 15 at the time, and I pushed the incident to the back of my head.



The day Yongguk asked me out on a date, we were walking home together from school. He was fidgeting with his hands, and I asked him if anything was wrong.

“Will you go on a date with me?” he blurted, and I froze in spot. When I didn’t say anything, he quickly added, “Well not a date, we can just hang out and stuff.”

I nodded and smiled. “Yeah. I’d like that.”

I didn’t think of it as a date. I thought of it as me and my best friend spending some time together.



The day Yongguk asked me to be his boyfriend, we were watching a movie together at his house. His hand slipped into mine, and I lay my head on his shoulder.

I knew we weren’t just ‘hanging out’ anymore.

“Will you be my boyfriend, Channie?” he whispered, drawing circles on the back of my hand with his thumb. I looked up at him and he smiled softly. I felt like my heart was going to  jump out of my chest right then and there.

“Okay,” I whispered, and his small smile broke out into a grin.

That day was the day we shared our first kiss together.



The day Yongguk asked me to marry him, we were in university and living together. I woke up that morning to see him looking at me, and he smiled his signature gummy smile, before hugging my waist and kissing me softly.

We lay there in silence together, the only sounds being made were from our breathing. Yongguk ran his fingers through my hair, and I smiled with my eyes closed.

“Will you marry me, Kim Himchan?” he asked, thumbing the material of my oversized shirt. I opened my eyes, expecting him to laugh and say he was joking. Instead, I was greeted by his face, completely serious.

“B-but we’re still 20, Bbang,” I stuttered, and he nodded.

“I know,” he whispered, “Don’t worry though. We can wait for when you’re ready.”

With that, he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep again.

I didn’t even get to answer him.



The day Yongguk properly proposed to me, it was our 5 year anniversary. We were picnicking under the stars lit skies, lying together on a soft blanket. I was lying on one of his arms with my body curled towards his, and he was humming a tune under his breath.  

“Do you remember when we were 15,” he started, “and I said I would marry you some day?”

I paused and I thought about it, before nodding. “And I pushed you off the bed,” I mentioned, and he chuckled.

“I know you said we aren’t going to get married back then,” he whispered, locks of my hair, “but right when we met, I knew we were going to get married. I remember thinking, ‘I’m going to marry him one day.’”

I didn’t say anything, and he continued. “I’ve been in love with you from the moment we met, and I really hope you’ve changed your mind about marrying me. I don’t know what I’d do if I hadn’t met you, and I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t with me till the day I die.”

He looked at me and from the corner of my eye I saw him take out a small blue velvet box from his pocket. “Will you marry me, Kim Himchan?” he asked, staring into my eyes as he slipped the ring out from the box and onto my finger. I looked down at the ring, which was silver with one small diamond in the band. It was simple; just like I liked it.

He stared at me with expectancy in his eyes, and I nodded; grinning like a fool with tears streaming down my face. He leaned down and kissed me deeply, and fireworks flew as if it was our first kiss.



The day I agreed to marry Bang Yongguk was the day I made the best decision of my life. 




I don't know what this is. I wrote this in a bad mood and I'm too lazy to read it over /sighs 

By the way, I forgot to mention that you guys can make requests if you'd like. You can request a pairing that you'd like me to write about, and include a scenario if you'd like. Or you can just give me the pairing and I'll write about them ^^ OH or you could give me a random word and I can write a scenario based on that word. Anything you guys want c:

So if you want to request something, just put it in the comments~

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quickly made a poster LOL it's not that nice but it'll do for now :3


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Chapter 8: it's been a while since i've read fluff haha and it's awesome to see that someone made bap fluffshots, thank you!
Chapter 8: This is so cute~ '3' can you make you know...Bangchan like Himchan was kidnapped and Yongguk was saving him can you please~???
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Gukkie loves spoiling Channie kekekeke~~
Chapter 2: So absolutely adorable~ <3
Chapter 7: omg more jonglo pleeease *O*
Aww, . Why am I sounding like a girl?
Oh, gosh, But who cares?
Chapter 7: uuuuhhh ;u; cutie junhong had a nightmare~ lemme hug you too baby junhong. and jongup.. asdfghjkl no comment, my prince ㅠㅠ

make some jonglo again pleaseee.. and making jongup jelous because himchan was always with junhong. I think it'll be cute. hihih >u<
Chapter 8: sorry for troubled you haha awkward couple is just the couple name i dont know you can come with such an amazing story haha this is cute i'm smiling from the moment he met youngjae omaigosh omagosh sghjkkjhgf
toribabekit #9
Chapter 7: JongLo~! Oh my dear god, I can just SEE this happening. That was so damn precious, oh my god! I love how you mentioned all the uneven breathing evening out because of the touches, that's so cute! I could just really picture this & I am losing it! They are such a precious couple! But can I make a request~? Uhm~ Dae. Zelo's having sweet cravings & Daehyun decides to make a cake with him. In the mix, they end up having a food fight & there is some cake mix on Zelo's lips. Daehyun kisses him to get it off. Zelo kisses him this time while Daehyun was blabbing excuses. Include a lot of blushing & moments where they're obviously crushing on each other please~! Let your fangirl heart take over~ x3 but yeah! I really enjoyed reading your fluffy one shots for the past couple of days! They are all adorable!
toribabekit #10
Chapter 6: BangHim~! OH MY GOD HOW FCKN CUTE CAN THEY GET. THE EVEN HAVE A DAUGHTER XMSKKAA HOW PRECIOUS. I was wondering how Guk was going to pull this off & wow, did he ever! That was so sweet of him to do that for Channie! I also loved how Dae said thank you, that cracked me up. This was just really freakin sweet & precious! I also loved how their kid was rambling about her day, kids are so precious! I just loved this one! So cute!