JongLo #1

B.A.P Fluffshots&Drabbles;

Just a jonglo drabble I wrote quickly ;u; A jonglo oneshot has been long due, a lot of people requested it and I apologize for it only being a drabble ; ; I'll get to the other requests soon ((as well as a longer jonglo oneshot)) but I'm in Taiwan on vacation right now so I don't really have the time LOL I'm surprised I have enough access to internet to post this up right now ;o; 



A hand shook Jongup awake and he rolled onto his side. With his eyes barely opened he could hardly make out the green numbers on his alarm clock. When the first number Jongup saw was a four, he groaned and covered his head with his blankets. Almost asleep, there was a pause before he was shook again.


Jongup sighed and rubbed at his eyes. "What's wrong, Junhongie," he mumbled, his voice hoarse and thick with sleep. With his elbows, Jongup propped himself up and looked at the maknae. 

"I h-had a nightmare," Junhong whispered, chewing on his bottom lip; a light red flush on his cheeks. "Can I...?" 

Jongup nodded in understanding and scootched over without a word. Junhong gave a small smile and lay down carefully next to him with his back the older. 

The sound of Junhong's uneven breathing could be heard in the silent room, and Jongup inched himself closer to the younger boy. With his arm, he hugged the maknae and pulled him closer; closing the gap between their two bodies. 

Junhong let out the breath he was holding and melted into Jongup's arms. He turned over to wrap his own around the older's waist and press his face into his toned chest. Jongup smiled softly and thread his fingers through Junhong's hair; resting his chin on the top of his head. 

"Thank you.." Junhong said quietly into Jongup's shirt, his voice muffled by the grey fabric. His face nuzzled into his chest and Jongup hugged him tighter against him. 

Their legs tangled underneath the covers and the sound of their mixed breathing filled the room. Jongup leaned down and kissed his forehead, and he saw the corner of Junhong's lips curl up. 

"Sweet dreams," Jongup whispered tiredly into his hair, and the smile on Junhong's face widened before his breathing slowed and he fell asleep in his arms. 


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quickly made a poster LOL it's not that nice but it'll do for now :3


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Chapter 8: it's been a while since i've read fluff haha and it's awesome to see that someone made bap fluffshots, thank you!
Chapter 8: This is so cute~ '3' can you make you know...Bangchan like Himchan was kidnapped and Yongguk was saving him can you please~???
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Gukkie loves spoiling Channie kekekeke~~
Chapter 2: So absolutely adorable~ <3
Chapter 7: omg more jonglo pleeease *O*
Aww, . Why am I sounding like a girl?
Oh, gosh, But who cares?
Chapter 7: uuuuhhh ;u; cutie junhong had a nightmare~ lemme hug you too baby junhong. and jongup.. asdfghjkl no comment, my prince ㅠㅠ

make some jonglo again pleaseee.. and making jongup jelous because himchan was always with junhong. I think it'll be cute. hihih >u<
Chapter 8: sorry for troubled you haha awkward couple is just the couple name i dont know you can come with such an amazing story haha this is cute i'm smiling from the moment he met youngjae omaigosh omagosh sghjkkjhgf
toribabekit #9
Chapter 7: JongLo~! Oh my dear god, I can just SEE this happening. That was so damn precious, oh my god! I love how you mentioned all the uneven breathing evening out because of the touches, that's so cute! I could just really picture this & I am losing it! They are such a precious couple! But can I make a request~? Uhm~ Dae. Zelo's having sweet cravings & Daehyun decides to make a cake with him. In the mix, they end up having a food fight & there is some cake mix on Zelo's lips. Daehyun kisses him to get it off. Zelo kisses him this time while Daehyun was blabbing excuses. Include a lot of blushing & moments where they're obviously crushing on each other please~! Let your fangirl heart take over~ x3 but yeah! I really enjoyed reading your fluffy one shots for the past couple of days! They are all adorable!
toribabekit #10
Chapter 6: BangHim~! OH MY GOD HOW FCKN CUTE CAN THEY GET. THE EVEN HAVE A DAUGHTER XMSKKAA HOW PRECIOUS. I was wondering how Guk was going to pull this off & wow, did he ever! That was so sweet of him to do that for Channie! I also loved how Dae said thank you, that cracked me up. This was just really freakin sweet & precious! I also loved how their kid was rambling about her day, kids are so precious! I just loved this one! So cute!