BangHim #2 (Requested by xinshuang)

B.A.P Fluffshots&Drabbles;

BangHim with kids; requested by xinshuang c: 

This probably isn't what you really expected but I tried to make this valentine's day themed to post today ^^; I hope you guys enjoy it anyways! 

Happy Valentine's Day everyone 



The sound of an alarm beeping woke Himchan up Thursday morning. With a groan, his arm lazily stretched out and hit the clock five or six times until the annoying noise finally stopped. With one eye open, he could see the sun barely shining through the thin curtains on his bedroom window.

A smile graced his face. It was going to be a gorgeous day.

“Good morning Gukkie,” Himchan said happily as he rolled over and reached out to hug his husband. Instead of the warm body he was expecting however, his arm landed with a dull thud on the spot beside him. His eyes opened and to his disappointment, the older man was nowhere to be seen.

Himchan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and got out of bed, shrugging on one of Yongguk’s old shirts and a baggy pair of sweat pants. After dragging himself to the bathroom and washing his face, he made his way to the kitchen. A cup of brewed coffee later, Himchan noticed the small white note stuck to the refrigerator. He walked over and picked it off, sighing to himself at what was written on it. Did he really forget what day it is today?

Morning Channie, I know it’s supposed to be my day off but I was called in for work today. Another employee couldn’t make it, so I’m taking over their shift. I’ll be back by dinner, say good morning to Jaehwa for me! I love you.


Himchan shook his head and stuck the note back on the fridge. After making breakfast he realized it was past 7:30 already, so he walked to the room next to his and Yongguk’s shared bedroom and gently shook the small figure lying in bed.

“Jaehwa honey, it’s time to wake up,” he cooed, and she rubbed at her eyes before peeking at the man standing in front of her.

“Morning Himchannie appa,” she flashed a toothy grin; sitting up in bed when Himchan passed her an outfit for the day.

“Good morning baby,” he smiled softly, helping her change out of her pajamas. “Appa guk isn’t here but he says good morning too.”

The six year old girl pouted and folded her arms. “But it’s Valentine’s Day, appa should be here!”

Himchan laughed and ruffled Jaehwa’s hair. “I know, I’m sad too but Appa is busy today. It’s okay though, Himchannie appa will be fine!”

He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the kitchen, where she ran to the fridge and grabbed a juice box. Himchan set down her breakfast of toast and her favorite cereal and she dug in enthusiastically. He reached over the counter and grabbed a paper bag filled with red, white and pink valentine cards and put them on the table next to Jaehwa. “Remember to give these out to your classmates okay? And don’t eat too much chocolate or else you’ll get sick,” Himchan reminded, and she nodded back.

“I promise! I’ll bring home chocolates for you too Appa!” Jaehwa chirped, and Himchan chuckled. She really was the cutest kid you could ever ask for.

After helping Jaehwa brush her teeth and get everything ready, Himchan drove her to school and dropped her off in front of her class room. “Have a good day honey; I’ll pick you up after school alright?” Himchan said, tucking her hair behind her ear and planting a kiss on her forehead.

“Bye appa, I love you!” She grinned, leaning on her tippy toes and kissing Himchan’s cheek before running into her class to join her friends. Himchan looked at her proudly before standing up and getting back on the car. The drive back home was quiet and he sighed to himself again. Some Valentine’s Day this is.

When he finally arrived home he went straight to the bathroom and stripped off his clothing; opening the hot water and letting it build up in the tub. The tips of his toes broke the water surface and he lowered the rest of his body into the water. A noise of contentment slipped passed his lips at the heat of the water and the comfort it brought. With his eyes closed, Himchan sat in the tub for who knows how long. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until the phone rang and woke him up. The water had gone cold and he shivered as he rushed out of the tub to get to the phone. With only a towel wrapped around his waist, he ran into their bedroom and picked up the phone. “H-hello?” Himchan stuttered, rubbing at the goosebumps that were beginning to rise on his arms.

“Whoa, are you okay Channie? What’s wrong?” The man on the other end asked worriedly, and Himchan laughed softly.

“Nothing, you just interrupted my bath time and now I’m cold,” he pouted to himself, even though the other couldn’t see him. Yongguk laughed and Himchan could feel his heart thump at the deep rumble that he loved.

“Sorry babe,” Yongguk chuckled, “But my car broke down and I kind of need someone to pick me up...”

“Seriously? I told you to throw away that piece of junk since we already have another car,” Himchan sighed for the nth time that day. He propped the phone between his ear and his shoulder as he fumbled around for some clothes to wear. “Kay, I should be at your workplace in fifteen minutes.”

“Well we needed two cars so you could drive Jaehwa to school when I went to work,” Yongguk said, before pausing for a bit. “Actually, I’m at Daehyun’s restaurant; can you pick me up here? I went out for lunch and my car broke down when I was about to leave." 

"Daehyun's restaurant? Sure, I'll be there in five- wait no, make that ten minutes, I need to get some clothes on," Himchan said, putting on a pair of black skinny jeans. "By the way, why did you suddenly decide to go to Daehyun's for lunch?" 

"No reason, I just felt like going by to talk to him. Plus, there's great food so why not?" Yongguk said, and Himchan smiled. It was true; the food Daehyun made was amazing. 

"Alright, well I'll be there soon okay? Bye Bbang, love you!" Himchan said and ended the call when Yongguk said goodbye. With the towel around his waist he roughly dried his hair and threw on a wifebeater paired with a leather jacket. Grabbing the car keys from the kitchen, he got on the car and drove towards Daehyun's restaurant. 

When he arrived, Yongguk was nowhere to be seen. In fact, the restaurant looked like it was closed. The inside was dark and there didn't seem to be any customers at all. Which was odd, seeing as how popular Daehyun's restaurant was.

"Yongguk? Daehyun? Are you guys in here?" Himchan called out, slipping through the glass door. After looking around, he walked towards the kitchen in hopes of finding Daehyun. Suddenly, hands covered his eyes and the feeling of someone's breath touched his neck. 


"ING-" Himchan swore, turning around and clutching his thumping chest. Yongguk's laugh filled the room and Himchan pushed him hard enough for the older to fall backwards. "Way to give me a ing heart attack!" 

Yongguk grinned and pecked Himchan on the lips. "Sorry babe, but you should have seen the look on your face."

Himchan rolled his eyes and pushed Yongguk away when he attempted to hug him. "Why is it so dark in here anyways? It looks like a scene from a horror movie where the ghost will jump out at me any second," Himchan questioned, his heart beat slowly returning to normal. Yongguk didn't say anything. Instead, he took Himchan's hand in his and led him to a table. With the flick of a light switch a dull glow illuminated the room, revealing the fully set table in front of them. On the table were unlit candles along with a bottle of red wine and two glasses. Yongguk pulled out the chair for Himchan to sit on and with a lighter he lit up the pink candles.

When Himchan didn't say anything and stared at him in awe Yongguk smiled and held his hand over the table; pulling it to his lips and kissing the back of his hand. "Happy Valentine's Day, Himchan," the older whispered, rubbing smooth circles on his palm. A smile broke out on Himchan's face and he leaned over the table to capture Yongguk's lips in a kiss. The sound of a throat clearing caused them to pull away, and Himchan blushed at the smirk that was on the chef's face. 

"Sorry for interrupting, but I brought your food," Daehyun chuckled, placing two plates of steak in front of them. The smell alone was making Himchan salivate, and he couldn't wait to eat. "If you need anything else just call me!"

"Thank you for everything Dae, you're the best," Yongguk said, patting the younger boy's shoulder. Daehyun smiled back and assured him that it was no big deal, before returning back to the kitchen and leaving the couple alone.

"Did you reserve the whole restaurant just for us?" Himchan asked, opening his mouth when Yongguk cut a piece of steak and fed it to him. 

"Just for the next two hours, until we have to pick up Jaehwa," Yongguk answered, opening the bottle of wine and pouring it into both glasses. He fed Himchan another piece of steak, and Himchan moaned out happily. 

"God, nothing can beat Daehyun's cooking," Himchan said, and they both laughed when said person yelled out a 'thank you' from the kitchen. The candles flickered beside them and Yongguk picked up his glass, tilting it towards the younger man. 

"To another Valentine's Day spent together," Yongguk toasted, "Another one of many." 

Himchan smiled at the cheesy line and tilted his glass towards the older. "And to us," he added, clinking their wine glasses together. They both took a sip of the red alcohol and Yongguk leaned forward again; cupping Himchan's face and taking his lips in his own. 

“Sorry for lying about working today,” Yongguk smiled sheepishly, and Himchan laughed softly.

“I really thought you forgot what day it was today.”

“Why would I forget? It’s the one day of the year besides our anniversary that I can spoil you,” Yongguk grinned, giving Himchan’s hand a squeeze. Himchan squeezed back; the smile on his face not fading for even a second.

“You’re the best, you know that right?”



"GUKKIE APPAAAA," Jaehwa squealed, running and jumping into Yongguk's arms the moment she sees him. Yongguk laughs and picks her up, spinning her around in the air.

"Hey baby girl, how was your day?" He grinned, kissing her cheek. Jaehwa grinned back and flailed her arms excitingly as she told him about her day. 

"Well I got lots of chocolate and cards and oh! I fell and this boy named Hyunwoo gave me a flower and did I tell you how I got lots of chocolates? And we drew hearts and we ha-" Jaehwa rambled on and on and Yongguk laughed as he listened; ruffling her hair when she finished. 

"Maybe you had too many chocolates today Jae," Yongguk chuckled, and the 6 year old's eyes lit up. 

"OH I SAVED SOME CHOCOLATE FOR APPAS!!" Jaehwa reached into her pocket and took out 5 Hershey's kisses. "Gukkie appa do you want pink or red or silver? They all taste the same but you can choose! I don't think you should have pink though becau- HIMCHANNIE APPA!!" 

Himchan laughed at how Yongguk cringed at the high pitched squeal beside his ear. "How was your day honey?" 

"Himchan I don't think you should-" 

"IT WAS GOOD I GOT LOTS OF CHOCOLATE AND CARDS AND I GOT A FLOWER AND-" Their daughter started rambling again and Yongguk sighed with a smile. The family walked back to their car and Himchan buckled Jaehwa into her car seat while listening to her talk happily about her day. 

This time, Himchan noted, the ride back home was nowhere near as quiet as it had been that morning. The once lonely atmosphere was now surrounded with noise and he smiled to himself. He was glad he didn’t have to spend his Valentine’s Day alone.

He was with the two people he loved the most; what more could he ask for?


Bad ending is bad. Hope you guys liked it anyways ^^

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quickly made a poster LOL it's not that nice but it'll do for now :3


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Chapter 8: it's been a while since i've read fluff haha and it's awesome to see that someone made bap fluffshots, thank you!
Chapter 8: This is so cute~ '3' can you make you know...Bangchan like Himchan was kidnapped and Yongguk was saving him can you please~???
Chapter 6: Awwwwh Gukkie loves spoiling Channie kekekeke~~
Chapter 2: So absolutely adorable~ <3
Chapter 7: omg more jonglo pleeease *O*
Aww, . Why am I sounding like a girl?
Oh, gosh, But who cares?
Chapter 7: uuuuhhh ;u; cutie junhong had a nightmare~ lemme hug you too baby junhong. and jongup.. asdfghjkl no comment, my prince ㅠㅠ

make some jonglo again pleaseee.. and making jongup jelous because himchan was always with junhong. I think it'll be cute. hihih >u<
Chapter 8: sorry for troubled you haha awkward couple is just the couple name i dont know you can come with such an amazing story haha this is cute i'm smiling from the moment he met youngjae omaigosh omagosh sghjkkjhgf
toribabekit #9
Chapter 7: JongLo~! Oh my dear god, I can just SEE this happening. That was so damn precious, oh my god! I love how you mentioned all the uneven breathing evening out because of the touches, that's so cute! I could just really picture this & I am losing it! They are such a precious couple! But can I make a request~? Uhm~ Dae. Zelo's having sweet cravings & Daehyun decides to make a cake with him. In the mix, they end up having a food fight & there is some cake mix on Zelo's lips. Daehyun kisses him to get it off. Zelo kisses him this time while Daehyun was blabbing excuses. Include a lot of blushing & moments where they're obviously crushing on each other please~! Let your fangirl heart take over~ x3 but yeah! I really enjoyed reading your fluffy one shots for the past couple of days! They are all adorable!
toribabekit #10
Chapter 6: BangHim~! OH MY GOD HOW FCKN CUTE CAN THEY GET. THE EVEN HAVE A DAUGHTER XMSKKAA HOW PRECIOUS. I was wondering how Guk was going to pull this off & wow, did he ever! That was so sweet of him to do that for Channie! I also loved how Dae said thank you, that cracked me up. This was just really freakin sweet & precious! I also loved how their kid was rambling about her day, kids are so precious! I just loved this one! So cute!