Part 6

Not Alone
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DaeHyun, JongUp, and Zelo were running to the main entrance. They stopped, as they placed their elbows on the counter; catching their breath, noticing the other three were not with them. DaeHyun swallowed the air, “what happened to them?”

They gasped peeking up, seeing the counter guy staring at them with curious eyes. He held out his gun towards them at point blank.  He glared at them with hatred then grinned, “I know you guys know who I am.” The three guys looked back at the man from the counter and stood like statues, their arms shot to the air while their feet were glued to the floor. They were paralyzed from the view of the gun.

All of them heard the sound of feet running nearby; glimpsing at the other three stopping a couple feet away; observing the image in front of them. YongGuk held his long arms up, “we won’t harm you, just let us go, TaeWoo.”

He sneered, “If I do that, you’ll report me to the police. I’ve lost my job thanks to that stupid worthless kid. The dumb owner doesn’t even recognize me.” He crazily laughed. Then, his ears trembled, hearing the siren of the police car. He started to tumbled, “you’ll pay for this!”

“Run!” JongUp jumped over the counter, fighting for the gun with TaeWoo while DaeHyun and Zelo ran towards the boys, exiting out to get help.

HimChan dashed to help JongUp, now three of them struggled for the gun. TaeWoo’s hand swung across JongUp’s; making him hit the wall. He got back to his feet, seeing TaeWoo aiming the gun before him; shutting his eyes, knowing it

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I love this story!!! update!!!
Chapter 6: I love this and omg, amazing. You made it into a book ^^
Thank you for the comment & subscribing^^
author-nim your story is daebak! update soon~ ><