Part 3 [edit]

Not Alone
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The sun rose as strings of yellow light crept in between the blinds.  It was now morning the boys gathered into their dance studio right after Manager Kim picked them up in the early sun rise. DaeHyun was finishing his toast while talking to YoungJae, “Don’t you find our dorm to be kind of weird?” he whispered.

JongUp sat down, legs opened to stretch, overhearing their conversation. YoungJae tilted his head, thinking for awhile, “how so?”

DaeHyun leaned closer to him, “last night I heard our door creak and there was a heavy breathing sound at the edge of the bed. Then-”

YongGuk suddenly interrupted everyone, “positions guys. Let’s get started.” They all got onto their positions for their choreography, Zelo pressed the play button, since he was the closest to the player, and they began. Stomp! Stomp! DaeHyun quickly finish his toast while JongUp kept staring at him, contemplating if he should tell DaeHyun what he saw or not. JongUp’s thoughts went to space when he danced forgetting all about his earlier thoughts.

Right after they finished dancing, YoungJae and DaeHyun both went off together; not telling anyone, JongUp and Zelo stayed in the studio while YongGuk and HimChan went up to the second floor to the recording studio to rerecord their rapping part of their songs.

YoungJae and DaeHyun sat in the lounge, talking. DaeHyun pulled out a cheese stick out of his pocket and began eating it. “You’re always eating, aren’t you scared of being overweight?”

“Eating is comforting,” he admitted.

“It must be hard on you being behind on everything,” YoungJae patted his back.

DaeHyun was the last member to be added to the group, not thinking of seeing himself as an idol. He finds himself being just a boy who enjoys singing.

Tired of standing, Zelo laid down on his belly in his sweats, his arms in his bag, searching for his little basket of cherry tomatoes. No matter how many times he moved his hand to feel the basket or the roundness of the tomatoes, he felt nothing. He quickly sat up, to continue to search for his tomatoes. He then flips his bag upside down, “where are my cherry tomatoes?” Flipping his bag upside down caused paperwork to fall out, landing softly onto the dance floor. His voice went octave higher as he got more upset, “oh yeah, I forgot them this morning…”

JongUp stopped the music; standing with his legs opened from the last step of the dance, and glanced over at Zelo. He wasn’t sure if he should tell Zelo about what happened last night either. He constantly looked back and forth, not knowing what to do. JongUp turned the music back on to keep his mind off from the thought; whispering to himself, “it’s not that important.”

He thought about it in between his dancing while Zelo was laying down motionless. Zelo stared up at JongUp’s dancing, thinking how cool he is and how much he’s admired him since he joined the group. He was glad that they became close.

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I love this story!!! update!!!
Chapter 6: I love this and omg, amazing. You made it into a book ^^
Thank you for the comment & subscribing^^
author-nim your story is daebak! update soon~ ><