
Kitchen Frenzy

They all looked at each other, Shocked and disbelieved flung their eyes upon hearing Ryeowook's very words. The words had shut their voices from coming out deep inside. They didn't have the courage to argue nor to fight back. They just didn't. No matter how much they hated the food and think of Ryeowook's cruel actions as 'TOO MUCH' there was nothing they could possibly do about it. WHY? Because they knew it was their fault to begin with. They were the ones who were asking for Ryeowook to treat them like this. They were the ones who angered him.  Disrespect him. Disappoint him.


They looked at their eternal magnae one more time before sighing. They had no choice but to perform Ryeowook's demands. If it'll please him then they'll have to do it. Without wasting any time they grabbed a hold of their spoon ready to dig into the salty dishes once again.



Leeteuk was the first one to held the food at the front of his mouth.



'Before I eat this, I would like to properly apologise to Ryeowook for upsetting him.' He looked at the members then at Ryeowook.


'Sorry Wookie.......'

'Sorry I... we....disappoint you.'



Then he looked at the food on his spoon.



'I'll eat this even if it's a little salty....'

'As long as you would be able to forgive me and the members I don't mind.' He continued.





He opened his mouth to take a bite followed by the other members.












Their actions came to a stopped at the word. They looked up confusingly and realized it was Ryeowook who had spoken it. They then looked at each other, hoping that one of them can explain what was going on.


Ryeowook looked at each and every one of s. His eyes were no longer cold and filled with anger. In fact, It looked soft and kind like how it used to be. But at the same time it was also filled with a hint of sadness and regret.



'What's going on?' They all thought.



'Don't eat that.' He began.

'It's horrible.......'



'But you said we have to finish every bit of it....' Sungmin uttered, confused at Ryeowook's change of demand.



'I know.....' Ryeowook replied looking down. 


'I..a...I.........' He continued.






'....I'm sorry...........' He finished before dropping onto his knees, sobbing hard.


'I'M....SO....SORRY.....' Ryeowook uttered in between his sobs.



'I'm sorry....'


'I...I didn't mean to be so evil to you guys....'


'I...I....I didn't mean to make you those horrible dishes and force you to eat them...'


'...I....I was mad...and disapointed...and...and....frustrated.....and.......AND I'M SO SORRY!!!!!!' 




They all stared at their eternal magnae. Their hearts dropped as they heard his every words. Leeteuk went to him and gave him a hug.




'Don't cry Wookie.....' He said.

'Please don't cry....'

'It's alright...'

'We understand why you did what you did....'

'So please don't cry.....' He finished as he wiped his tears.




'But...But....I' Ryeowook tried to uttered.




They all went to him..




'Shhh....It's's not your fault.......' Shindong said to him as he placed his hands on his shoulder.

'It was our fault. We shouldn't have angered you.'

'We should have respect your request.'

'We're sorry Wook.'

'We're so sorry....'


'That's right...' Siwon added. 'We're all at fault'

'Can you forgive us Wook?'

'We promise we won't ever mess your kitchen again.'


'We're sorry Wookie....' They all said almost simultaneously.










Ryeowook gave them a slight nod. They all sighed in relief at his answer and turn of event. 









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Chapter 7: Good
Rayshun #2
Chapter 7: Rofl..... Lol the evil wookie with d evn evil members
Chapter 7: ,wahahaha,you're so.dead,guys...Evil Wookie is there!hahdha..

minimimay #4
Chapter 7: This is so cute!! Nice work authornim
Chapter 7: Eyyyeeeee lobbbbb eatttt!! I can totally imagine wookie being angry at them xD
Chibisakura #6
Chapter 7: Haha! Loved reading this! I can totally see it happening. :)
Sujuelf1 #7
Chapter 7: Hahahahaha suju r da bestttt!!! I love ure fics <333333
nix123 #8
Chapter 7: I loved this!Going to read your other fics now!
Chapter 7: Wow... I like this! Approved! I totally love the idea of crazily mad Wook. Usually, he always appears as someone who's very patient. Good job author-nim!
PS : sorry for just read the fanfic now
PPS : I have read "Come Back Dear Ryeowook" about thrice, and in this fanfic your writing skill has really improved!