The Couple

The Dancing Boy

And that was how the doubtfull Howon found his way to be the Hoya now. The hardships make him stonger and wiser than before.


I'm happy that he changed even he's still witty and annoying sometimes. My fingers rest on the keyboard when someone knocks the door.

"Noeul-ah, what are you doing?" it's my Howon peeking his head.

Feeling content, I smile, "Writing a story. What are you doing there? Come in." I motioning him to come. He closes the door and lay on his stomach on the bed, right beside me.

"What story? Is it about me?" he asks while reading the story on my laptop.

"Yes it is about you, and me." I grin, "I don't know you know how to knock." 

"They said you're just finish taking a bath, I don't want to walk in while you're . It's not the time..yet" he said, still reading my story. "Hey, this is about me!"

"I told you that." I push him a little. But he pushes me back before circling his arm around my waist.

"How is your tattoo doing?"

"Still there. it's permanent, don't worry." I said, not moving my eyes from the screen.

"Good, keep it that way so I'll know how to find you even when you change your face."

Lauging at him, I roll out from his embrace. "I won't change my face, I like it this way. And I won't erase this tattoo, but I'll try to cover it so you can try harder to find me."

He answers with whines which make me laugh more and stop only to kiss his cheek. He looking at me with a serene eyes and warm smile, "Are you still worry about that noona?"

Perfect question in the perfect timing, "A little, but you changed your number so that's fine. I just hope she'll be fine and finds her own way to live a good life."

"Even if she doesn't you'll still be here and help me to fight, right?"

"Howon, you don't fight a woman." I sternly said.

He chuckles, "I don't, but you are. You'll fight for me and tell the others to keep their hands off of your man."

"Of course." then he kisses my forehead with so much love.

"Come on, the elder couple are coming soon, better get ready before they start nagging." he kisses my temple before stands up and going out of my room.


The Hoya isn't Howon's alter ego anymore, it's now another side of him that not many people know. With his dream coming true, he found another side of him that makes him live his life without regrets.

He might loved someone from his past. Someone who made him blindly tasted clay and salt like chocolate and sugar. But now he knows how to love and how it feels like to be loved. He's taken now, and who is the lucky girl? Yup, it's me. And I'm always going to make him tastes only sugar and chocolates. Plus unicorns and rainbows, and live happily ever after.

Sorry girls, but the dancing boy from Busan is mine. So keep your hands of my man!



Park Noeul.


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Chapter 5: geez, I'm dying of boredom and end up read almost every fics that you wrote :O allow me to be your fans because I love the way you write soooo much, it's easy to read your story. you need to tell me when you release a novel lol

I'm glad that hoya can find noeul >.< the bittersweet story and it's such a relieve that you end it sweetly >.< my favorite part is when hoya find noeul, the emotion just hit me like that, the sadness, happiness and it make me so much in relieve tooo >.<
Chapter 5: Nice way to end the story! I like it a lot :D
Chapter 1: Okay... is it okay for me to tear up on the first chapter? ;___;
Such splendid job you've done here! Whoaaa.... for some reason I could feel Hoya's pain :'( Can I go and slap that ____? Ooopsie. xD But it's merely the past after all... I'm looking forward for the next update! Hmm... things are getting interesting~ :D
HOBABY HOBABY HOBABY!!! I'm waiting for the update! :D