Hating Kwon Jiyong: Truth and Lies (Part 1)

Hating Kwon Jiyong - By Ghikai
A/N: Hello, guys! Okay, it's been a loooooooooooooong wait, but. wink.gif Anyway, it's not really the exact continuation of the chapter where we left off, but I hope you guys would still enjoy reading it. It's sorta a long update too, with explanations here and there. Oh, there is so much to say. Maybe we can treat it as an SP chapter and a back story chapter, or something to that effect.

Hating Kwon Jiyong: Truth and Lies (Part 1)


14th, February

I never fully understood how Valentine’s Day is special until now. The old me would probably scoff at how most establishments [restaurants, hotels, shopping malls, gift shops, flower shops, etc.] would make it a point to do their very best at putting out big heart-shaped cut-outs, place enormous ‘happy valentine’s day!’ messages on their windows, overdo that cupid cherub by putting it on every space imaginable, play cheesy love songs at the background, and have this insane ‘Special Offer!’ ads for “couples” who were planning on making their V-day special by coming to them to buy something just for that one special day of the year.

I couldn’t much laugh at how most people would literally eat this kind of shizz those establishments craftily put out for them every Valentine’s day because yes sir, I’m one of them now. 

I mean, what the hell should I give her? Those gazillion stores better stay true to their word of helping their costumers when it comes to suggesting that one perfect Valentine’s gift. Or else.

Anyway, back to square one. I sighed as I adjusted my beanie to hide my eyes a little bit as I was trying to go incognito amidst of over-excited shoppers who were probably doing the same thing as me: looking for that damned romantic gift. I walked faster to make things less obvious. I know I shouldn’t be super conscious about me being here because people thought that Big Bang was in Japan right now, promoting our music, but you know them super VIPs. They can smell and feel our presence. And I’m pretty sure some VIPs were doing some shopping around here, too. So yeah, better be safe, lest I’d be forced to buy hundreds of valentine gifts for them, too. Haha.

My eyes scanned the place for interesting shops to try as I was doing a mental check of what Dara would like to receive today. I knew she loves food, but her favourite dish is far from being romantic. And anyway, this is our first Valentine’s Day together, I want something that she could keep. A dress? But she doesn’t really wear one, and why the hell would she wear something dressy, she’s a YG trainee doing insane exercises, for that matter. 

Why not shoes? That voice in my head found its way to join in my search.

I dunno what she likes, I mentally answered. And that’s kinda weird for Valentine’s Day.

Maybe something useful, like a phone or a camera. 

That’s cool. But wouldn’t it seem…too practical? There’s no romantic message or whatsoever.

Flowers are easy and it spells ‘romance’ without trying so hard. Buy her favourite kind.

Hmm, I reconsidered the thought. I remember reading this book and it said that girls like receiving flowers, regardless of what they say to you. Maybe it really works. I took out my mobile phone from my pocket and typed a message:

Dara, what kind of flowers do you like?

Oh peeinmypants, I mentally scolded myself. The way I texted her sounded so cold. But too late; my phone beeped way before I could text her once again to say sorry.

I don’t like flowers. Is that for Valentine’s Day? You better give me something original, or else you’re dead meat.

I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing out loud. Someone’s PMS-sing today. 

Okokok. I’d get something you’d really likeeeeeee. Promiseeeeeeee.

I was about to keep my phone away when it beeped once again. I excitedly opened her message, but instead of feeling giddy, I found myself frowning a little over her reply.

You better. >:D Oh, lessen your e’s please. Looks retarded. U_U

But another reply came not too long after the first one.

Don’t be mad. I love you anyways. Here’s your virtual kiss…kyaaa—chu <3.

She definitely knows how to turn things around, that girl. I was smiling like an idiot at the middle of the mall! 

But it was because of happiness that girl has brought unto me, nevertheless.


February 14th, YG grounds, 9:00PM

I was walking back and forth, a little agitated. She specifically texted hours ago that we’ll meet here at 7PM sharp. It’s 9PM already, and there was no sign of Dara yet. No texts or calls from her, either. What the hell happened? I should’ve picked her up at her house, but she denied my request adamantly. She’s not even answering my freaking calls and texts, too! Their phone at their house was the same; it was that stupid recorded voice of hers that kept answering me. 

“Where the hell are you now?!” I talked aloud to no one in particular, my voice echoing around the place a little. I shivered. Did she get lost along the way? Got involved in an accident? Found a stray puppy she saw and took it home first because she found it cute? Omona, maybe she’s in danger now – streets within the district were becoming dangerous these days I heard, with people getting mugged even in broad daylight. Please let her enter the premises safe and sound. I won’t scold her for being late, I promise. I won’t even do that silent treatment most people do when their significant other does something wrong. Heck, I’d hug her tightly and never let her go the moment I see her! Scratch the last part. That’s too Gone with the wind-ish. Too gimmicky – as if we’re acting this out on a movie or something.

A scratch, followed by quickening footsteps. I stopped walking back and forth. A shadow seemed to move by the trees near YG gates and I waited in bated breath. FINALLY!!! There she is after a long, seemingly troubled wait. We’re gonna celebrate this together and we’re gonna end this special night together…


My smile faltered. She wasn’t the one I was expecting.

She knew it too, but it didn’t stop her from handing out something to me.

“What’s this?”

“You set up this place romantically once again,” she answered back, looking around the place with a weird smile on her face. The tiny lights I put around the place made eerie shadows on her, and I couldn’t even recognize what kind of expression she’s sporting underneath it all. “I bet like the previous ones, she’ll like this all the same.”

Wait. Like the previous ones? 

“Yes. Her birthday, your secret meetings together. It’s a surprise how everyone seems to approve of it, how everyone would even go out of their ways to help the two of you.” She walked closer to me, and I just had to shudder as she touched my cheek for a split second. “Where is Dara, anyway?”

I moved away, feeling uneasy. “I don’t know. But if you will, maybe I should just go out right now to look for her,”

“She’s on her way.”

“How did you know?”

“I know everything.”

I laughed, mockingly. I never knew she had it in her. “That’s so villain-ish. Not to mention overly clichéd. You know everything? What are you, a God?”

“That’s a pretty clichéd answer, too.”

We had a staring match for at least five minutes. When it passed, she sighed and arched one perfect eyebrow at me. 

“Sit down and look at what I gave you. Take it as my Valentine gift to you.”

“I won’t accept anyone’s gift but Dara’s.”

She scoffed. “Fine. Continue being stupid, then. I mean yes, it’s ok to forget everything really. The two of you can stay inside this sickening romantic bubble. And oh, while we’re at it, let’s just drop the fact that Dara has a scheming best friend who was actually out to ruin you.”

“What are you talking about?”

“,” She cursed, pissed that with all those words she said to me, I still asked her about it nonchalantly. 
“Just open that damned package. Overcome your blindness.”

I stared at the package I was holding. I wouldn’t really like to show it, but I felt my heart beating faster the moment I took it from her. It’s not a good feeling, but it’s not like I could tell this girl that I’m having bad vibes and that I’m afraid to open it.

“Jiyong, I ---“

“Fine, fine.” I said, stopping her from saying some things again. “I’m opening it now.”

She just gave me a saccharine smile, pleased that I was already doing what she asked me to do. I carefully tore the package open, and I as I was doing it, I could feel her smile getting wider and wider.

Throwing the remaining torn package paper, I stared at a bunch of photocopied notes in front of me. It looked random notes at first glance, but something written on it caught my eye.

I hate Kwon Jiyong.

It’s something I’m familiar with. I know I have haters. It’s no secret, something I’ve always accepted ever since I entered the industry.

But…the handwriting looked strangely familiar.

“Taken aback by what you read?”

I looked at her straight in the eye. “No.”

“But of course. But I bet you think that handwriting belongs to someone you know.”

“Yes, but so what? And although it does seem familiar, who knows if I know this per---“

“It’s Dara’s handwriting. Those notes were from her diary. Before you get mad at me for taking a copy of that damned thing, read the notes from when she still hates you. Or to put it bluntly, back when she hasn’t decided yet that she’ll pretend to love you.”

My grip on the notes tightened. Shaking a little, my eyes forcefully looked at the copy, scanning the pages, reading everything that caught my eye.

I can’t stand that ######. It’s sickening how I have to just pretend that I’m half civil towards him when all I wanted to do is to mock him and his stupid “artistry”…

Eff this life. It just staying at YG knowing he’s here. If it wasn’t for my damned best friend (whom I love, btw), I wouldn’t have thought of joining this sh1t.

….Kwon Jiyong is going down. Sometimes I do believe my friend’s a genius….

….an anti. Kwon Jiyong mothereffin anti. I just hate everything about him…

…he’s here again. Why don’t he just go himself and die. One less disgusting man to ever exist.

Pathetic. He thinks I’m all sold over him…

…he thinks I love him. BAH. Do I?

NO. NO. NO. NO. NO. I’d rather jump off a cliff.

I closed my eyes. I refuse to believe it’s her, but this girl said it was Dara’s diary, so the words I read dragged on, stabbing my heart, myself. I tried to wake myself by looking again at those entries, hoping that with the next lines that I’d get to read, a proof would come out, saying that this isn’t Dara’s true feelings for me.

Did the words change? It didn’t. But it did show a lot more. 

I hate Kwon Jiyong. 

Today's lunch just proved how much I was about to fall into his trap. What bull, not buying lunch eh? 

It's harder masking my real intention nowadays, even if most people haven't suspected a thing yet. It's just hard acting like I entered YG to reach my dreams or something dumb like that. 

Dreams my foot. If it wasn't for the chance of ruining him I wouldn't have entered this company. Jiyong's time will definitely come. Just wait. Because I think, it's already starting...like...now.

I could only manage to laugh inwardly to myself as I saw him lurking in the shadows three hours ago, eavesdropping and watching us from afar. He thought that I didn't see him? Seunghyun might haven't, because he was just so busy with the dinner that he brought for me [out of pity, I think], but I really did. I'm made for this -- I'm made to expertly feel and notice and single him out like a needle buried in heaps of hay, because I know him too well. Heck, I'm trained to do this. Ji Eun and I worked hard for this.

“Aww, you’re reading about that lunch thing. You should have bought her something that day. Look at what happened.” I didn’t know this girl was beside me, laughing softly. Enjoying every moment.

“This is not hers.”

“Are you sure? You’re just halfway through, read more. Or why don’t you call Seunghyun?”

Seunghyun? What does hyung have to do with this?

“Don’t worry,” she said in a sing-song voice, “He doesn’t hate you. But he knew how Dara does. A long time ago, he didn’t say anything?”

I took out my phone from my pocket. I hastily called hyung – to confirm. I couldn’t wait to slam the truth to this rude b1tch’s face. Hyung can prove Dara’s innocence.

One ring. Two rings. Three—



“Jiyong? So how was it? Look – “

“She hated me?”



Silence. It wasn’t the right time, but I could already feel a huge lump in my throat. 

“What? Have you read the notes – “

“Why didn’t you tell me? Hyung…”

“. Look, Jiyong I know this sounds insane…”

I dropped the call wordlessly, my face becoming rigid for the first time tonight. I refuse to believe this mess. I stared at the smiling girl in front of me, a bit ashamed but indignant at the same time. She on the other hand must have had enough of this sh1t.

“I guess I should leave. You’ve seen enough truth.” She giggled at her own statement, happy that she was able to accomplish her job without any problems, while I was left there alone, taking it all in.


February 14th, YG grounds, 9:45PM

I was grasping for air the moment I arrived at our meeting place. Damn that heart-shaped chocolate. What can I do, that’s the only thing I could make after comforting Ji Eun for almost half of the day. Stupid Ji Eun’s boyfriend, breaking up with her on Valentine’s Day. As if I could leave her alone, she might kill herself or something. And it’s not like I could tell her I couldn’t be with her because I have a date with Jiyong – she’ll definitely kill me along with killing herself!


“Jiyong!” I hugged him tightly the moment I saw him standing by the tree. “I’m sorry I was late, I was just busy with something unexpectedly, but hey happy Valentine’s Day!”
“It’s ok,” Was all he said. It was not the answer I was totally expecting. 
He didn’t even hug me back. 
“Hey, are you mad?”
He smiled at me, but it didn’t reach his eyes. “Let’s just eat,” he motioned at the picnic set up under the lighted tree. “You must be tired and hungry.”
Before I could say yes, he turned around and went on the spot. If I didn’t know any better I’d say that he’s ignoring me. Not wanting to ruin the mood, I followed suit and sat beside him. 
He moved a few inches away, and I tensed at that one seemingly harmless action. “What’s wrong?”
He handed me some food out of the picnic basket. “Nothing. Just eat first, you must be tired.”
“I’m not tired.”
He nodded as he took out the drinks. “Ok.”
“Jiyong, what’s wrong?”
“Look, just eat, ok?”
“Are you mad because I was late?”
“Why, then?”
"Just eat.”
“I’m not eating.” He can whine and say that I ruined the mood, but he started it! 
“I’m not mad,” he said calmly. But it was too calm for my ears. It seemed rather cold and distant.
Sighing, I started to eat, ignoring his presence. Fine. Two can play this game. 
We sat on the picnic blanket, under the same tree, but we seemed worlds apart. Of all the nights, why did he choose tonight to act detached? What’s wrong with him?
The answer presented itself as I was finishing my meal with a drink.
“Do you hate me?”
I stopped for a moment. The question itself was almost innocent, but why did I have some chills running down my spine when I heard the question?
I looked at him and smiled. “I love you.”
He didn’t return the favour, but asked another question instead. “Did you hate me?”
“What kind of question is that?”
He looked up, pretending to admire those tiny twinkling lights that hung around the tree branches. “I was just wondering.”
I laughed upon hearing this, but I was starting to get bothered with the way he was acting deep down. “On Valentine’s Day, of all nights?”
He laughed in reply, but he didn’t say anything else. I looked up at the blinking lights as well, hoping that I’d somehow sense what was wrong with him, but nothing happened. 
We remained that way for almost twenty minutes, until he finally dropped that question meant to create an empty void between us.
“Dara, have you ever lied to me?”
I stopped breathing for a second. What was he doing? It’s starting to scare me, but I dared not to show how nervous I am. “Hmm,” I started, trying to be careful. “Yes.”
He looked at me all of a sudden that I had to add hastily, “But only small lies. Like saying I’m happy when I’m not. Like saying that it’s ok if we don’t meet that much when you’re busy even if I really miss you so bad. Like saying I loved those chocolates you sent me weeks ago when I hated it because it had almonds on them. Small things,” I further emphasized, but with less conviction this time. Why do I have a feeling…
“Well, I never lied to you.”
One simple sentence from him, and it sent my heart beating wild. I looked at him. He was still looking up, purposely to avoid meeting my eyes. There was a small smile fixed on his face, but I could tell that it was forced. Slowly, he cleared his throat and looked at me, his expression a bit unreadable. 
“Until now. Small lies don’t count because I know people do that to protect people they love. But I’m lying to you now. And I think I’m lying more so every second tonight…”
I laughed for the nth time. “It’s ok Jiyong, I understand. I --- “
“But you don’t,” he said, cutting off what I was saying. “If I told you how big my lie was tonight, would you really understand?”
“Then tell me.”
“Do you hate me?”
I wanted to be angry at him, to threaten him that I’m not happy, but for some reason, I couldn’t. “Why do you keep asking that?”
“So I won’t lie to you anymore.”
“Are you saying that there’s something I failed to confess to you before?”
And then it hit me. Hate. Lies. Confess. Love.
He was talking about me being an anti. My plans with Ji Eun to crush this person in front of me. Our eyes met 
that one second, and the moment a lone tear escaped from my eye, his face darkened.
“You didn’t,” He said quietly, stepping back a little.
Tears started falling down. “I did. I hated you. Hated. It doesn’t mean I still—“
“So these notes,” He suddenly said, pulling out those papers to show me the evidence. “are true?”
I tried to walk closer to him but instead he threw the papers so I couldn’t get near him. Shaking, I bent down to pick some of it and started to read while he watched.
I was sobbing already as I read the last sentence from an all too-familiar note I remembered writing not too long ago. I clasped and unclasped my hands, crying like an idiot. “Jiyong, I can explain, just don’t do this…” I moved closer to him, begging not to take this against me. Begging for him to listen to me.
“No,” He said, and I could feel his anger seeping out from his calm stance. “Just don’t go near me.”
“You lied to me,” He continued, “you kept on lying to me.”
“What did I do? I loved you.”
Loved. Was that love gone that fast? My tears almost made me unaware of everything else, but it failed to shield me from something more terrible – that hatred and disgust in his eyes.
“You didn’t do anything, I swear you didn’t. If you could let me explain, I promise I would –“
“Just stop! You and your friend, you could stop. Right now! Leave me alone because you’ve already destroyed enough.” He laughed bitterly, tears already cascading through his cheeks. “It was good while it lasted.”
He’s breaking up with me. He’s burning all the bridges. He’s throwing away our memories. He’s leaving.
Shedding the last remaining self-respect I had, I ran and clung to him like he’s the only thing I have so I could survive. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry,” I cried over and over again, but all of it fell on deaf ears for he just took my hands so he could get away from me. And left.
-End of Part 1-
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leikha #1
Chapter 51: Oh. ComOn authornim... Finnish it palli juseyow~ T.T
Chapter 50: How long has it been, Oct `13? Im still reading this fic, and I stayed upon till 5am because it as so good.I hope you find inspiration to update soon...as an early gift to us for Dara's bday
Chapter 51: Please update... please don't consider abandoning this fic
Chapter 6: ive seen this before and i was waiting for this to be completed before reading this but i cant help myself but take a peek on first chap and i got hooked.
Chapter 51: Please update this and don't leave us! =(( we're willing to wait how long just don't leave us. thanks for the wonderful story! i love it. gonna read it again. it's been awhile since I last read this. mmaybe by the time i finish reading this you have updated alread. anyway. it will really take me some TIME so yeah! have a nice day!!!!!!!!!!! ^__________^
imaikomercado #6
please don't abandon this fic..it's so good..please update soon..:)
Chapter 51: so good! Please update soon!
bora911 #8
don't abandon this fic..T_T
budi007 #9
when will you update the story? TT.TT
OMONA. please update this story TT-TT
i loooove it so muuuch.
please unnie! don't abandon this story. IT HUUUUURTS huhuhuuu