Chapter 9



Finally, the day that I've been waiting for come. I missed mum and dad so much. And it's time for me too to leave Seoul. I packed all of my things into a luggage and a bagpack. And brought along my grandpa. Aunt Hana and Sehun send me to Incheon airport. Our journey to the airport was very quiet. I could see Aunt Hana face; she looks sad, obviously. I knew she treat me well, like mum did and same goes to Sehun; he already told me that he likes me, as his sister. They will feel alone when I leave. 



An hour passed.



"Sehun, we're already here". I shook Sehun's body. I knew he's workaholic, he's too tired till he fall asleep in the car. Sehun squinted as he stood up. "Miss, wait! I'll carry your bag. Just wait". Sehun was so keen to help me after waking up from sleep. That's quite odd of him. I refused. "No way, sir. It's heavy okay" I blocked him from the car's boot.



"Hey! You know you're just a girl and you're not tough like me". Sehun chuckled, showing his unseen muscle. He's getting skinny day by day. We'll see. I gave him chance anyway. "Okay then. I'll give you this for the last time." He grinned, widely. "Thank you, miss". Sehun bowed to me as an honour, maybe for letting him to carry my luggage.



One hour before departure



"Jaehee, let's have lunch first". Aunt Hana suggested. "Em, okay but I need to go to ladies first"


"Okay dear. I'll wait you there". Aunt Hana told me and gestured a one restaurant. I nodded and leaved.



The airport was huge. Before I reached the toilet, I'd hit someone. We were both fell down. And quickly get up. It's a guy. I gapped. He's good sense in airport fashion. 



"I'm sorry". Both of us bowed at the same time.



"It's okay". We assured each other at the same time. What? We look into a each other. And my jaw dropped this time.



"God, it's you"



I frozed for a second.



It's Sunggyu.



Of course, he must be busy with his event so that's why he's here, I thought. "U-uhm hey. Yes, it's me. And thanks for the teddy bear" I told him, frantically. It's quite surprising. I could see, his thinking.



"Oh, that's I hope you still kept it. And why are you here?". He arched a brow. Before I could answer him, he already cut me.



"Er don't tell me you ar-- " Sunggyu couldn't fiish his word and I directly answered.



"Yes, I'm going back today. Sorry for not telling you. I bet you must be busy and you'll upset when you know about this, but you already know, I'm sorry again. I have to go". The tears started to rolled down my cheek. It took him a few seconds to process all of the things I told him.



Sunggyu pulled me into his chest. "I'm sorry, I can't be there for you. You know we're living in different world. And if we're really meant to be, we'll meet again someday. If it's really our fate. And please, don't be like this. You're a strong girl. Don't cry, you even make me sadder you know". I buried my face into his chest. I could say nothing, sobbing like a baby.



After a couple of minutes, I slowed down myself and let off me from Sunggyu's hug. "Thanks for spending your time with me. I know it's very short but I think I know you better now, not as fans anymore but friends. Thanks a lot. I really appericiate it But, now I've to come back to reality. I'm just a fan. Not more than that. Even though we're still friends, but we might not have time for each other. You must be busy. But ,believe we'll meet someday". I gave him a hug, assured everything.



"Hyung, we're already late. C'mon". Sungjong called Sunggyu because it's their departure time. Infinite will be going to Japan for a concert.



"Alright. I have to go now. I'll call you as much as I can okay. Believe in fate okay?" He carressed my my shoulder. "Nae, I have my 'Grandpa' along with me. Thanks for giving him to me". Again, my tears dripped down. "Oh, that stuff. Our 'Grandpa'. Keep it, okay? Promise me". Sunggyu couldn't talk much as he didn't have time. He's just able to wave to me only, a slid of his tears falling down, I could see em.



"Hey, sister. Where are you going? Mum already ordered for your lunch since you took much time. Er, wait are you crying?". Sehun peered into my eyes. I shifted my gaze so he won't noticed. But, there's no way me to escape from him. "Nay, I'm not. I just don't know how to wear mascara properly. That's why I'm late. Sorry". He chuckled, this part. I'm going to miss this cutie pie Sehun. "Lot of laugh! It's not funny anyway. Let's go". Sehun pulled my hand and ran to the restaurant.



"I'm sorry, imo" I faced the floor.



"It's okay. And I already ordered your lunch. Are you okay with this?", everything on table was full, of dishes. I like it or not, I've to em all. "Yep, I'll eat everything" I grinned and get excited to see the table full of food. "No wonder you get fatter each day". Sehun teased me.



"Sehun, yah! I hate you". I smacked him. I'm not mad but why can't I acted a like that before I leave them.



I had fun with Aunt Hana and Sehun before I leaved



Half an hour passed



"Aunt, thanks for everything. Please visit us someday. I'm gonna miss you a lot and also Sehun call me always. Thanks for being there when I'm in trouble and being my big brother here. I'm sorry if I burdening you guys a lot" We hugged each other while tears slid down on each of our face.


"Jaehee, you too. Visit us here always. We always welcome you here". Sehun said, sobbing,


"Dae sir.  I'm gonna miss your jokes.  I have to go now. Thankyouuu!". I waved my hand. Bidding goodbye to em. Sehun and Aunt Hana waved at me back.






" ...... if we're really meant to be, we'll meet someday"


I remind back what he've told me. And I believe in it. So, now I returned with hopes. 



-----THE END-----



p/s: Mianhae. I don't know how to finish up my story. Sorry it's too rushed. Not looking forward for Part II, but if you guys had any idea. You can do it, but tell me first so I can read them okay. Enjoy :) 

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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 9: I was searching for a story like this for ages and i finally found one! I really liked you story ^^
Mimimonster #2
Chapter 9: Awesomely aweomeb