Chapter 5


The next day , 7.30 am


I took a look on my phone. There's many missed calls. And it's Sunggyu's. "Argh, why is he calling me at this hour. It should be me waking him up instead. But still, it's too early", I grumbled. I called back Sunggyu. I'm worried if he's been waiting for me. 



"Hello, where have you been? I've been waiting for you for past an hour ago, you know". He sounds like he's offended. But he should told me last night. "I'm really sorry, but why? You should told me first, we already agreed to meet up at 8.30 right?" I frowned, wonder why he sounds like that. "The thing is I want to have breakfast with you, actually that's why I came so e-early" And now, he said apologitecally, no more stern in his voice. I felt so uneasy if I were the one who burdening him. "S-sorry if it's troubling you". I stuttered, don't know why. "Nah, it's okay. I'm who willing to wait for you" I could hear how eager he was. "Hm, alright. See ya"



I took about half an hour to prepare, two times of fifteen. I was afraid if he really waited for an hour ago. Before I went out, I told Sehun that he doesn't need to send me. "Gyu already waited for me" I gave him a wide grin. "Woah, lucky you" Sehun's gapping in disbelief. "I know right, don't forget to tell Aunt Hana. I'm having breakfast with him. Sorry, I can't accompany you today" And I unaccidentally, gave him a puppy eyes. Euw. I thought myself. "Aw it's okay, cutie. Take care ". He pinched me in the nose. And that's odd; unsual and Et Cetera. We've never been like that since our first meet. Aw, we're getting closed, maybe. Yahoo!



I smiled awkwardly and waved goodbye to Sehun. As I walked outside the house, I only saw Sunggyu's car, but nobody inside. I tried to call him but no answer. A few moments later, someone attacked me from back. I wasn't shock at all because I knew this trick. "Do you think it's funny ?". I shot him an evil intentions. "Er, s-sorry, I thought it would be fun. Yeah, the weather quite gloomy", Sunggyu scratched his neck. I chuckled a little."Hey, I'm not mad okay. Let's go"







While in Sunggyu's car 



"Er, I don't know why I feel this. It's still awkward to be with you" I started to talk. Kind of bored, I don't know what to talk about. Sunggyu's giggled. "But why? I feel like we already knew each other before this event. " He said, genuinely. "Um yeah but honestly, it's awkward. I've never date any guys before and now I'm dating an idol". Ow, this is what every girl in this world dreams of. 



"So, what if we become a real couple?".  I'm not sure if he's teasing me or what. But, he looks serious."Er, that doesn't make sense okay" I defend myself, even though if he's joking around. I can feel my face burning red. Well, I hoped so, but of course I have to keep this feeling. Both of us remained quiet. I hope he didn't noticed my pink cheek. I'm not sure where he'll bring me. Before that, we went to a cafe for breakfast. I tried to break the ice between two of us by asking Sunggyu where are were going after this. "So, what's your plan, where are we going?" I asked him, full of keen, forgetting what happened just now in the car. "I won't tell you. Wait and see" he smirked. I like that, very much.



After a few moments, I lost in my own thoughts. Sunggyu had called me many times since we had finished our meal, but I gave him nothing. A few moments later, I came back to reality. "Ah, I'm sorry" I face-palmed. What's wrong with me! And he's laughing at me now "What are you thinking about huh? Aha, lets go now" He grabbed my hand. But, I stopped him. "Er, but where?" I asked, stubbornly. I shouldn't, he already told me that he won't tell.He just pulled me to the car.



15 minutes later, we reached a building. I didn't know his purpose for bringing me here. Nothing interesting. It was only a huge glass-wall building. Sunggyu asked me to wait outside. A few minutes later, Sunggyu came out. "Lets go". I just followed him. Sunggyu brought me to a room where there's a piano; that's Kawaii. One of my wishlist. I sat on a bench inside the room and I knew what will he was going to do. He was going to play the piano. 



"Aah this guy. Sweetest guy I've ever met." my heart whispered. I wanted to live in this blissful moment forever. I really loves guys that can play the piano, and almost cried. Suddenly, the melody of a song, that's really familiar echoing through my ears. I loves this song so much. It's Only Tears . I couldn't contain this feelings any longer and finally tears rolling down my cheek. Before Sunggyu could see me, I already wiped my tears away. "So, how was it? Do you love it?" I grinned, widely. "It's awesome, you know what, this is my favourite song" Sunggyu gapped. "Really? I should bring you here again then" I arched an brow, we didn't have any time, to just spend the time left for this, only. "When? There's no more time for us. Tomorrow gonna be our last day right" I pouted, thinking of our time together left. "It's okay, wait. Whenever I'm free, I'll call you uh. Lets go, shall we?" he arched a brow.



I nodded. I think, I had fallen for Sunggyu but I didn't know how to confess to him. I shouldn't, maybe. I realized that I was just another fan. I never heard that of fans dating their idols. Thought he might not like me. That's possible. So, I forget about that. But, I felt that Sunggyu had been hinting me, about some things. I tried to avoid from asking about it. It's just  my assumption and it could be wrong. So, I just keep silent.



Sunggyu walked instead of going to the car. I just followed him from back. "You're so slow haish" Sunggyu grumbled. He grabbed my hand and we walked together, intertwinned our hands. Sunggyu brought me to Han River, which is near to the building. We arrived after about 10 minutes of walking and sat on a bench facing the river. It's really soothing. It's 2pm already and the weather was cold since it's winter season. I kept my mouth shut since I didn't know what to say.



"Um, why just we sit here, what if we go for a lunch?" I tried to break the silence between them. "Yeah, sure. But, I want to give you something. Wait eh" Sunggyu gave me a sweet smile. That could make us; fans melt so fast. Suddenly, a group of children came to me and gave me balloons. That what Sunggyu planned to give me. Eventhough it's like something typical, but that's so cute. "Omo, they're so cute. Is this what you planned?" I smiled at him, tenderly. "Um, do you like it? I'm worry if you hate kids". Ah, your guessed, wrong! "No, honestly I really love them, and also the balloons, that was so cute. I never thought of guy giving me this kind of surprise, especially my idols. Thank you" I bowed, thankfully. Sunggyu just smiled. He seems glad that I like it. "Um, that's all I can give you before we 'break-up' tomorrow. We only have time till tomorrow noon. Let's forget about that, and yeah let's go for lunch, okay". Sunggyu pulled me hand and walk to his car. Sunggyu drove his car somewhere that I don't know.                          






"Where are we going? I can't see any restaurant here.Shouldn't we go for lunch, right?" I was a little bit worried. But, I still trust Sunggyu as friends. I shouldn't simply assumed. "Ey, don't worry. This is actually my dorm" he gestured away to an apartment. "Um, so we're going to have lunch here. Is it okay?" I just want to make sure everything will be fine."Why? You don't like it. C'mon , I have something for ya"



I walked in Sunggyu's dorm. I couldn't believe that it was neat, not like in the tv. I expected, that Sunggyu cooked for me but reality; there's nothing on the dining table. "So, where's our lunch um I thought that you've cooked for me. Sorry, I'm just too hungry" I said . That's embrassing for sured. "Oh really! I'm sorry. What do you want to eat? Let's just cook together " He giggled. I still couldn't realize what happen. I was too excited to cook with him because I'm a cooking master, I think.







"Ouch". It's hurt. "What's wrong?Yah, let me be the vampire" What the hell, he's joking around. It's bleeding fast man. I unaccidentaly cut my nail. He took my hand and the blood, euw. But still couldn't stop myself from admitting that Sunggyu was the sweetest guy I've ever met. "Ey, I can do it by myself. Um I felt odd, actually" 



"Why not? We only have this time you know right. You go rest now. I'll cook by myself. This is an instruction" I wanted to cook with him, that's the only time, we had. "But, t- ". Before I could finish my sentence, he already cut me. "No way, you can't do this. If not, we'll eat your blood". That doesn't make sense, I already put on bandage there. But still, I had to obey him. I couldn't let myself from being controlled by Sunggyu. It's bored, you know. Doing nothing so I walked around the dorm and sneak into the member's room. It was full of present that the fans gave to em. I lay myself on the bed, full of teddy bears. I thought that it's Sungjong's. I was too tired, till I felt asleep, there.







"Jaehee, wake up". I could hear his voice. But how? How'd he knew that I sleep here. Well I'm not really sleeping, it's not my room anyway. Luckily, Sunggyu still at the kitchen. If not, I must be embrassed. I went out, to the kitchen of course. And then, Sunggyu jumped over me. "Surprise! The lunch are ready now. Um wait, what are you doing just know? Your face, go wash it first, I knew what you've done" I start to feel the heat in my cheek. I didn't care about his question, he already knew so what's the point I'm telling him. I rushed to the toilet to wash my face.



"I'm sorry. It's just that I'm too tired till I felt asleep" I explained, eventhough he knew it, I bet. "It's okay, let's have late-lunch before I send you back" He grinned. We ate happily while shared some funny stories. Both of us tried to forget what's going to happen on the next day.







"So, thanks for today. I had so much fun. So, where we're going tomorrow?" I keep asking him where're we going. He might get bored already. "Since it will be our last day tomorrow, why not we gather with all of my members. Hey, don't show that face. We still have time, okay?" Sunggyu said while hold Jaehee's hand when he noticed that I pouted.



"That's cool man, I can't wait to meet them" I try to hide my feelings, that's not good when he knows. I shouldn't disspointed him and myself.



"Goodbye. See ya tomorrow" Sunggyu left me with a kiss on my forehead. Am I dreaming? I froze. Appreciate the moment just now. I waved Sunggyu, grinning. 



I arrived at Aunti Hanna's house at 7pm. I just go to the room without greeting Aunt Hana and Sehun. I'm not doing rude. There's no one home; Aunt Hana and Sehun were not in the house. So, I decided to just go to my room. I lay myself on bed, so exhausted. I thought that today was too short. I reminds back what had I done with Sunggyu today till I felt asleep.



p/s: Sorry but I know this my words are still clichè. And grammar error eveywhere.



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sunshineangel28 #1
Chapter 9: I was searching for a story like this for ages and i finally found one! I really liked you story ^^
Mimimonster #2
Chapter 9: Awesomely aweomeb