Chapter Two

Remember Me?

Clarification: When it says Snap that's her taking a picture, okay? :P

Also, if you didn't see my note last chapter, the guy charachter has no name. That's why I just put a blank there... :/

Today I was going to do some surveilance of my own.

Pabo,” I scoffed under my breath. I grabbed my camera and made my way to a place I knew to be a favorite of his. I had personal experience.


I arrived outside the small park and smiled bitterly as memories came back to me. He liked to come here on romantic dates and tell girls that they’re “the only one for him”. Gag me. Please, what a fake, lying, sleezeball. Too bad I couldn’t see it untill too late. But I was going to save these girls. I wasn’t going to let them get in as deep as I was.

Just then I heard the scrape of gravel as a car pulled up. I quickly pulled back and hid in the shadows. I watched as he opened the door and stood up, looking in my direction. I heard a voice from the car,

“What is it?” the petite voice asked. He faltered, scanning the tree line,

“Nothing. I just thought I saw something… Must have been a squirrel.”

Heh, yeah. Pretty big squirrel


He closed his door and walked around to open the door for her.


She got out and he took her hand.


He shut the door for her. He let go of her for a second as he reched into the backseat and pulled out a basket.

Oh gosh. Midnight picnic? Really? Well, that’s original.

I thought back to us just months ago. Same place, same guy, same everything. Except that time, no one was lurking in the bushes planning her vengence. I smiled at the thought.

Oh how sweet it is.


He took her hand again and led her to a clearing near by. Well, it seems that he has some decency. At least he moved to a new spot. I crept along in order to get a closer look. I watched with a smug smile as he pulled out a bottle of wine and tipped it towards her,

“Only the best.” I moved my mouth mockingly with the words, knowing by heart just what he was going to say. He smiled at her and I could tell she was eating it up. I rolled my eyes. She reached out to kiss him.


They began eating and talking. All boring stuff, but I kept my ears open for any clues into the best ways to implement my vengence.

After they had finished eating, I watched as he took her hand in his,


and assured her,

“You’re the only one for me. I love you.” I mocked him.

“I love you too.” She replied. I rolled my eyes as they kissed again.


And continued to snuggle.



Okay, that’s enough for now. I pushed away from my tree in hiding and made my way through the shadows to my car hidden a block away.


OTL This makes her sound really creepy.. I swear she's not.. :/  

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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 4: OH EM GEE! This was such a great story. I really liked it.
maxine1513 #2
Chapter 4: Ha, why were you so freaked out that this was a horrible story? :P You strange person, I really liked it! XP Amber was just so cool the whole time. If I had one wish or something, I'd be tempted to wish that I was exactly like her or something. :P
Chapter 2: Awesome update! Can't wait to read more!
KimMinah22 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh who is it?! Keke great update :)