Chapter Four

Remember Me?

“Okay Krystal. Today’s the day!” I was standing on her doorstep, two coffees in hand. She sighed and rolled her eyes. She stepped back and allowed me in. We sat down, “Okay, I need you to call him and arrange to meet for lunch. He’ll say two. Agree.” She nodded and pulled out her phone along with his card.


A moment later she hung up and grinned,

“You were right. Today at two. Same place.” I nodded,

“He’s just too predictable. You’d think that he’d learn to mix thhings up a bit.” She shrugged, “Okay, I’m to call his two girlfriends and we’re all going to meet a half hour befrore you’re supposed to meet him.” She nodded. I pulled out my phone and dialed. They were both confused, but agreed once I told them it was about him.


I finished all of my phone calls and turned back to Krystal,

“Alright. Let’s get ready.”




By 1:20, Krystal and I were sitting outside at his usual table. By 1:30 the first girl showed up. A minute later the second arrived. They both sat, and eyed everyone suspiciously.

“What’s going on?” The first, Victoria, asked. “I was told that this had to do with my boyfriend,” the other, Sulli, said.

“Me too,” Victoria Agreed. I pulled out a picture,

“Is this him?” They both looked and nodded then looked at the other in confusoin. I sighed and leaned forward. “I felt that it was best that you both know. He’s a cheater. Does it constantly. Neither of you are at fault. Honestly, he pulled the wool over my eyes too. We dated for almost a year. I only found out a few moths ago and directly broke up with him. When I found out he was up to it again, I knew I had to interfere.” I placed my bag up on the table, “I’ve been observing him. I’m a detective. I wanted to be sure I had proof before I showed up and turned yor worlds upside down.” They both just stared at me. I tried gauging how they would react: scary calm, tears, violence. I shuddered, dreading it all.




I was impresed. They’d been able to hold it together pretty well. But by the time I saw him approaching; completely unawares of what was about to happen, they were both wound up and ready to tear him up. I directed them as he approached,

“Keep it cool. Rmemeber what I told you.” I nodded to Krystal and she stood, meeting him a bit away. We pulled our menus up and heard them approaching,

“I hope you don’t mind, but I brought some friends,” At that we all lowered our menues and smiled up at him,

“Why, hello_____.” I smiled up at him. “Nice to see you again.” He stared down at us in horror.

“Pull up a seat.” Victoria said. Krystal grabbed a chair and pushed it behind him, forcing him to sit. He looked around at the four of us in a daze. Me, his ex-girlfriend, Victoria and Sulli, his current two girls, and Krystal: his latest flirt. I couldn’t even begin to imagine his shock. He’s acctually been caught. Completly caught with no one to fall back on. Oh, revenge is a beautiful thing.


I placed all of the pictures I‘d taken before him and he groaned. I smirked,

“You know, you’re really bad at this whole cheating thing.” I pulled out the tape recording, “And this? Krystal took this for me the other day. Two not enough?” I played a few second of the tape before clicking it to a stop and throwing it back in my bag. I stood, “I’m tired of you and your garbage. Maybe this time you’ll learn you lesson.” Sulli, Victoria, and Krystal all followed my lead and stood. Victoria and Sulli both dumped their drinks on him as they passed and walked away. Krystal pulled out his card from her pocket and flicked it down at him, and followed.

I bent down to look him in the eyes,

I told you I’d make you remember me.” And with that I was through. I walked away and never saw him gain.

So, I appologize for the awkwardness of this story... I wrote it a year ago and just rediscovered it... :/ Its weirder than I thought. But oh well. I hope you guys liked it and I hope you'll go and check out some of my other stories I'd really appreciate it! I swear they're better than this one! DX



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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 4: OH EM GEE! This was such a great story. I really liked it.
maxine1513 #2
Chapter 4: Ha, why were you so freaked out that this was a horrible story? :P You strange person, I really liked it! XP Amber was just so cool the whole time. If I had one wish or something, I'd be tempted to wish that I was exactly like her or something. :P
Chapter 2: Awesome update! Can't wait to read more!
KimMinah22 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh who is it?! Keke great update :)