Chapter Three

Remember Me?

“Krystal? I need your help. Meet me in half an hour.” I hung up the phone and looked at my watch. Perfect. He would be on is way to lunch in an hour. Just enough time to explain my plan and implement it.




We met at the fountain in the square; his favorite lunch destination just yards away.

“So, what is it this time?” She asked as she sat beside me. She spotted my Camera, “Ah! Under cover? Do I get to be a spy today?” she asked. I smiled and nodded, this girl knew me so well.

“Okay, here’s the deal…” I explained everything to her.

“That jerk! You’d thing he’d learn!” I nodded and went on with what I was saying. I told her what I wanted her to do and she nodded, cracking her knuckles.

“You can count on me!” Just then I saw him heading towards the restaurant.

“Oh! There he is! Go! And remember! Press the red button!” She rolled her eyes and waved me off. I watched as she approached him, still within hearing distance. She pretended to trip and bumped into him,

“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She straightened up and smiled sweetly, “I’m such a klutz. Forgive me?” She tucked a stray hair behind her ear. He grinned, Mr. Charming: ON!

“Oh no! It’s no problem! Not at all...” I watched as he casually checked her out. I smirked. Classy.


He reached out and touched her arm,

“I was just about to get a bit of lunch. Have you eaten? Care to join me? Or maybe just a drink?” She smiled coyly up at him, but underneath I knew she was smirking just as I was,

“Sure,” He led her away.




“Well? How’d it go?” I asked Krystal as she approached me.

“Ugh! Gosh! What a grease ball! Are you sure you ever dated him?” I shot her a look and she put her hands up in defense, “I’m just saying.” I sighed and nodded. She was right. Definatly not one of my proudest moments.


“Well? What happened?” She rolled her eyes and took a seat beside me. She reached into her bag and pulled out a small black recorder. I reached out to take it, but she pulled it back. I gave her a look and she grinned,

“You knoow how much I love you, right?” I sighed and nodded. She grinned and handed over the recorder. “And you were right. He totally asked me out,” She pulled out a card from her pocket. “He gave me his number. What do I do with this?” I peered over at it,

“Keep it. For now. It’ll come in handy soon. I may need to use you again.” I peered at her. She sighed,

“I had a feeling you’d say that…” She pocketed the card. “Well, I’ve gotta go now. It’s been fun. See you soon.” With that she stood and left me sitting alone on the fountain.

One more chapter after this!



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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 4: OH EM GEE! This was such a great story. I really liked it.
maxine1513 #2
Chapter 4: Ha, why were you so freaked out that this was a horrible story? :P You strange person, I really liked it! XP Amber was just so cool the whole time. If I had one wish or something, I'd be tempted to wish that I was exactly like her or something. :P
Chapter 2: Awesome update! Can't wait to read more!
KimMinah22 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh who is it?! Keke great update :)