Chapter One

Remember Me?


So, I forgot to say it in the foreward, but Amber's like a private detective or something in this story. Yeah.

So, f(x) isn;t really f(x) in this story, but they'll all be in it. :)


I sat on my couch eating the take-out I had ordered. Before me, splayed out across the coffee table, were dozens of pamphlets and papers I needed.

I was plotting.

And this plot was long overdue.

I looked over at the schedule.;Lunch at 2:00. Good. I smirked; it seemes some things never change. I sorted through countless other papers and contacts. You cound imagine my surprise two days ago when I got a phone call from someone I never expected to hear from again. At least, I hoped for the sake of all man kind that I never did. But, I had and he was up to his old tricks again, just a new victim. I smirked.

Not for long.


She called while he was in a meeting, her voice hushed. She was his secretary, taking all of his appointments and calls and such.

“Amber,” She said.


“It’s Luna. ____’s secretary. Do you remember?” How could I ever forget?

“Ah, yes. How are you?” I asked, She sighed,

“I-I’m fine but… He’s doing it again. And you told me to call you.” Of course. Heh. It’d been longer that I’d expected. Maybe he had a bit of remourse. Probably not. He probably just wasn’t caught. I sighed,

“Alright. Let’s meet. Are you free tomorrow?” We made our plans and we hung up. Cheating jerk. One just is never enough. I smirked; well, this time I’m teaching him a lesson if no one else is willing.




Luna and I met the following day for a quick lunch. She smiled nervously when she saw me. We sat,

“So who’s he with?” She shook her head and pulled out a couple of pictures.

“I took these before calling you so that I could prove something.” She layed them between us, “This is Sulli,” She pointed to one picture, “And this is Victoria.” She pointed to the other. I looked at the time stamp. What a jerk! These were taken within an hour of eachother. In each picture he has his arm drapped over her shoulder, holding hands, even a quick kiss. I scoffed.

“He doesn’t even try to hide it from me. He just traipses them past me, expecting me to keep it quiet. Like its part of my job. But after what happened with you, I’m sick of it. I’m even having a job interview later this week, so feel free to use me. My job is no longer an issue.” I nodded,

“Thank you.” She sighed and sat up straighter,

“Well,” she reached into her purse and pulled out a file, “These are for you too. These are their names, addresses, and numbers. Umm,” She shuffled through the papers, “Oh, and here’s his schedule, where he typically eats… but you can just call me for that…” She shuffled around a bit more. “Well, yeah. There’s a bunch of stuff here for you to go through. I thought it might help some.” I took the papers from her and began looking through them.

“Wow. I’m impressed. You’ve out done yourself. You’ve done half of my job.” I smiled up at her and she blushed,

“I just- well… He’s a jerk. He deserves whatever he’s getting.” I laughed and nodded, going back to the papers.

“That he does.”

This’ll teach him to cheat. Especially on a private detective. What idiot does that?!

I stood and thanked Luna once again.

“I’ll keep in touch.” With that I gathered my things and left.


Just to clarify, the guy has no name that's why its like this: ____. I just couldn't come up with a name... Sorry. :S



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Fox-PigletMania #1
Chapter 4: OH EM GEE! This was such a great story. I really liked it.
maxine1513 #2
Chapter 4: Ha, why were you so freaked out that this was a horrible story? :P You strange person, I really liked it! XP Amber was just so cool the whole time. If I had one wish or something, I'd be tempted to wish that I was exactly like her or something. :P
Chapter 2: Awesome update! Can't wait to read more!
KimMinah22 #4
Chapter 1: Ohhh who is it?! Keke great update :)